Supernatural Abilities?


Community Member
OK so hi. Im pretty New here and i dont know how these forums work but I have a Subject I wish to talk about.

Has anyone here ever experienced of the sort?

If you could would you even talk about it?

Ive had some experiences and PLENTY of thoughts and REALLY wanted to talk to others of the same sort...:m075:
I wish!

im sorry but i do not understand az too why u say What?

I created this site for to look and talk about others who have had...Strange...experiences. u know mind reading....etc.

how bout u?
I felt the energy during Reiki once. That is as close as I've come to anything supernatural.
I felt the energy during Reiki once. That is as close as I've come to anything supernatural.

Hmm Reiki....wait a minute what is that?

Ive heard of it before. still dont know what it is tho.

Does it go along the lines of Chakras and so on?....

and if so what did it feel like my friend?
I'm...sort of confused, but I'm basically going through some therapy right now to actually control these experiences. They're nightmarish and starting to cripple my life.

And, it just happened right now, with a person I'm talking to, to give you some idea of frequency. I could elaborate later, but I'm usually afraid to.

Also, what site is created for this purpose? I've thought of opening up a forum/support group for people who have to live through it, but I don't need further ridicule.

See also my thread here.
im sorry but i do not understand az too why u say What?

I created this site for to look and talk about others who have had...Strange...experiences. u know mind reading....etc.

how bout u?
What other strange experiences?
What other supernatural abilities?

You can actually read minds? How does that work?
Did you receive confirmation that you can read minds from the people's minds you're reading?
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I get ominous feelings when something terrible is about to happen in my life and I've tried to tell the people I can feel are going to be involved and they don't believe me. Of course, then they find out my feelings were definitely real. But, I'm not sure that is anything supernatural. As far as mind reading goes, I think that's more of intuition.
Hahah, I did my 'party trick' again last night, and it's definitely testable now even under duress.

Once I get my shit together, science here I come. Or something.

Was the OP trolling or something? They never came back.
I don't just read minds, I control them!

Where's that leave me?

Besides, where would the world be without crazies? I would like a full thesis on the matter by next week.

I'm a crazy and I love it. The world would be boring without crazy people (not the crazy killer people, just us normal crazy people).
I don't just read minds, I control them!

You can't control minds! You're just a big fakezzzzzzzzzzzzzznnnnnnnnnnnnnhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnn........

What is your bidding my lord? :shocked:

Where's that leave me?

Besides, where would the world be without crazies? I would like a full thesis on the matter by next week.
Well then you hide it well?

You seem to be pretty rational in your craziness.

You explain your inner goings on... instead of yammering on about supernatural powers. Like a new WB teen sitcom.

I should have used the word insane. I think the OP is insane. If you want to call yourself crazy, go for it.. Cuz I said nothing of the sort about you.
you say insane like it's a bad thing...
Chalk it up to me being viciously skeptical of the supernatural.
Chalk it up to me being viciously skeptical of the supernatural.

This doesn't apply to fairies and unicorns and the like does it? Or else you'd have to hand in your _NFP card. :(