Sense of humour

I'd say that because of my ADD in conversation - I'll come up with a joke (that i think is funny) but it's not funny because it's either 5 minutes too late OR I'm connecting the current conversation to something else and no one can see the connection but me.

I do this ALL the time! :D

I have a weird kinda goofy sense of humor. I'm usually the only one laughing, but I'm ok with that. :)
I do also find 'teasing' (aka: mocking with no evil intent) people funny because of their reactions. Also asking someone silly questions very seriously (eg. 'if you can pluck a guitar, can you pluck a cello or violin?') especially if they take me seriously and explain things in depth :)
I like messing with people XD
My humor actually seems a lot more Ne based. A lot of "what ifs" and quick, strange observations.
I have a sarcastic, and toooootally perverted sense of humor.
I love it.
There are two themes that appeal to me when it comes to my sense of humor.

The first one is a clean, very subtle humor, sometimes with nonsense, with dark undertones. For example, the addams family movie personfies this. They make funny remarks in a subtle way without acknowlaging that it is funny. The cartoon the marvalous misadventures of flapjack is also this way.

The second is just pure nonsense, mostly dealing with objects. As such, I love americas funniest home videos, particulary when it involves people falling down (note: without being hurt, I dont find it funny if someone appears to be hurt).
I started getting good at quick funny comments and stuff in year 6 or 7 and everyone liked it, then I went to highschool and I just stopped and now I can only do it a bit with some friends sometimes. But it just won't come out around some people, why? Also what kind of sense of humour have you got?
In reply to your question asbout where your ability to be funny has gone.. Maybe it had something to do with starting highschool. When we moved from Holland to England and I started school there my character changed quite quickly too in certain areas. Then going onto 'big' school make me even more shy and what I used to be - an openly cheeky/humerous little boy - become someone who is only that same old self when completely relaxed in someones company. But, it's coming back slowly. Maybe as you move on with your life (I dunno what stage of education you're at) your more original ways will begin to surface again. In short, I find forced peer situations kinda crush the 'youness' outta you sometimes.

The second is just pure nonsense, mostly dealing with objects. As such, I love americas funniest home videos, particulary when it involves people falling down
Oh definately! I love that too.
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my humour is lame, dry , gets the typical "wtf?" look. It is also sometimes very random. Strangely though, people seem to laugh :m197:

Hahaha...this is TOTALLY my style. My humour is only really funny to those who know me (and it's very subtle). It's either SUPER lame or clever....or just random and "weird."

My humor actually seems a lot more Ne based. A lot of "what ifs" and quick, strange observations.

And this is what I mean by random and "weird" (or depends). This is my most favourite kind of humour to share, but it's also the least understood. Ah well...I get tickled by it very much...and that's all that I really care about in the heat of the moment, anyway. :m160:
I seem to have a marmite humour, friends who know me can handle my jokes and generally laugh at them while girlfriends find them overly offensive.

I suppose I've got an insensitive side of my humour. One side tries to make jokes at the worst moments while the other makes jokes without me even realising what I had said was funny.

Wish I could find some sort of middle ground where I at least acknowledge when something I've said is funny...
well said, Laurie. stupid humour just falls flat with me.
I have a very dry sense of humour which often offends people (much to my dismay) or doesn't sit well with them...
such is life! hehe
I have a very silly sense of humour. I LOVE Monty Python and Mr. Show and the like.

I have always wanted to say the funniest things with the straightest face. I realise now that that is a gift, a gift that I DESPERATELY want.

People think I'm weird because I can laugh at nothing, my mind is always going so my mind will come up with something [that I think is] funny and I'll just start laughing out of nowhere. This will last for hours. Good thing most people like me, so they think that I'm just weird in a good way. :m046:
Hm, it's hard for me to say what my sense of humor is like, since it does range.
I like lighthearted, silly as well as dark, dry stuff.
I mean...I can laugh at everything from Spongebob to Simon Rich.
And then, I make people laugh with my [unintentional] quirks and mannerisms [this happens a lot for god-knows-what reason..they say it's endearing, though *grumblegrumble*] or [intentional] witty one-liners and quips. At the bottom of it all, I'd say I'm sarcastic and snarky with a silly streak.
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With friends, I have a very subtle sense of humor that's sometimes sarcastic and dark. I'm a total smart ass with my family though.

I too make obscure references. I often find myself staring at a bunch of blank faces and saying, "If you knew what I was referring to you'd find that quite hilarious." I love puns and random quirky stuff. Corny jokes are great.

What do you get when you cross an elephant and a fish?

...Swimming trunks! Ba dum ching!

I started getting good at quick funny comments and stuff in year 6 or 7 and everyone liked it, then I went to highschool and I just stopped and now I can only do it a bit with some friends sometimes. But it just won't come out around some people, why? Also what kind of sense of humour have you got?

I can relate. I used to be very outgoing and funny but got quite closed off to people around grade 7 and 8. I think I became more aware of myself.
I can only use my true humor around friends and some family. Most people would who know me well would probably think I was a humorous person, though I don't really consciously try to be funny, I just say things that I think would make ME laugh or something that strikes me as an absurd idea, and if my friends laugh, good.
I don't laugh at physical humor or lame one-liners. I don't normally laugh at "tell me if you've you heard this one" jokes.
I suppose I find quick, dry humor funny...hard to explain at the moment.

Also, I don't know why, but if someone says, "This is funny..." or "You'll laugh at this..." and then goes on with any kind of joke or story, I usually can't find it funny at all. Maybe because I know it's coming? I don't know.
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I have a very silly sense of humour. I LOVE Monty Python and Mr. Show and the like.

I have always wanted to say the funniest things with the straightest face. I realise now that that is a gift, a gift that I DESPERATELY want.

People think I'm weird because I can laugh at nothing, my mind is always going so my mind will come up with something [that I think is] funny and I'll just start laughing out of nowhere. This will last for hours. Good thing most people like me, so they think that I'm just weird in a good way. :m046:

I know! I also wish I could joke more soberly, instead of smirking or chuckling before I'm even done.
If I feel the need to try and not laugh consciously, sometimes it will work, other times I'll just look mad and people won't know I'm joking lol