Post your dreams!

I see myself in dreams sometimes. This swinger dream wasn't one of them though.
I had one were I was flying over the coast of England. Yah know the one with white cliffs?

I had a lucid dream were I was paddling on a very placid ocean

I like my dreams.
I had one were I was flying over the coast of England. Yah know the one with white cliffs?

I had a lucid dream were I was paddling on a very placid ocean

I like my dreams.

Ooooh paddling on a placid ocean!

Can I come???
I had a very unique dream last night. First off, I seldom remember my dreams, so that's uncommon. My dreams I do remember are all pretty much "dreamlike". By that I mean they are vague and symbolic. Things shift very rapidly usually. I will be talking to one person, turn away for a moment and it will then be someone else. Things are usually a bit "foggy"--unfocused. Surreal is a good word I think.

This dream was much more focused and life-like. It was long and detailed, not "fuzzy" at all. It was more like a piece of a movie, or a snippit of life. The person I was with, we talked, laughed, loved, cried, ate dinner, went shopping--all the regular things you would do in life. Nothing bizzare or dreamlike. All though specific details escape me now, like most dreams, it lingers still.

Almost like it wasn't a dream, but a glimpse elsewhere........
Last night I dreamt that Richard Dawkins administered a series of mbti tests on my family and I, he was intimidating.

The End.
I dreamt about everyone I know getting swine flu, but me, and they were starting to turn into zombies, so I didn't get to go to prom. WTF. It's PROM!
I had a very unique dream last night. First off, I seldom remember my dreams, so that's uncommon. My dreams I do remember are all pretty much "dreamlike". By that I mean they are vague and symbolic. Things shift very rapidly usually. I will be talking to one person, turn away for a moment and it will then be someone else. Things are usually a bit "foggy"--unfocused. Surreal is a good word I think.

This dream was much more focused and life-like. It was long and detailed, not "fuzzy" at all. It was more like a piece of a movie, or a snippit of life. The person I was with, we talked, laughed, loved, cried, ate dinner, went shopping--all the regular things you would do in life. Nothing bizzare or dreamlike. All though specific details escape me now, like most dreams, it lingers still.

Almost like it wasn't a dream, but a glimpse elsewhere........
Maybe it's something in the water in this town. I have pretty much the exact same experience as you. Most of the time I can't remember dreams and if I do they resemble everyday life but in a 'fuzzy' sense.

Was the person you were with someone you know or a person your dream made up?
Maybe it's something in the water in this town. I have pretty much the exact same experience as you. Most of the time I can't remember dreams and if I do they resemble everyday life but in a 'fuzzy' sense.

Was the person you were with someone you know or a person your dream made up?

Someone I know.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Mountain retreat
Drove to a high mountain place (on a pilgrimage trail) and parked in an over grown lot with no other cars in it( dirt mud low brush). got out with Joe and Cathie and some sisters and maybe mom.. climbed up to the big house on the mountain, Could glimpse a shrine on a mountain top in the distance. told them it was a shrine to a holy man that had passed through. Lots of Tibetan motifs. big house had a village around it that was falling in and being rebuilt. was like a tourist spot. we sat to have lunch. my children were missing I got up to find them and went into the big house.. many narrow stairs and rooms, dejavue. the house was like a trail or on the trail. came into a bright room and an actor was talking about (making a joke) the Nixie and the Millpond, calling it the milners wife, something about a "pivey urn" something on the urn. tried to listen, wanted to say something but didn't. Saw lots of western people wearing yellow robes. they said they came here in the 60s and never left. was told to look for my children by the pool. opened a heavy door and found a play area with young kids playing near a pond like pool.they all had blond hair but none my kids. one had a blond wig on over dark hair, one boy pulled a bowling ball out of the mud and threw it at another. the adults chagrined but no one did anything. I was angry and the boys father was angry, the one who was hit that is. they all wanted me to leave.. i began fighting with each one. knocking them down with hard fists. they were getting more angry with me.
well, had a pretty disturbing dream last night. Was hoping I could get some answers here.

Ok, from what I remember, the first thing I remember is something about a downing ship. Just as the ship is about to sink, as in, 99.9% of the ship is already underwater and I'm at the top, on the last 0.1%, I hear a shout behind me. I turn around and I see a friend just barely holding on. She shouts for me to help her but I just turn around and jump to safety. I cant remember what I jumped onto but in general, I was safe. What really disturbed in when I woke up was that I didnt even bother to help her. Shes a friend and I usually will help friends. ( just friends guys ;) )

Anyway, the next thing I remember is her ghost standing beside me and we're talking though only I can see her. I dont want to seem like an idiot so I avoid crowded places. The next thing I recall is that I pick up her specs. Yeah, I have no idea why either. BTW, she does not really wear specs. I only recall her wearing it a few times. When I put on the specs, I realise that is some cool gadget with all these overlaying words, sensors, buttons and stuff. I fiddle around and press some button on the spectacle frame and suddenly everyone around me is enveloped in this electric field and everyone dies( all strangers). I panic and run to some coastal town.

Next thing I recall is that I'm in sometall building getting chased by a ghost, zombies and what not. However, this time, there is another guy that is also getting chased. We do not talk but we somehow agree to take turns to be chased by him so the other would have time to rest. There seems to be no viable way to escape. However, when the zombie/ghost starts to chase him, I notice a way out behind me. I take one look back at him and run like hell out of there. Once again, when I wake up, I'm very distrubed that I did not face the ghost/zombie and fight it or help the guy.

any ideas?

The ocean is your unconsciousness, the friend is your anima. she slips out of your consciousness, and into your unconsciousness, but returns to consciousness as a phantasm, she gives you a tool to help you see into your unconscious and deal with its content but you are not ready to use it.( it proves lethal indicating the dangers of treating you unconscious content like a game)
Next you meet aspects of your shadow, the ghost zombies are complex that constellate {manifest} and usurp your clarity, your waking centered sense of yourself. A positive shadow aspect demonstrates that running and fearing your complexes are a complex as well.
Don't feel bad for your anima she will not be so easily lost, I would try to think about that guy taking on the zombies for you, he can use some compassion
hmm I only remember little parts of my dream. apparently, there was a really powerful organism that dominated the entire society. disobey an order = death. so I was against it and went on a "mission" to discover what happens in there, what are they doing with us. so I disguised myself as one of them and got in. my job was to destroy a bunch of cars, no idea why. they used a kind of powerful acid. then I saw in my dream a cat that touched a pice of rotten meat or something. apparently it was contaminated. the cat placed its paws on the water supply of the company, so everyone was infected. that's all I remember for now o.o
two captives a man and a woman...Each in separate rooms...The man chained to a bed, the woman free to roam. She had a vid link to his room. can see him, but not speak to him. Can hear him but not respond. The captors threw them together every six hours. The first visit she unchained him. They never rechained him. THe second they talked. They were held for a long period of time. Eventually she had to offer something to see him. They became attatched to eachother. Comforted one another. the closer they got, the more their captors used them to torture one another.
I had a dream I was going to get married on a boat floating down a river with trees on either side, and I was trying to hire bagpipers to play alongside the river. The only problem is I couldn't get anyone to come, and I was sad about that, but still pretty happy overall.
Last night I dreamed that my right shin was damaged, and the doctor had to saw it off at the knee. I was strangely unbothered by this, and lay there patiently while the doctor sawed and sawed. I talked about how I looked forward to my wooden leg, and how I would put a cute shoe on the end. I had some sense that this was a little bizarre even in the dream. I remember the sawing took a surprisingly long time. They made it about half way through and stopped.

That was the part that upset me. They started taking out these thin, red strips that they were going to place on the wound to help it heal. I was really upset because my mindset was in place to lose the leg, and now I just had a damaged knee. I knew it would be placed in a giant, hard-shelled cast and then I woke up.
I had a dream I was kidnapped by three men driving two red trucks. Two of the men beat me and dragged me into one of the trucks. They then left to the other truck, while the third man got in the driver's seat of the truck I was in. They started to drive off, and my driver followed. After awhile of crying and pleading, I became exhausted and asked for a cigarette. He gave it to me, and explained they had kidnapped me because they had an illegal and highly lethal mission to go on, and they needed me to perform it for them. Basically, they'd rather put my life at risk then their own. Oddly enough, I had an intense attraction for the man driving the truck I was in, and he felt the same for me. We fell in love. He helped me escape to safety, no longer wanting to endanger me. However, he was killed the other two men in his attempt to save me, and I was recaptured. I then woke up .
Interesting dreams, everyone. =)

I had a very strange dream before I woke up this morning.
I dreampt that I was locked in a large mansion with some guy. Strange thing is, I think we were together in my, a couple. o_o Anyway, there was some crazy demonic creature or spirit that was brutally destroying other people that were trapped within the mansion and my guy was a total brave leader and "protected me" and was desperately trying to lead everyone to safety. I don't remember much, but all I remember is the two of us escaping the mansion out into the very large and open yard and sealing away the spirit in the shed...or something. All I remember after that is the two of us driving away together.
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I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamed that I was in Hogwarts and being chased by zombies. Man, I shouldn't have eaten that burger that late at night.
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I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamed that I was in Hogwarts and being chased by zombies. Man, I shouldn't have eaten that burger that late at night.
