The Character Analysis Test


You scored

An interesting combination. You are both Moral and Flexible. This means you are a good liar. Not because you lied on the test, but because you can bend your morality to suit you, while still remaining moral. You should definitely try for the career of an actor.

  • You scored 43% on Organization, higher than 45% of your peers.

  • You scored 73% on Morality, higher than 82% of your peers.

  • You scored 59% on Adaptability, higher than 92% of your peers.

  • You scored 31% on Creativity, higher than 16% of your peers.

Now, don't take this the wrong way. You are probably not a prophet in the strictest sense of the word. However, your creativity allows you to come up with brilliant ideas on how to spread your morality. You are good at inventing reasons for people to follow you. Whether this is a good or bad thing... well, that's entirely up to you.

  • You scored 36% on Organization, higher than 22% of your peers.
  • You scored 66% on Morality, higher than 70% of your peers.
  • You scored 30% on Adaptability, higher than 6% of your peers.
  • You scored 60% on Creativity, higher than 92% of your peers.

Can't say I'm too impressed with the test, why would I limit myself to just one way of taking over the world? And more importantly there's nothing "easy" about picking which house from Harry Potter best suits you when you've never read the books or watched the movies and have absolutely zero interest in ever doing so. :tongue:
Your result for The Character Analysis Test ...

You scored

Flexible, and organized. Well done! You possess a great strength. Not only can you adapt to your surroundings, you can also impose your will on them, thanks to your thorough approach to everything. You would make a great administrator, as the category suggests.

  • You scored 57% on Organization, higher than 90% of your peers.
  • You scored 30% on Morality, higher than 4% of your peers.
  • You scored 52% on Adaptability, higher than 76% of your peers.
  • You scored 40% on Creativity, higher than 42% of your peers.
I always hate "personality" tests where most of the questions don't have the answer that even remotely suits me best.

You have a high Morality score. That's both good and bad. It's good, because that means you're a decent human being. It's bad, because your other traits are less developed, and you might get in the way of yourself, and your success because of your high moral standard.

Now, don't take this the wrong way. You are probably not a prophet in the strictest sense of the word. However, your creativity allows you to come up with brilliant ideas on how to spread your morality. You are good at inventing reasons for people to follow you. Whether this is a good or bad thing... well, that's entirely up to you.

The fact that you're an Artist type means you have a high creativity score. That doesn't mean you're necessarily good at drawing, or sculpting, or writing, or whatever. That just means you are good at creating stuff in your mind. Whether you can create it in the physical world is another story.

You scored 46% on Organization, higher than 59% of your peers.
You scored 43% on Morality, higher than 25% of your peers.
You scored 50% on Adaptability, higher than 66% of your peers.
You scored 57% on Creativity, higher than 88% of your peers.


Now, don't take this the wrong way. You are probably not a prophet in the strictest sense of the word. However, your creativity allows you to come up with brilliant ideas on how to spread your morality. You are good at inventing reasons for people to follow you. Whether this is a good or bad thing... well, that's entirely up to you.

  • You scored 38% on Organization, higher than 32% of your peers.
  • You scored 71% on Morality, higher than 74% of your peers.
  • You scored 38% on Adaptability, higher than 14% of your peers.
  • You scored 55% on Creativity, higher than 89% of your peers.
One question of difference...


Once again, not an actual priest, but you would be good at administrating something that oversees morality- a religion. Try getting together with the Prophets, Messiahs, and Administrators- while you would not be good at leading, you certainly would be good at following and turning their ideas into reality.
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Holy Warrior

You scored

Not only are you a moral person, you're also well organized. That means you are capable of being concise about your morals, and prove to people why you are right. That's a very good trait, and I would use it- perhaps to become a politician who genuinely wants to help the people.

You have a high Morality score. That's both good and bad. It's good, because that means you're a decent human being. It's bad, because your other traits are less developed, and you might get in the way of yourself, and your success because of your high moral standard.
Priest, = Scientist + Morality (according to this odd test)

:m075: What's so unscientific about morality that immorality must be a requisite for science?

I scored high on Creativity, Organization, Morality, and low on Adaptability.
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You scored

An interesting combination. You are both Moral and Flexible. This means you are a good liar. Not because you lied on the test, but because you can bend your morality to suit you, while still remaining moral. You should definitely try for the career of an actor.
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Your result for The Character Analysis Test ...

You scored

A mind that is both good at organizing and creating things. Well done! You have the ability to come up with solutions, and to systemize them, plan them out, and realize them. Definitely consider some form of scientific or medical position.


Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 57% on Organization, higher than 90% of your peers.

  • You scored 45% on Morality, higher than 29% of your peers.

  • You scored 28% on Adaptability, higher than 4% of your peers.

  • You scored 62% on Creativity, higher than 95% of your peers.
Your result for The Character Analysis Test ...

You scored

You have a high Morality score. That's both good and bad. It's good, because that means you're a decent human being. It's bad, because your other traits are less developed, and you might get in the way of yourself, and your success because of your high moral standard.


Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 26% on Organization, higher than 4% of your peers.

  • You scored 86% on Morality, higher than 96% of your peers.

  • You scored 46% on Adaptability, higher than 49% of your peers.

  • You scored 33% on Creativity, higher than 21% of your peers.


Now, don't take this the wrong way. You are probably not a prophet in the strictest sense of the word. However, your creativity allows you to come up with brilliant ideas on how to spread your morality. You are good at inventing reasons for people to follow you. Whether this is a good or bad thing... well, that's entirely up to you.


You scored

An interesting combination. You are both Moral and Flexible. This means you are a good liar. Not because you lied on the test, but because you can bend your morality to suit you, while still remaining moral. You should definitely try for the career of an actor.

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • You scored 50% on Organization, higher than 74% of your peers.

  • You scored 63% on Morality, higher than 65% of your peers.

  • You scored 59% on Adaptability, higher than 92% of your peers.

  • You scored 28% on Creativity, higher than 9% of your peers.
I'm calling shenanigans(spelling??????)
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