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I'm racist against the American Government. But isn't everyone?
I must admit sometimes I have anti-american thoughts. I don't have anything against American people though. It's more about the symbolic of the country. The symbol is so strong, I can't help it sometimes, even though I don't like catching myself having that kind of thoughts.
And as far as the UK and Europe... Ah, well! Too big a topicbut you guys are funny (I guess we're funny in our way too).
I'm racist against the American Government. But isn't everyone?
Well to me it's not even the government. It's globalization in general, and particularly over consumption, and lack of education. fuck it makes me angry just thinking about it. I need to work on this.
The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. :clap2:
I must admit sometimes I have anti-american thoughts. I don't have anything against American people though. It's more about the symbolic of the country.
I'm racist against the American Government. But isn't everyone?
Well to me it's not even the government. It's globalization in general, and particularly over consumption, and lack of education. fuck it makes me angry just thinking about it. I need to work on this.
Well, I'm more embarrassed than ever now.
When I hear people talking about what an American is, what Americans are, what America is, and I discover that so many of them have not only never lived here but many have never even visited here... I have to let go of some of that inevitable American guilt.
The principles upon which many of us love our country are sound. The rights given to those who undertake the process of becoming American citizens are generous. There is still opportunity here for freedoms not found in many many places around the world.
We are not all bad, and we should not consent to be lumped together with the worst of our countrymen, especially by those who may embrace a hatred of America and Americans which is based on only a partial understanding of how this country came into being, and how incredibly diverse the population is.
End Racism....Kill Everyone
End Racism....Kill Everyone
Hooray!!!!!!! Murder!!End Racism....Kill Everyone