Is it possible to be both INFJ and INTJ?


Community Member
Because when it comes to people, my feelings and relationships, I'm totally INFJ, but in careers and some problem solving areas I'm more INTJ.

Do I just have a well developed logical side? (If so then I'm just plain awesome :P)

Anyone else like this?
You're probably plain awesome :wink:

From what I have heard, every person uses a series of functions to go about their daily life. The strength of each function and their corresponding order is what determines personality type. Perhaps that is socionics more so than mbti, I'm not sure.

It's very possible to have a balanced T and F function, and therefore feel that you have both strong relationship/people skills and strong analytical/logic skills. If that's the case, I imagine it just means that you can identify with both type descriptions, but probably in the end are an INFJ with a well developed T or vice versa.

Also, the T vs F functions determine what you take into consideration during decision-making. I know sometimes the quizzes and explanations don't always insinuate that. What that means is that you could be very analytical and have excellent skills in that sense and still be a very sensitive, feeling person. There's a brief post by CokeNut somewhere on the forum where she describes that. And even reading posts by many NTs here, most of them express emotion and people skills :) On the other hand, there are many INFJs around here who (in my opinion) have stellar analytical/cogency skills, and still identify with the INFJ type.

I don't know how helpful that was.
Ultimately, you are one - one personality type. Yours may simply be a blend of two :) It's very easy for some people to pin-point themselves within a certain type, and harder for others. In the end, it's a tool that can help you grow and learn more about yourself. Still, I do understand the desire to want to know your type. I also test moderately balanced between the S-N and J-P.
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It's not impossible buddy. I don't know if you've heard about this but an ENFJ over time develops their Introverted Thinking and becomes more analytical while an ENTJ over time develops Extraverted Feeling. I have met a few ENFJs that are almost balanced with their Thinking that the lines are almost blurred.

I agree with Soulful on everything he said. You have a balanced Feeling and Thinking giving you the ability to be detached and logical when needed yet remain sympathetic and true to your original personality.

The point is that we all have the other functions like Sensing, Thinking and Perceiving. It's just that we happen to have a more dominant function over the other. But that doesn't mean that we can't learn to develop those weaker areas of our personality to achieve stability.

In your case, you've learned to develop your introverted thinking whether by circumstance, intention or outside influence giving you the NT factor.
I'm an INFJ, but grew up in an environment where the emotional/intuition approach was frowned up. Thus I developed my mind, and for years thought I was an ISTJ. I'm fairly balanced because of that, but the intuition is a bit lacking... :-(
I'm an INFJ, but grew up in an environment where the emotional/intuition approach was frowned up. Thus I developed my mind, and for years thought I was an ISTJ. I'm fairly balanced because of that, but the intuition is a bit lacking... :-(

Really? I can feel for you buddy. I also grew up in an environment where emotional/intuition approach was frowned upon. (ESFJs and ISFPs where everywhere where I grew up.)

All you need to do is find more intuitive types to hang out with and you'll avoid changing into a sensing type. Find an ENFJ, INTJ, INFP and ENFP to be with. You'll be greatly appreciated by those people and develop your intuition a lot more.
Strictly from a cognative function standpoint, I am INFJ, (with INTJ and INFP influence, moreso with the former). My function order is Ni, Fi, Ti, Fe, Ne, Te, Si, Se. Which overall, is INFJ.

I come across to people as an INTJ when I am emotionally gaurded or am doing something that requires alot of focus, mostly because my Ti takes charge. The thing is, I still feel things very much so in these situations, I just don't react to them. I also come across as a gloomy INFP when I am very tired. Lack of sleep makes my Fi and Fe stand out much more then I like. At all times though, my Ni is always active. The only thing that can deactive my Ni is when I am extremely drunk or high.

At my core though, I am most certianly an INFJ.
No. However, each person are one type that is a composite of all the others, which is why it is useful to know which functions you use the most that are not typical.

Ex. I have Fi and Si at a strength that arehigher than they should be for they cookie-cutter INFJ.
As you may have Ne or Te. See?

If you are 20-35, you are developing your tertiary Ti at the same time the INTJs are developing their Fi, so the ones you observe look like you and vice versa.
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Because when it comes to people, my feelings and relationships, I'm totally INFJ, but in careers and some problem solving areas I'm more INTJ.

Do I just have a well developed logical side? (If so then I'm just plain awesome :P)

Anyone else like this?

I think I'm an INTJ with a well developed/balanced F. I fit most INTJ descriptions, but I can be very empathetic (involuntarily) and prefer to be affectionate.

I also haven't always been that way. It developed over time. I was very unempathetic when I was younger, and thought I had plenty of rational reasons for being that way.
I'm an INFJ, but grew up in an environment where the emotional/intuition approach was frowned up. Thus I developed my mind, and for years thought I was an ISTJ. I'm fairly balanced because of that, but the intuition is a bit lacking... :-(

Oh my goodness... you too!! Me too, Milon!

I would have probably tested as an ISTJ as a child. Not because I was still developing, unsure, or true colours, but because I resonated within that so very much yet never felt secure in whoever/however I was. It took a lot of years and being in a more allowing environment to shed that shell.

I think my S-N and J-P are fairly balanced, at least at this point. I'm not sure about my T-F. So I tend to be confused about my type.

I've tried to also look at it from a different perspective. I still feel a bit tripped up with socionics - what Indigo mentioned - ex. Ni, Fe, Ti, Se (that's comparable to INFJ). The Kiersey sorter, NF, SJ, NT, SP - that's been a bit helpful.
I think I'm an INTJ with a well developed/balanced F. I fit most INTJ descriptions, but I can be very empathetic (involuntarily) and prefer to be affectionate.

I also haven't always been that way. It developed over time. I was very unempathetic when I was younger, and thought I had plenty of rational reasons for being that way.

Hmm I can relate to this too. Except if I'm an INTJ, then I'd think I must not be very intelligent - which is contradictory in itself, isn't it? Something's amiss. I'm not very logical but I'm also not terribly in-tune with people some days. :noidea:
I'd imagine a lot of INFJ's can come across as INTJ's at times -- thinking and feeling are both rational functions, and may often arrive at the same conclusion, albeit through entirely different routes.
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Really? Cool where did you grow up?

I grew up in the Philippines. (Still there...I want to get out.)

It sucks being around ISFPs and ESFJs 24/7. They either bully you, step on you, or use you to their benefits and theirs alone. Plus, I always ended up doing things against my own beliefs due to their bossiness and stupidity at times. Because of that, I developed Bi-polarity and nearly turned into an angry INTP. But my other INFJ friend wasn't so lucky and became that.

But also, thanks to that, my Extraverted Thinking was also developed and I'm now more or less balanced with Extraverted Feeling and Thinking. Strange that I kept my intuition intact.
That doesn't sound very much like ISFPs to me, unhealthy ESFJs maybe.
That doesn't sound very much like ISFPs to me, unhealthy ESFJs maybe.

ISFPs also have that tendency. They are the natural bullies with a wacked logic. But they easily give in to pressure and go running to the ESFJs who do most of the bully work since an ISFP is the Baby for Life. They just never change.

Sorry if I sound negative. You might have found some ISFPs or ESFJs who are nice but I couldn't. So I have a lot of bad blood with them.
Koori no Fukurou said:
It sucks being around ISFPs and ESFJs 24/7. They either bully you, step on you, or use you to their benefits and theirs alone. Plus, I always ended up doing things against my own beliefs due to their bossiness and stupidity at times. Because of that, I developed Bi-polarity and nearly turned into an angry INTP.

Koori no Fukurou said:
ISFPs also have that tendency. They are the natural bullies with a wacked logic. But they easily give in to pressure and go running to the ESFJs who do most of the bully work since an ISFP is the Baby for Life. They just never change.

Oh God No!

Sounds like you've had bad experiences but your assumptions are warped and simply put, wrong.

ISFPs are more often on the receiving end of bullying than dishing it out, they are happy-go-lucky and live in the clouds most of the time, attack an ISFP and they are more likely to withdraw than retaliate. Bossy, bully etc are not words naturally associated with ISFPs. The only thing that you've said that could be true is they can be easily influenced by others.

Btw, no one can make you do anything against your beliefs without using force.

Sorry if I sound negative. You might have found some ISFPs or ESFJs who are nice but I couldn't. So I have a lot of bad blood with them.

You don't sound negative, you sound angry or bitter.