View on tradition


I have this thing in my head, where my goal in life is to have the classic family: husband, two kids (boy&girl) and a dog. He goes to work, I go to work - I get home, cook dinner for the kids, he helps with their homework. :m176:

I don't know, there may be flaws with that dream, one thing being I can't really cook, secondly, I want a career in the medical feild - not so flexible those hours- also, I'm not so much into cookie-cutter homes, neither do I want to live on the prairie. It's not so realistic, but I can hope to get some form of that lifestyle. I just want a simple life, I guess. Though I'm nowhere close to being simple. I just want to be lazy, and have it easy.


So...Anyways what do you think of tradition?
Tradition sucks. Unless it grows and evolves with the times. Or unless it is a family togetherness thing like...throwing people into my uncles pool during family gatherings.
Tradition in that respect is so not for me at all.
I'm not so traditional but i was raised on tradition. The holidays... the finding of the pickle in the tree (which my mom claims to be tradition :m156:)... and we also have the family thankgivings, which i dread personally, but whatever... -.-
Honestly there is nothing wrong with tradition though :P

My dream is to live in a small apartment with a cat ;), speaking about dreams XD
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Tradition in that sense is pretty much my dream in life. Tradition in politics and such is mine enemy :P

I have just a natrual adversion to most kinds of traditions, or "traditional" things.
So you want a home like your childhood home?
God no. My parents werent very traditional. Maybe my dad, but my mom always went against it. She's anything but traditional. She's extremely dominant over my dad, loud, does not cook at all, lazy. My dad's practically the bitch. He cooks, cleans sometimes - forced to anyways - and yeah. Lol, is that bad?
God no. My parents werent very traditional. Maybe my dad, but my mom always went against it. She's anything but traditional. She's extremely dominant over my dad, loud, does not cook at all, lazy. My dad's practically the bitch. He cooks, cleans sometimes - forced to anyways - and yeah. Lol, is that bad?

Lol it explains why one would want a traditional life ;). For a change in scenery, I mean. Its not necessarily bad, in fact its kinda cool :m186:. XD
God no. My parents werent very traditional. Maybe my dad, but my mom always went against it. She's anything but traditional. She's extremely dominant over my dad, loud, does not cook at all, lazy. My dad's practically the bitch. He cooks, cleans sometimes - forced to anyways - and yeah. Lol, is that bad?

You sure your mom isn't an ENTJ?
I usually dread traditions in the family. ISTJ mom, ISTJ dad, ESTJ grandpa, ISFJ grandma don't leave much else but traditions to be followed though. :/

Tradition in life? I'd go insane if I had a traditional life. I'd never want kids, I'd never want to do a 9-5 office job for very, I need something more stimulating. I need something that pushes me out of my comfort box at least a little...I need to grow.
i agree with Duty, I have to take it to the next level though: I think we die when we don't grow. Being traditional would stop us from any growth or evolution. It would make everything dull and compellingly emotionally dead because one would be biased by tradition.
God no. My parents werent very traditional. Maybe my dad, but my mom always went against it. She's anything but traditional. She's extremely dominant over my dad, loud, does not cook at all, lazy. My dad's practically the bitch. He cooks, cleans sometimes - forced to anyways - and yeah. Lol, is that bad?
Whoa, I would absolutely hate to be in that situation. I love doing things for people who I know are good, but to have that constantly being taken advantage of in a forced situation -- that's what ego protects me against, one of the things I fear most. Wow my heart goes out to you.
Tradition for traditions sake is pointless and counter productive imo however if it happens to fall in line with what you want, why not.

Couldn't help myself :D Not a very N view to follow without questioning 'why'.