"Official" MBTI test.


Passing through
Not sure how long this will stay up (and it'll probably be yoinked, just saying)...but if you ever wanted to take the official MBTI test from the booklet, this poster is giving you the chance.

Hurry, before it's gone! And hopefully they won't get sued.


3 Extraversion, 18 Introversion, 1 Sensing, 25 Intuition, 10 Thinking, 14 Feeling, 15 Judging and 7 Perceiving! (What surprised me was the high level of N. I usually don't test that high on Intuition - I usually have more sensory stuff mixed in there. You folks must be rubbing off on me. :p The rest I totally agree with).

You can also determine your Preference Clarity Category, that is, how consistently you prefer one pole of a dichotomy over the other.

If E or I is between 11-13, preference is SLIGHT
If E or I is between 14-16, preference is MODERATE
If E or I is between 17-19, preference is CLEAR
If E or I is between 20-21, preference is VERY CLEAR

If S or N is between 13-15, preference is SLIGHT
If S or N is between 16-20, preference is MODERATE
If S or N is between 21-24, preference is CLEAR
If S or N is between 25-26, preference is VERY CLEAR

If T or F is between 12-14, preference is SLIGHT
If T or F is between 15-18, preference is MODERATE
If T or F is between 19-22, preference is CLEAR
If T or F is between 23-24, preference is VERY CLEAR

If J or P is between 11-13, preference is SLIGHT
If J or P is between 14-16, preference is MODERATE
If J or P is between 17-19, preference is CLEAR
If J or P is between 20-21, preference is VERY CLEAR
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0 Extraversion, 21 Introversion, 2 Sensing, 24 Intuition, 0 Thinking, 24 Feeling, 17 Judging and 5 Perceiving!
Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Feeling

Approximately 1.5% of persons in the United States are INFJs.

Seek meaning and connection in ideas, relationships, and material possessions. Want to understand what motivates people and are insightful about others. Conscientious and committed to their firm values. Develop a clear vision about how best to serve the common good. Organized and decisive in implementing their vision.

At Their Best
People with INFJ preferences have a gift for intuitively understanding complex meanings and human relationships. They have faith in their insights and find that they often empathically understand the feelings and motivations of people before the others themselves are aware of them. They combine this empathic understanding with the drive and organization to implement global plans for enhancing people's lives.
INFJs have a visionary grasp of human relationships and possibilities, which, when articulated, can elevate and in- spire others.

Characteristics of INFJs
INFJs seek meaning and connection in their lives and have little use for details unless they fit with their inner vision. They use their Intuition primarily internally, where they develop complex pictures and understandings. INFJs are likely to be


3 Extraversion, 18 Introversion, 9 Sensing, 17 Intuition, 6 Thinking, 18 Feeling, 14 Judging and 8 Perceiving!
6% Extraversion, 15% Introversion, 17% Sensing, 9% Intuition, 24% Thinking, 0% Feeling, 4% Judging and 18% Perceiving!

0% feeling huh?

I am borg. You will be assimilated.

I guess I could see that. T beat out F by just a little. I'm not nearly as robotic as this description makes me sound, though.
Your result for The Official Myers-Briggs Personality Test ...

3 Extraversion, 18 Introversion, 4 Sensing, 22 Intuition, 24 Thinking, 0 Feeling, 8 Judging and 14 Perceiving!
Introverted Thinking with Extraverted Intuition

Approximately 3.3% of persons in the United States are INTPs.

I - 18 (E - 3) = CLEAR

N - 22 (S - 4) = CLEAR

T - 24 (F - 0) = CLEAR

P - 14 (J - 8) = MODERATE

Seek to develop logical explanations for everything that interests them. Theoretical and abstract, interested more in ideas than in social interaction. Quiet, contained, flexible, and adaptable. Have unusual ability to focus in depth to solve problems in their area of interest. Skeptical, sometimes critical, always analytical.

At Their Best:
People with INTP preferences are independent problem solvers who excel at providing a detached, concise analysis of an idea or situation. They ask the difficult questions, challenging others and themselves to find new logical approaches.
INTPs' best work may emerge when they are allowed to work independently on a problem whose solution requires an approach that runs counter to prevailing wisdom or knowledge. Though they typically work best alone, their incisive critiques and summaries can assist a group in getting to the core of complex problems.

Characteristics of INTPs:

INTPs use their Thinking primarily internally to find or develop underlying principles and logical structures for understanding and explaining the world. They approach almost everything with skepticism, form their own opinions and standards, and apply these standards rigorously to themselves. They highly value intelligence and competence. INTPs are likely to be
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I guess I'm an INFJ again....

0 Extraversion, 21 Introversion, 7 Sensing, 19 Intuition, 12 Thinking, 12 Feeling, 16 Judging and 6 Perceiving!

Still got some work to do apparently on bringing my N/S and J/P closer together....

You scored 5 on Extraversion, higher than 32% of your peers.
You scored 16 on Introversion, higher than 57% of your peers.
You scored 6 on Sensing, higher than 42% of your peers.
You scored 20 on Intuition, higher than 46% of your peers.
You scored 12 on Thinking, higher than 45% of your peers.
You scored 12 on Feeling, higher than 44% of your peers.
You scored 12 on Judging, higher than 66% of your peers.
You scored 10 on Perceiving, higher than 25% of your peers.

  • You scored 0 on Extraversion, higher than 8% of your peers.
  • You scored 21 on Introversion, higher than 86% of your peers.
  • You scored 1 on Sensing, higher than 8% of your peers.
  • You scored 25 on Intuition, higher than 79% of your peers.
  • You scored 5 on Thinking, higher than 15% of your peers.
  • You scored 19 on Feeling, higher than 78% of your peers.
  • You scored 17 on Judging, higher than 85% of your peers.
  • You scored 5 on Perceiving, higher than 9% of your peers.
I broke the test.


I — 17 (E — 4) CLEAR
N — 20 (S — 6) MODERATE
T — 24 (F — 0) VERY CLEAR
P — 12 (J — 10) SLIGHT
Tsk tsk, you and your brilliant ENTJ brain...

I like organization, just not being bound to other people's schedules. I also don't mind being around people unless they are hindering progress on something that I want to get done, but there was only one question about the "draining" versus "energizing," and a boatload of questions just asking how much I talk around other people and things like that.
The test has it all wrong! :m106:

*trudges off to study Jungian functions*

7 Extraversion, 14 Introversion, 2 Sensing, 24 Intuition, 13 Thinking, 11 Feeling, 10 Judging and 12 Perceiving!

That's a new one, but I can't say I'm surprised. My T/F and J/P are close, as always.
My INFJ mother also broke the test:
I — 18 (E — 3) CLEAR
N — 18 (S — 8) MODERATE
T — 13 (F — 11) SLIGHT
P — 17 (J — 5) CLEAR

This might lend some credence to my suspicion that she is an actually an INFP (I got that idea from her function test results), but it more likely casts doubt on the validity of this test. Or maybe we're bonkers, who knows.

0 Extraversion, 21 Introversion, 4 Sensing, 22 Intuition, 17 Thinking, 7 Feeling, 15 Judging and 7 Perceiving!
Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Thinking

Approximately 2.1% of persons in the United States are INTJs.

Have original minds and great drive for implementing their ideas and achieving their goals. Quickly see patterns in external events and develop long-range explanatory perspectives. When committed, organize a job and carry it through. Skeptical and independent, have high standards of competence and performance--for themselves and others.

At Their Best
People with INTJ preferences have a clear vision of future possibilities coupled with the drive and organization to implement their ideas. They love complex challenges and readily synthesize complicated theoretical and abstract matters. Once they have created their general structure, they devise strategies to achieve their goals. Their global thinking leads them to develop visionary goals and a broad - brush plan for achieving these within large organizational structures.
INTJs value knowledge and expect competence of them- selves and others. They especially abhor confusion, mess, and inefficiency.

Characteristics of INTJs
INTJs see things from a global perspective and quickly relate new information to overall patterns. They trust their insightful connections regardless of established authority or popular opinions. Dull routine smothers their creativity. INTJs use their Intuition primarily internally, where they develop complex structures and pictures of the future. They are likely to be
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1 Extraversion, 19 Introversion (clear), 0 Sensing, 26 Intuition (very clear), 0 Thinking, 24 Feeling (very clear), 19 Judging (clear) and 3 Perceiving!
Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Feeling

Approximately 1.5% of persons in the United States are INFJs.

Seek meaning and connection in ideas, relationships, and material possessions. Want to understand what motivates people and are insightful about others. Conscientious and committed to their firm values. Develop a clear vision about how best to serve the common good. Organized and decisive in implementing their vision.

At Their Best
People with INFJ preferences have a gift for intuitively understanding complex meanings and human relationships. They have faith in their insights and find that they often empathically understand the feelings and motivations of people before the others themselves are aware of them. They combine this empathic understanding with the drive and organization to implement global plans for enhancing people's lives.
INFJs have a visionary grasp of human relationships and possibilities, which, when articulated, can elevate and in- spire others.

Characteristics of INFJs
INFJs seek meaning and connection in their lives and have little use for details unless they fit with their inner vision. They use their Intuition primarily internally, where they develop complex pictures and understandings. INFJs are likely to be
Your result for The Official Myers-Briggs Personality Test ...

0 Extraversion, 21 Introversion, 6 Sensing, 20 Intuition, 6 Thinking, 18 Feeling, 22 Judging and 0 Perceiving!

4 Extraversion,

17 Introversion,

8 Sensing,

18 Intuition,

9 Thinking,

15 Feeling,

20 Judging,

2 Perceiving!

If E or I is between 11-13, preference is SLIGHT
If E or I is between 14-16, preference is MODERATE
If E or I is between 17-19, preference is CLEAR
If E or I is between 20-21, preference is VERY CLEAR

If S or N is between 13-15, preference is SLIGHT
If S or N is between 16-20, preference is MODERATE
If S or N is between 21-24, preference is CLEAR
If S or N is between 25-26, preference is VERY CLEAR

If T or F is between 12-14, preference is SLIGHT
If T or F is between 15-18, preference is MODERATE
If T or F is between 19-22, preference is CLEAR
If T or F is between 23-24, preference is VERY CLEAR

If J or P is between 11-13, preference is SLIGHT
If J or P is between 14-16, preference is MODERATE
If J or P is between 17-19, preference is CLEAR
If J or P is between 20-21, preference is VERY CLEAR

5 Extraversion, 9 Sensing, 12 Thinking, 8 Judging
15 Introversion 17 Intuition 12 Feeling 14 Perceiving
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