NF, NT, SP, and SJ


Variable Hybrid
Keirsey breaks the 16 types into four groups. NF, NT, SP, and SJ.

At first, I thought this approach was a bit incorrect, assuming that STs and SFs would be better grouped together, I've seen rather interesting proof to the contrary. SJs and SPs are in fact a better grouping. Here's why.

NF types tend to develop Ni, Ne, Fi, and Fe as their primary functions, regardless of which are their dominant and secondary functions. For example, INFJs begin with Ni and Fe, but are likely to develop strong Ne and Fi usage.

NT types tend to develop Ni, Ne, Ti, and Te as their primary functions, regardless of which are their dominant and secondary functions. For example, INTJs begin with Ni and Te, but are likely to develop strong Ne and Ti usage.

This pattern is what lead me to believe that the S types followed the same pattern, but in fact, they do not.

SJs tend to develop Si, Fe, Te, and either Fi or Ti as their primary functions. SJs seem to avoid developing Se as much as they avoid developing their N functions.

SPs tend to develop Se, Fi, Ti, and either Fe or Te as their primary functions. SPs seem to avoid developing Si as much as they avoid developing their N functions.

In other words, there seem to be four models for how the human mind develops, very Se, very Si, intuitive thinking, or intuitive feeling. Very interesting indeed, because the implication is that the mind develops based on how it processes information.

Here is a breakdown of the populations of the various groups...

48% SJs (ISTJ 12, ESTJ 9, ISFJ 14, ESFJ 13)
32% SPs (ISTP 7, ESTP 6, ISFP 9, ESFP 10)
11% NTs (INTJ 2, ENTJ 2, INTP 3, ENTP 3)
09% NFs (INFJ 1, ENFJ 2, INFP 3, ENFP 3)

Clearly, we live in a world dominated by the SJ types, and the N types (NFs and NTs combined) are the minority.
This means that the S type population is somewhere between 80 and 90%, while the N types are only 10 to 20%... depending on which population data you look at.

I'm inclined to think it is closer to 85% vs 15%.

No wonder we N types feel so outnumbered in the world. Sometimes I feel like we're aliens on this planet, or the human survivors in a zombie film.
I don't necessarily feel like an alien but I do get very agitated when sensors try to explain things and don't understand my need for imploring the "why" of things.

Me + math = big fuss.

I'm not going to boohoo and say that it is impossible for me to understand it, but it is a very difficult and frustrating process.

I was observing my class and guessing the temperaments for each, and there aren't very many Ns, especially Nts. It's most likely because it's an all girls school and feeling is very much encouraged.

About 9/10 of the idealists are my friends. In fact, my lunch table possy of about 8 is all Ns except for 2)

Most of my closest friends are idealists, in fact. I have another friend that is ESTP and another I speculate as isfj.
*Bites people and infects them with SP*
:) Statistically it's possible to feel even more alien than alien. I'm sure in certain sections of the country, certain jobs, and in certain cultural circles there's a propensity for one group over another. It could be even harder for certain types because there are fewer opportunities to interact with people of a particular type.

On the other hand, the opposite could also be true. Say if you work with a majority of counselors or healers, or if you are part of a college campus.
:) Statistically it's possible to feel even more alien than alien. I'm sure in certain sections of the country, certain jobs, and in certain cultural circles there's a propensity for one group over another. It could be even harder for certain types because there are fewer opportunities to interact with people of a particular type.

On the other hand, the opposite could also be true. Say if you work with a majority of counselors or healers, or if you are part of a college campus.

Or have found a social group that appeals to N types, like roleplaying games, sci fi, etc. :-)
I've seen all kinds of different percentages. Does anyone know if there is a definitive study specifying the percentage breakdown of different types?
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VHprofile said:
Location: Surrounded by S types, like some kind of Zombie movie!
However! What about the abilities of people to re-orient themselves? And let's not forget we still live in a very stupid situation, so, as was suggested in another thread, most people just make it with burger flipping all day long. Imagine, if all are born inside a library, that motivates them to develop N, maybe things would be different? Now there's Internet and Wikipedia etc, at least some generations ahead could improve that aspect.

If you only knew me from some of the places I have worked, you could think I'm the most introverted ISTJ you've ever met. That would frustrate you, but it wouldn't be really me, who you meet there. It's a social machine, that requires many N-people to act more S (SJ if they are NP, or SP if they are NJ), to make a living. No surprise you can find many INFJs and INTJs in the SP artisan areas, as ESxPs.
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I've seen all kinds of different percentages. Does anyone know if there is a definitive study specifying the percentage breakdown of different types?

I've seen it, but I don't know if I could find it again. I think it was in an MBTI online journal.
I've seen all kinds of different percentages. Does anyone know if there is a definitive study specifying the percentage breakdown of different types?

I sincerely doubt there is any conclusive data. Far too few people have taken any sort of MBTI test, and of those all results are questionable seeing as these are self assessment tests. Any data has to be estimates based on patterns.
I am around more N types because of my field, the majority of them though are NT's. I actually think I might be the only NF in my major. Makes sense though.

I have alot of NF friends back home from highschool though, we sort of just gathered, and I got roped in (long story, but I kind of just got yanked into the big anime crowd, which is FULL of NF's).

Truthfully though, I don't think that N's are that rare. I do think they are more rare, but I am inclined to think more like a 7:3 ratio of S to N. I also did notice that SP's really don't like Si, and visa versa for SJ's. Those two functions are the most polarized within a single letter. Ti and Te are the most similar to me.
I've seen all kinds of different percentages. Does anyone know if there is a definitive study specifying the percentage breakdown of different types?

The numbers I see the most often are:

~40% SJ
~30% SP
~19% NF
~11% NT

ISFJs are usually the most popular type, and INFJs are the least popular type.

There is about a 50/50 split between introversion and extroversion.
70% of the world is sensor, 30% intuitive.
~50/50 thinker/feeler, with a large dominance of men being thinkers and women being feelers.
~60% of the world are judgers, 40% perceivers.
The numbers I see the most often are:

~40% SJ
~30% SP
~19% NF
~11% NT

ISFJs are usually the most popular type, and INFJs are the least popular type.

There is about a 50/50 split between introversion and extroversion.
70% of the world is sensor, 30% intuitive.
~50/50 thinker/feeler, with a large dominance of men being thinkers and women being feelers.
~60% of the world are judgers, 40% perceivers.

These are the stats that I agree with most. It makes the most logical sense.
large dominance of men being thinkers and women being feelers.
60/40, as far as i think i've seen the same source of that data. If you consider social pressure as disturbing factor, it's very likely that it's 50/50 too.

I don't believe these distributions are static. They will change, and they are changing as we speak. Which explains differences among data sources.
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I don't believe these distributions are static. They will change, and they are changing as we speak. Which explains differences among data sources.

Of course not, it's not hardwired into us or anything. Some cultures, like the American south or the middle east, probably are more SJ heavy, while some cultures, like France or California, probably have a slightly higher intuitive population.
. . . while some cultures, like France or California, probably have a slightly higher intuitive population.

Why would France have a higher intuitive population?
Does that then conclude that society plays a significant role in shaping your personality?