Strange Feelings and Energy


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Disclamer: If you don't believe in this stuff, and just care to debate this (new age topics), move on. This is not the place for it, and I do not want it here.

I have seen, and felt that there has been a lot going on in terms of energy flowing around the planet. Why? I truly don't know anymore. I can't get a straight answer, and I can't see a straight answer either. It has to do something with the planet clearing out, and raising it's vibration. Yet, it seems that more is going on. There are additional reasons. The experiences I am having, and the experiences others are having, are too personal for it not to be. I noticed it really starting this summer. Since then, I have noticed that I will get really strange feelings or "waves" as I call them, out of nowhere. I have noticed it manifesting itself in others as people experincing hardship, really signifgant coincidances, and life in general moving much faster then it normally appears to do. My own life has been filled with really, almost scary concidances. So much so that there has to be strong meaning with them all (if you are familiar with synchronicites, this is basicly them).

I have reason to believe that there are others on the forums here that have felt and or seen this. I want to know what you have been going through, what you have been feeling, what you have been seeing. What do you make of all of this. Things are becoming far too concidental across the board for everything to not have meaning. In my never ending search to interconnect everything I see and feel, this is just another piece of the puzzle and I want to see if it fits.

Yes I sound irrational and fantical. I am one to hold onto logic at all times though. I am not disillusioned with all this. I can sense, and feel stuff going on. I will find the source and underlying meaning of all this god damnit! It's too in my face for it not to be, yet it is somehow out of reach.
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Disclamer: If you don't believe in this stuff, and just care to debate this (new age topics), move on. This is not the place for it, and I do not want it here.

I have reason to believe that there are others on the forums here that have felt and or seen this. I want to know what you have been going through, what you have been feeling, what you have been seeing. What do you make of all of this. Things are becoming far too concidental across the board for everything to not have meaning. In my never ending search to interconnect everything I see and feel, this is just another piece of the puzzle and I want to see if it fits....

I will find the source and underlying meaning of all this god damnit! It's too in my face for it not to be, yet it is somehow out of reach.


Dear Indigo...

You must have never reead any of my post...

Or at least my most important ones. Or my blog.

But i am Whitefire And these "Waves" as you say are the exact reason i am on this site!

I too feel things,Althought i feel them too a stronger degree than what you explained here, I know something is going on too!

I simply cannot name it!

Its like...a feeling or a energy i hear calling me but...I CANNOT TOUCH IT!

Umm....Idk how much of the same page were on but...Its like....this energy you feel?

Its like it talks to me indigo. its like...i can feel it right...than i like study in on it....ITS LIKE A FREQUENCY!!

and i...we...hear it. We simply do not understand the language it speaks. But we KNOw its important.

Is all of this what your talking bcuz if so...i can take this conversation into my deeper thoughts on the situation.
No, your words doesn't look irrational, it is logical that matter is held by energy. you are human, the smallest parts of your is connected with energy. would be stupid to say that you can not sense. But you should always remember that the answers you understand, is understood by you.
And maybe you are sensing how your understanding capacity is getting bigger, and you just need a bit time to define it more clearly, than with words "It has to do something with the planet clearing out, and raising it's vibration." or " Since then, I have noticed that I will get really strange feelings or "waves" as I call them, out of nowhere."
When I have new sensings and understanding, I simply call it "a thoughts" hihi :m202:
Things are changing, Indigo. There is in fact a tide of change. I have noticed this, not only in what I can feel within myself, but also in external evidence. I am a member of a number of different groups that are concerned with creating a community based more on love and less on consumerism, and the memberships are rocketing. There are also new, positive sites, creations and groups appearing every day. Not all of this change will be comfortable, but I believe it is for the better. I think people, as a species, are becoming more open to change, to evolution to another stage, beyond the 'I', and into a more hive mind/mentality. Not that individuals will become less valuable, but that they will become more valued truly, by the whole, rather than by a small pocket of people around them. I have felt more receptivity to my own 'interference' in the form of positive affirmations and prayers sent to people,without their knowledge, in the same room. I have witnessed, enough times to know it is not coincidence, that their faces have become calmer, their energy more uplifted, as I have been praying for them. This in turn has made me feel better and given me more confidence that my silent form of care does have an effect on the consciousness of others. I am empowered by this, and hopeful.

Now, a few of those positive sites, to demonstrate this change in action:

Couchsurfing -

Liftshare -

Just for the love of it (skill share) -

Freecycle -

Gives Me Hope (anyone feeling unhappy or depressed might want to read this site regularly) -

Feel free to add to this list. I'm always open to finding new outlets for positive energy. :)
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This is awesome.

It is confirming what I had read last night before going to bed

It was a bit complicated and very long, but perhaps I can find it again and somehow summarize... It was very long... Well I read that there is a portal opening up in this world. There is an (internal) portal in all of us, to connect with what they call the One. Or god, allah etc. Universal source of energy. In the external world this takes place in Jerusalem ... the place was chosen a long time ago. It's the area that connects the monotheistic religions. Christianity, Judaism, Muslim. There is also some significance in the name Jerusalem. Israel. It seems like an anagram for the One.

Anyhow there are forces that are going against it and try to keep it from opening. By the sound of the writing, it seemed like it was not only people in this world but also "energies." It's what I was writing also in the Indigo/Crystal child thread sometime ago, about the old system being useless now and it has to be taken down. There are energies that want to hold on to this world, keep its traditions. Apparently we had been living in a system of 'good and evil' and there is a lot of problems in this world now that we can't go to anything else for help.. We have to actually go straight to the One. We are supposed to create a new world. There is no good and evil. It is just neutral.
In the past, you know they say you can bring happiness just by little things such as changing your diet, lifestyle, exercise, way of thinking etc but it's got to a very desperate point now. I don't feel something utterly "terrible" for myself or even the world around me, but I have been trying to "connect" for I don't know how long now. And I don't really spend much time doing anything else. I guess it's desperation but I always feel pretty calm. and things have been happening to me directly too, in a supernatural way ^^; that is not bound by definition.

To end I am glad you write you feel irrational and illogical because I was very embarrassed to even write this. I did not want to write it. Or everything else in my blog here. Some days ago I saw you and Von Hase write you felt a "shift" in the planet and I was curious but didn't ask... When did the shift start? So maybe this 2012 doomsday is really happening, but not in a bad way.

The underlying message of what I read was we are supposed to connect to each other, remember we are all the same. All of the frustrations in the world are caused by what we see as "different" from us.. the difference causes us to fear or anger... This One and the vibrations shies away from these energies... They have to be released

There was also something interesting about the Jews. They and a set of other people I think it was, are considered receptacles for bad energy. They temporarily hold it, keeping it from the One. Has any of you felt this way? You became the scapegoat? They also say what you are doing actually is teaching people Life Lessons. This became the story of my life at 2005 I believe... or a tad earlier at the very moment I turned to an adult I think. And yes it was a very strange coincidence, one after the other horrid experiences though not physically violent, non-stop till now (I'm in hiding) you can imagine how exhausted I am.......

Things are becoming far too concidental across the board for everything to not have meaning.
Board = forum?
What are those coincidences...
I know only few things about energy and its effect on human-being. I would like to let you know.

See, there are different type of energies in this world. We call it and then receive it. Now here you know very well, you will be able to receive them when you have sufficient knowledge about it and you are welcoming it. Otherwise what will happen, energy can make you dancing or you can't receive it. It is flowing through our body always 24 hours a day. Never stops.

When we feel something strange like, here i think we should start making quality questions or allowing it to know why we are feeling strange. I have done this many times. Just we have to try to understand what it is saying to us, or if there are other reasons then should try to see at it. :)
This is awesome.

It is confirming what I had read last night before going to bed

It was a bit complicated and very long, but perhaps I can find it again and somehow summarize... It was very long... Well I read that there is a portal opening up in this world. There is an (internal) portal in all of us, to connect with what they call the One. Or god, allah etc. Universal source of energy. In the external world this takes place in Jerusalem ... the place was chosen a long time ago. It's the area that connects the monotheistic religions. Christianity, Judaism, Muslim. There is also some significance in the name Jerusalem. Israel. It seems like an anagram for the One.

Anyhow there are forces that are going against it and try to keep it from opening. By the sound of the writing, it seemed like it was not only people in this world but also "energies." It's what I was writing also in the Indigo/Crystal child thread sometime ago, about the old system being useless now and it has to be taken down. There are energies that want to hold on to this world, keep its traditions. Apparently we had been living in a system of 'good and evil' and there is a lot of problems in this world now that we can't go to anything else for help.. We have to actually go straight to the One. We are supposed to create a new world. There is no good and evil. It is just neutral.
In the past, you know they say you can bring happiness just by little things such as changing your diet, lifestyle, exercise, way of thinking etc but it's got to a very desperate point now. I don't feel something utterly "terrible" for myself or even the world around me, but I have been trying to "connect" for I don't know how long now. And I don't really spend much time doing anything else. I guess it's desperation but I always feel pretty calm. and things have been happening to me directly too, in a supernatural way ^^; that is not bound by definition.

To end I am glad you write you feel irrational and illogical because I was very embarrassed to even write this. I did not want to write it. Or everything else in my blog here. Some days ago I saw you and Von Hase write you felt a "shift" in the planet and I was curious but didn't ask... When did the shift start? So maybe this 2012 doomsday is really happening, but not in a bad way.

The underlying message of what I read was we are supposed to connect to each other, remember we are all the same. All of the frustrations in the world are caused by what we see as "different" from us.. the difference causes us to fear or anger... This One and the vibrations shies away from these energies... They have to be released

There was also something interesting about the Jews. They and a set of other people I think it was, are considered receptacles for bad energy. They temporarily hold it, keeping it from the One. Has any of you felt this way? You became the scapegoat?
They also say what you are doing actually is teaching people Life Lessons. This became the story of my life at 2005 I believe... or a tad earlier at the very moment I turned to an adult I think. And yes it was a very strange coincidence, one after the other horrid experiences though not physically violent, non-stop till now (I'm in hiding) you can imagine how exhausted I am.......

Board = forum?
What are those coincidences...

Dude, talk about coincidences....

First of all, let me reply going down the line of the statements I made bold here...

1. As of late I've been researching heavily on ways of green living, growing plants/food independent of society, getting off the electric grid, etc. etc....

I've had this nagging of sorts inside me, I guess... ('telling' me? for lack of better words - you probably know what I mean). That there are forces at play right now that will begin to reshape how we as a global society exist... I could go in deeper with this, but I'm sure you all have your own..

2. Yes, in the last month I've had several major things happen. I'm only 20 years old and have been offered an IT contractor job overseas paying 6 figures, almost tax free! I'll be shipping off to Djibouti here in the next month or so, odd... It just seems that all of this is falling into place without much trying on my part?

3. Yes, I agree. I've always been very reserved in real life, and especially here on the forums, but I too get these very intense 'feelings' and premenitions like the rest of y'all. And they're quite vivid and detailed too, let alone seemingly fitting in like a jigsaw to the current day..

4. I noticed this as well, I've found that a lot of my friends saying about weird sleep/dreams almost a week ago. I too felt some sort of weird shift, you could say.. I have been reading up on the best rifles to have, as far as a doomsday scenario is concerned as well... <_<

5. Okay, now coincidences.... This is just fucking weird...

My girlfriend is adopted jewish, from a jewish family. Me and her currently live with her father and have been for the last 10 months... He has all sorts of physical/health problems and I've sort of been teaching them both how to eat healthier, clean up the house... shoping healthier, etc. etc...

I actually live in a predominately jewish area in maryland and have many jewish friends, (i myself am not jewish). And i've noticed them to be going through bad times in a mental wellbeing sense... It's quite weird.. When I moved here back in 05 the community was doing quite well and everyone seemed happy. But just driving around here, it seems as if stuff isn't quite right... I dunno, I may be exaggerating all of this, but it all just seems so connected...

(I apologize for my frequent misspellings & horrible grammar :)

Also, what do you mean by being in hiding? and being exhausted?
I've been kind of a hermit to the real world for about a year now, due to my first year of uni being short lived (Hurricane damaged galveston, the island my school was on), ex gf broke up with me quite randomly, debt, etc..

Similar experiences?

Anyway, I'm off to bed!
I can't say I feel any shift happening, but I have noticed uncommon things happening all the time lately.

This reminds me of a book I was recommended by an ayurveda teacher.
Megatrends 2010: The Rise of Conscious Capitalism

The title didn't appeal to me much, so I didn't bother reading it, but now I'm getting curious.

Anybody read it?
Myself and a group of my friends have been discussing/learning about topics like these for well over ten years. Consciousness, global shift, enlightenment, nature of the universe, god, time, etc. etc.

We (my friends and I) have come a long way but it has always been difficult for me to talk about these things with people outside of my group (thats an INFJ for you =/). I have to say that I'm glad others out there are exploring these topics independently and of their own initiative.

I have one piece of advice for those of you just starting out: Look for measurable relationships in the things you observe. Build a foundation of knowledge you can trust and rely upon. Belief is of paramount importance.

Oh, and look into Quantum Mechanics. There's some super interesting stuff there.
*sigh* I have a lot I want to add to this topic but I have a very big next few days ahead of me.. This has become to the point of almost overwhelming, I think perhaps because of my empathy.

It is harder yet because of the fact that since I have been neglecting my own self problems for so long this energy shifting is really weighing on me. ( I keep wondering when I'm going to feel less weird about everything I share with you all but here goes)
The only thing I can liken it to myself at the time is like a mother for instance... especially pregnant or nursing mothers, who aren't getting enough nutrition, vitamins, sleep and support. Those things are vital for them to stay strong in order to care for their child. Now the child in a pregnant mom, or nursing mom will "steal" "take" "get" the nutrition it needs from the mother, but if the mom isn't taking care of herself it can leave her weak, and even make her physically ill. That is why it is so important for mothers to take care of themselves.. because eventually the resources will run out, and both the mother and child will be in danger.. Well that is how I'm feeling right now..

Like everything else is taking my energy.. because it is needed elsewhere.. I believe that the love in me creates a positive energy, and perhaps that is why those of us who are feeling this, can feel this shift in balance.. * I am a nervous wreck at this point writing this * (gosh I hope this doesn't sound egotistical )

This is why I am trying to spend the next month focusing.. I need to figure out what is going on with me, try to fix or get on the right path to fixing what has been plaguing me for so long, because soon something much bigger is going to be taking up my energy.. If I don't fix it then further down the road (and I'm not sure how much further) I am going to be too weak to deal with this other thing.. Not like the whole world will come tumbling down with out me... *shakes head* but perhaps my world will.. like maybe that's it..

Like maybe we are the support of our little piece you know.. and that's why we're feeling this, because we need to be ready, vigilant, capable of dealing and sharing of ourselves when it all falls into place.. I don't know if this made any sense.. There is so much more I need to share, want to say.. but I am just touching base here today.. and the next few days until I have enough time alone to focus..

:hug: to all, good luck, and well wishes....
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I say go with it. I am not one to discount such things. I have been feeling things for years...perhaps in a different form, perhaps not. My response was to find a way to ground myself in a positive place. From there we'll see what happens.
years ago, I was very much into spirituality and they said that the world is going to change in 2012. We will enter the 5th dimension. Now a year ago I started a shiatsu course, wich is Japanese and again, they said the world was going to change in 2012. It was something about our place in the milky way. After 2012 the earth will move to a place with much more stars, which gives us more energy what will activate parts of our brain that has been inactive for a long time making us more spiritual and interconnected. The fact that those are two totaly different philosophies and jet say almost the same thing is a huge coincidence.

I don't know what to believe but I do feel something in the air. Something is changing ...

My response was to find a way to ground myself in a positive place. From there we'll see what happens.
that is my response as well. To hold on to a base and let the hurricane flow over me while enjoying the view :becky:
I wont be able to put this in words very well, however I will try.

I have noticed something is very off with the world. I too am finding myself wanting better things for my family, cleaner living, less tech, more together. There is a natural consciousness, and I think some are just sensitive enough to hear feel it. Like mateal said about a portal...its interesting you say that, that The one is trying to tell us something...perhaps it is Gaia...I don't know this for certain just an idea. I do not subscribe to any specific pantheon, but I relate more to the polytheists. And something is coming, I think, something big.

Is it the 2012 Apocalypse?
Is it a world realization of our vast destruction of the world..of our home?
Are we evolving as a species?

I dont could be all of them.

I find myself thinking very deeply about my past, who I have been, what I have done to contribute to the destruction. And I want to change all of it.
I find myself thinking very deeply about my past, who I have been, what I have done to contribute to the destruction. And I want to change all of it. hit the nail on the head for me! I am reminded that, regardless of what happens in 2012, someone's world will end...could be mine!! We are all dancing on the head of a pin here, aren't we? We are wise to recollect ourselves, make some conscious decisions based our moral center, and live a well-considered life. Rather then contracting our existance, this actually expands it, I think.

My sense of these events/happenings may not be as visceral as it no doubt is for some...that is wonderful. But I have experienced many times of subliminal, inuitive sense of catching something momentarily in my peripheral vision...a glimpse. Those episodes have come to have great meaning for me....and they really did mean something. If I didn't understand it all at once.....that was all the better as it invited me not to fret over external things or external signs, but to make inner prepararations, almost as if I was getting ready for a guest!! hit the nail on the head for me! I am reminded that, regardless of what happens in 2012, someone's world will end...could be mine!! We are all dancing on the head of a pin here, aren't we? We are wise to recollect ourselves, make some conscious decisions based our moral center, and live a well-considered life. Rather then contracting our existance, this actually expands it, I think.

My sense of these events/happenings may not be as visceral as it no doubt is for some...that is wonderful. But I have experienced many times of subliminal, inuitive sense of catching something momentarily in my peripheral vision...a glimpse. Those episodes have come to have great meaning for me....and they really did mean something. If I didn't understand it all at once.....that was all the better as it invited me not to fret over external things or external signs, but to make inner prepararations, almost as if I was getting ready for a guest!!

Do you ever feel, with these peripheral glimpses, that you are being watched? not in a bad way, but like...protected. Ive said before that I KNOW I have guardians (angels, only to coin a common phrase) usually three, sometimes four. I see these glimpses too, and I wonder if its them...
Do you ever feel, with these peripheral glimpses, that you are being watched? not in a bad way, but like...protected. Ive said before that I KNOW I have guardians (angels, only to coin a common phrase) usually three, sometimes four. I see these glimpses too, and I wonder if its them...
Good question...I don't know. In fact, for me it almost seems as if the point is not to know, the point is the invitation to inner movement in my heart. It's almost as if the messenger (that is how I would interpret it) is purposely evasive....the only goal is for me to see something greater. In the economy of the divine, that would not be too surprising.

I would never underestimate the dynamic nature of the spiritual world, nor am I inclined to fear it. The spiritual world has brought me nothing but good and caring.
Good question...I don't know. In fact, for me it almost seems as if the point is not to know, the point is the invitation to inner movement in my heart. It's almost as if the messenger (that is how I would interpret it) is purposely evasive....the only goal is for me to see something greater. In the economy of the divine, that would not be too surprising.

I would never underestimate the dynamic nature of the spiritual world, nor am I inclined to fear it. The spiritual world has brought me nothing but good and caring.

Well said, though I know. I have known for a while. Sometimes you get too close a glimpse at your mortality...

I do wish I could have a clue...ya know
I do feel like I am being watched many times, though I wasn't sure if this was attributed to angels or not. . A handful of encounters before though and one just recently. I feel it is more like a of spiritual wind that guides me in some direction, feelings of energy.
I do. However I don't even have a clue about folding fitted sheets (a task I am presently tackling)...tends to take one's confidence in figuring things out down a notch or two. :)
BWAHAHAHAH!! I dont fold them...just bunch them up...hehe