So, how smart are you? ; )

So, how smart are you?

  • I'm off the charts genius . . .!

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • I think i'm above average

    Votes: 16 32.0%
  • I think i'm a pretty smart cookie . . . meh

    Votes: 17 34.0%
  • Well, i think i'm smart . . . not sure

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Nope, don't think i'm smart . . . not at all (. . . nor this)

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • Like, there is even a question . . . i'm absolutely brilliant, no question!

    Votes: 5 10.0%

  • Total voters


So, how smart are you? ; )

Poll to be added . . . :m052:

Why did you pick the choice you made?

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i don't think i'm smart eeehhheee :)) :) :) :)
I think im very smart in some things and quite useless with other. But I'll try most things, but I can't do them I'll give up usually.

I'm smart at capital cities and retarded with numbers (fairly).

Look I used 'smart' automatically instead of 'clever'! How bad..
I'm probably one of the top programmers at my university, if that says anything. For everything else I wouldn't say smart, just I have a high intelligence, or I can pick up on things easily. I'd say smartness is 10 percent mental capacity, 90 percent willingness to learn.
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Both of my parents have an IQ ranging from 150 - 160, so I'm hoping some of that has rubbed off onto me.

Last time I did a IQ test my IQ was at 145.
Last IQ test I did was 'test the nation' tv test, I was like 13 i think and i think I scored like 90 :D
I think im very smart in some things and quite useless with other. But I'll try most things, but I can't do them I'll give up usually.

I'm smart at capital cities and retarded with numbers (fairly).

Look I used 'smart' automatically instead of 'clever'! How bad..

I think all people are this way, they just have too high of egos to think otherwise. Now how quickly you pick up new knowledge is another matter.
LOL Krumplenump - and awesome picture!

I did the smart cookie, meh choice. Everyone is always telling me how smart I am, but I think they don't see the whole me. I am intelligent in some ways, and totally dumb in other ways. Anything having to do with science? It's all magic to me. (Wrote that on a test once - didn't pass - lol!)
Smart cookie, mainly to avoid showing off and because I like to keep my ideas to myself, and sometimes I think my intelligence can beoverrated by others and I can be pretty obtuse in certain areas.
"I am smart enough to know better! " This is a tribute to my Aunt who used to say that all the time!!!!
There are no smart and stupid people really, but there are people who need to take the role to tell others if they are smart or stupid. And telling people what they are works, when you are very determined. It only doesn't work on another one who would tell others...

Another approach is, to tell people what works and what doesn't, not what they "are", because maybe nobody is nothing. But we don't choose this approach. We keep telling people what they are, and showing them icons (like einstein) of others who would do that too /remember, he complained the world is full of 'fools', so he was one of the 'definers'/ ... and so it goes and goes. I really wonder how we manage to get even a little grain of truth about the real world through these false labels of who is what, but for now I assume we do, even if very little.

Unfortunately, most often those who understand, don't define, and those who define, don't understand. Very little of the efforts of each group comes to fruition, and mostly by accidents.
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I think all people are this way, they just have too high of egos to think otherwise. Now how quickly you pick up new knowledge is another matter.
Are you saying my ego is too high and I'm skirting round 'I'm dumb'? :D

I only pick up new knowledge quickly if I like it, but I have trouble retaining half of what I learnt often. Apparently I discard stuff that is of no use to me, according to life colours!

edit: And glad you like the slow loris, moxie :D
I don't know? All things being equal, I would deduce that I'm of average intelligence. I have my strengths and weaknesses, but I'm not really exceptional or especially lacking in any dimension. I can get by, is all I know :)

I do wish I was more street smart, though...
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TDHT-you know yourself best. I can only say what I see in the forum. I perceive you as being street smart:) Very street smart.
I picked the last one, because it made me laugh out loud. I don't really think it matters how smart I am, compared to anyone else, so I suppose I like the idea that there's not even a question - I'm brilliant anyway, and so is everyone else.
