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  • Mew...I loved your profile! All those different ways of aquiring knowledge about the cosmos. I never get tired of learning about the world. The internet is home.
    Ok, I will do that. I don't have time to give it my undivided attention, but I will read it in the next day and let you know what I think. :)
    yes, you did :)
    and no, worries, i didn't want to make you uncomfortable, but i wanted to be sure you knew, just in case :)
    haha, yep. and just want to kindly point out (I *still* do the same thing): if you want to reply to comments so it shows on others' page, not yours, you can click, "view conversation" and type it in that box. just so you know =)
    I am fine, thank you :) I am glad to hear that somebody else sees himself/herself in the description ;)
    wow, i see alot of myself in your "about me" description :). how are you?
    I've been living there but not anymore :) Strange, I wouldn't say my English is my strongest, but I guess it is good enough :)
    You're from the UK. Your english is way too good for being a non-UK member.


    Finally someone who's responsive to my sexual innuendos!
    You will have a great time here..
    Hello there, may I post the very first message on your visitor page?
    I like to take the innocence and purity of new members away.
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