

When it comes to my personal life, I am the biggest procrastinator. I hold off making important phone calls, paying bills, sending birthday cards, laundry, haha you name it. With all things regarding work, I keep a steady pace and rarely get behind.

What's up with that? Is it an infj trait or am I just lazyish?
When it comes to my personal life, I am the biggest procrastinator. I hold off making important phone calls, paying bills, sending birthday cards, laundry, haha you name it. With all things regarding work, I keep a steady pace and rarely get behind.

What's up with that? Is it an infj trait or am I just lazyish?

I have no idea but I wish I could stop doing it. I know my stress level would go down a lot.
I have a friend, think he scores ISTJ, prioritizing stuff that affects other people over personal stuff that doesn't really regard other much. Thus procrastinating.
I am like that too, when it comes to something involving people it will be done right away, usually. With other things I tend to procrastinate it.
Dunno if its an infj thing though.
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I am a stealth procrastinator. My friends/acquaintances have always regarded me as "the responsible one," and very dependable, but I'm always avoiding the things I don't want to do. It's weird, because I worry nonstop about things until I have finished them and/or have found some sense of closure (like, okay, I think my grade on this essay/project/whatever will be adequate to maintain an A; or, I think my boss will be satisfied with this work), but I seriously, seriously put things off much longer than I should, in my personal life and in work.

I'm probably worse at putting social things off, however. With school or work, I know I have deadlines, so I'm better at finding a little structure. With communicating with my friends or family or whatever, I don't always get around to doing what needs to be done. I might put off responding to something as simple as a text message or a Facebook wall post for a week or two, and then I feel like responding would be stupid (great, once I finally think of the perfect response, right?). I'll put off calling a friend and asking them out to lunch or to see a movie, even if I know they'll agree to meet me. (This is one I, frankly, don't get. I know my friends want to hang out with me, but for some reason, I am always, nonetheless, afraid they will say "no." Irrational fear, much?)

Perhaps having an avoidant personality is the INFJ thing in this situation and whether or not it's work/play depends on what is most threatening or unpleasant or _________ to the individual. Don't we try to avoid conflict by finding common ground with those we disagree we? It's not that much of a stretch to say it could carry over to a trait like this.
I am a stealth procrastinator. My friends/acquaintances have always regarded me as "the responsible one," and very dependable, but I'm always avoiding the things I don't want to do. It's weird, because I worry nonstop about things until I have finished them and/or have found some sense of closure (like, okay, I think my grade on this essay/project/whatever will be adequate to maintain an A; or, I think my boss will be satisfied with this work), but I seriously, seriously put things off much longer than I should, in my personal life and in work.

I'm probably worse at putting social things off, however. With school or work, I know I have deadlines, so I'm better at finding a little structure. With communicating with my friends or family or whatever, I don't always get around to doing what needs to be done. I might put off responding to something as simple as a text message or a Facebook wall post for a week or two, and then I feel like responding would be stupid (great, once I finally think of the perfect response, right?). I'll put off calling a friend and asking them out to lunch or to see a movie, even if I know they'll agree to meet me. (This is one I, frankly, don't get. I know my friends want to hang out with me, but for some reason, I am always, nonetheless, afraid they will say "no." Irrational fear, much?)

Perhaps having an avoidant personality is the INFJ thing in this situation and whether or not it's work/play depends on what is most threatening or unpleasant or _________ to the individual. Don't we try to avoid conflict by finding common ground with those we disagree we? It's not that much of a stretch to say it could carry over to a trait like this.

^^THIS. But I have to say, I'm a stealth procrastinator (I like that term) at everything I see as "less important". This usually happens when I'm entrenched with something that weighs heavily on my mind. If I'm worried about One Big Thing then everything takes a back seat to that Big Thing. Which can be bad if "everything" is important at the same time.

If that makes sense. :p
I procrastinate on everything unless I'm actually looking forward to doing it. Something always kicks me into gear at the last minute, however, because I always get stuff done on time...usually just barely on time, but still on time.
I am a stealth procrastinator. My friends/acquaintances have always regarded me as "the responsible one," and very dependable, but I'm always avoiding the things I don't want to do. It's weird, because I worry nonstop about things until I have finished them and/or have found some sense of closure (like, okay, I think my grade on this essay/project/whatever will be adequate to maintain an A; or, I think my boss will be satisfied with this work), but I seriously, seriously put things off much longer than I should, in my personal life and in work.

I'm probably worse at putting social things off, however. With school or work, I know I have deadlines, so I'm better at finding a little structure. With communicating with my friends or family or whatever, I don't always get around to doing what needs to be done. I might put off responding to something as simple as a text message or a Facebook wall post for a week or two, and then I feel like responding would be stupid (great, once I finally think of the perfect response, right?). I'll put off calling a friend and asking them out to lunch or to see a movie, even if I know they'll agree to meet me. (This is one I, frankly, don't get. I know my friends want to hang out with me, but for some reason, I am always, nonetheless, afraid they will say "no." Irrational fear, much?)

Perhaps having an avoidant personality is the INFJ thing in this situation and whether or not it's work/play depends on what is most threatening or unpleasant or _________ to the individual. Don't we try to avoid conflict by finding common ground with those we disagree we? It's not that much of a stretch to say it could carry over to a trait like this.

this too!
I can procrastinate things for weeks!
especially confronting people about anything. That I can procrastinate forever hehe.

dam.. Wish I had a thousand posts then my title would be stealth procrastinator :m027:
I don't know if it's an INFJ thing, but I used to procrastinate mostly as means to avoid the feelings of anxiety I would feel with certain people/situations. There were also other reasons such as unproductive habits I had developed, a lack of skills, and general unhappiness, but anxiety probably topped the list.
Sounds like alot of you guys may procrastinate to avoid confrontations, which I'll admit deep down is my problem in the relationship/communicating/responsibility area:m051:. I think it's not so much the fact that I will hurt someone or will have to fight (well it is) but even worse I will have to admit personal failure when it's done.

Still don't know why I put mundane chores off though lol. I guess I'll write that off as laziness. Scratch that, I'm a fulltime working mom and wife, going to school; I'm just exhausted!
About Procrastinating..........

I like this thread. I can't post right now, but I'll get something on here at a later date........
Procrastination has always been a problem for me, though I always get things done eventually. You can't get me to do anything unless there's a boot to my rear, or I'm anxious about something.

Though as under_skies had posted, I always seemed to get pinned as the "responsible, hard-working" one, too. It's puzzling.
Procrastination! Lack of concentration! lalala lala

but seriously I get the same thing. I procrastinate so much but everyone thinks I'm so responsible and organized. Maybe because I get everything done on time even if its last minute on time. hmm...
Haha SpaceCowgirl, I have always been called a space cadet, by everyone!

I do get things done work and schoolwise, and yes, people say I'm responsible too and I think you clearly don't know me!
There is already a thread on INFJ and procrastination but I cannot find the link. Someone please link it...
I must say I totally agree with what everyone is saying! I get things done on time, but leave it till the last minute and I procrastinate a lot of the time. Thing is I have things to do but one thing may totally take up my time, so I put the other things off.

Must be an INFJ thing!
I am probably going to be a homeless person someday.
There are so many things I just don't feel like doing.
I'm more than capable of getting them done, I just don't wanna.

To be honest and share a bit of my neurosis here, I'm probably just self-sabotaging with my procrastination because I'm afraid to lock myself into a decision or commitment.
Hmmmmm. I tend to procrastinate things that I consider not that important at the moment and never do this with important things. I use some kind of gradation and put different level of priority to my tasks so I can see how long I can wait before I start working with each of them. Also I tend to procrastinate a bit when the task is very complex and requires careful planning and so on - this is because I prefer to be prepared and give my best for the best possible results. I rush only for things I am absolutely sure about. If I know that writing this report will take me roughly 2 weeks and the report is very important, I start working on it even earlier. I really hate to leave things for the last possible minute, something that my INTJ partner often does (being sure that he is in control). I double-check and tripple-check things, he never does. Same applies for being punctual when I have a meeting or appointment. I am usually there 15 minutes in advance and I get frustrated at people who are late. Let's say my train leaves 10:30, I am at the train station at 10 the latest (and consider myself being late!) while my dear husband will pop up 10:25 with no stress at all. When he asked me why do I have to be there so early, I say that I like to have some time "in case something happens" like an unexpected traffic jam and so on.
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I like this thread. I can't post right now, but I'll get something on here at a later date........

I'm still thinking here........I'll have an answer eventually!