INFJs and money


Community Member
So supposedly INFJs are terrible with money.

I'm not exactly writing this off, but what are your thoughts?

I can't decide if I am or not. Usually what happens is I want or decide I need something and then don't even think about the cost. I don't know if that means I'm inherrently bad with money, but I could see where I could be.

Anyways, what do you guys think?
some of us are actually very good with money...but we see shiny things and we are distracted and must have them...:m033:

I am good with an extent...I always under budget though...which always ends up with us running out...I like to see a bigger amount going into savings and less going out on frivolity...but it never happens...I step into a store and see the latest book by my favorite author...theres another 30 bucks...
I find myself unable to keep a regular budget with any reliability.

It's not that I am incapable of it so much as I am utterly unmotivated to do it.

I find this is easily countered by making significantly more money than I spend and reliably placing 100 dollars in untouchable savings per paycheck but that is only a matter of habit rather than a matter of functional budgeting.

I also life well below my means, but that's mostly because I don't like to worry about money and the best way not to worry about it is not to spend it or not to have it, so I spend far less than I have.

Sometimes I miss not having it. I wish I could grow my own food and make my own electricity and gather my own water.

We can dream.
Yes, but ask me in 5 years if you want to know the full extent.
That's an interesting question. I'm still learning to budget my money and am only beginning to now figure out my finances and financial future, but I think I'm all right at it, if not quite good. Because I'm only beginning to figure things out my financial life is still fairly uncomplicated but I think I can say that so far I've done well and hopefully my skills will get stronger as time passes.

As far as finances and type goes, I think NJs might have the advantage of being far-sighted planners.

Type aside, I think upbringing usually has a tremendous impact on how we finance as well.
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I can be terrible with money and waste it like no other. But I can also be the scroogiest scrooge you've ever seen. :D

Most of the time I can manage to keep an account of my budget and get by with it without much trouble. I'm not much of a hoarder and I loathe shopping, I do make some impulse buys from time to time but most of the time I realize that I don't need all the stuff I maybe think about wanting, so common sense prevails.

I've noticed that I can spend more freely when it's something more expensive, it's like if I want it really bad, I am going to get it no matter what (within reason, of course). And then I count pennies with things that are much less expensive.
I'm pretty horrible with money...but better than my sisters.

I just always end up spending it all on others...or on food or art supplies. :/
Or randomly going shopping on a bunch of clothes....
I just get so used to having no money that as soon as I get some I get excited and wanna spend it.
I'm almost completely indifferent to money. I don't even know exactly how much I earn and I have no idea how much I spend. I guess my book keeper would know and he knows I'm not interested.

I have very few personal expenses, as work covers most of my daily stuff, including car costs - so I basically only spend my money on going out occasionally, on alcohol and tobacco (until recently), and the occasional "must have" like books, a new notebook, etc.

Basically, I don't keep track of my spending at all - so yeah, I'm what most people would call "bad with money." Although there is absolutely no need or incentive for me to try to be "good with money."
I am usually terrible with money but recently have become fed up with spending more than I have and being left short so I plan to be much better.

I have drawn up a list of my outgoings and will sort out my finances starting with next months pay.

No really, I will.
I consider myself fairly good with money, but I'm hard on myself too. I can not live without a budget, budgeting is super fun, I find it baffling that some people don't budget!! Its crazy. I save about 68% of my income (but I live at home), just under 23% on set expenses like rent, phone and transportation, and 9% on fun,clothes and cosmetics. I consider that pretty tight, but saving is one of my biggest goals right now. Wow I've never broken it down like that before. And I still feel like ill never be able to save enough to make my life much better.....gross....
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I also life well below my means, but that's mostly because I don't like to worry about money and the best way not to worry about it is not to spend it or not to have it, so I spend far less than I have.
Yes this is exactly how I want to live. I sort of am doing it now but I discount it cause I'm getting a lot of help right now. You can't run out of money if you cant even approach spending as much as you make or more.

I have never had a case where I was flat broke, or in debt. Even when I think I'm spending like crazy I still have lots of savings and sometimes more savings than I expected. Like recently I though I was spending crazy amounts, but then I checked, and even with that, I had about 1/3 more in savings than I thought I would. I still decided to watch my spending more carefully though.

Then again, there have been many I time I wont refill a prescription just cause I think I'd rather "stretch it out" for longer :S. Maybe I'm being all too cautious.

Then again, I've bought cupcakes 3 times last week. (I am taking a 4 day junkfood fast to make up for it now though).
Its not that I am bad with money, when there is nothing I want I hold on to all my money quite well... its when there is something I really want or someone else really wants that I feel so compelled to buy.
I'm bad with money and I hate money. I hate that we're ruled by it.
I'm terrible, however I can make a lot out of a little. Which turns out to be a good skill considering I never seem to have more then a little cash on me.
I like to think I must be doing something right, because my daughter and I have everything we need and even some things that we want despite the many things that could prevent that... That said, I think my account has been overdrawn more times this year than there are days in this month. I like to think that when you bring in less than a third of what you supposedly "need", that's to be expected. Kids are terribly expensive, especially when you're alone. I love the new overdraft laws, though.
I only spend a certain amount, so I never go into my university savings. But I've got far less money than my sister who's great with it ^^" I buy too many books...
As far as finances and type goes, I think NJs might have the advantage of being far-sighted planners.

Type aside, I think upbringing usually has a tremendous impact on how we finance as well.

I agree very much with these statements.

And for me personally, debt makes me feel confined. Living within my means doesn't seem to be too hard.
Its not that I am bad with money, when there is nothing I want I hold on to all my money quite well... its when there is something I really want or someone else really wants that I feel so compelled to buy.

billy and i have the same problem. Money sucks. :m142:
I'm bad with money and I hate money. I hate that we're ruled by it.
