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  • I hope you don't mind my 'rep'. I just wanted to point it out in case you want to know - sort of like a spinach in teeth situation in my mind. But maybe that feeling is not universal :\ . In any case, I really hope you don't mind! (And if you do, I am most sorry.)
    in response to your self help book inquiry, it depends on what flavor you're looking for. the magic of thinking big: james schwartz, how to win friends and influence people: dale carnegie are popular ones, and they were helpful to me. but not as helpful as The Spiritual Dimensions of the Enneagram by Sandra Maitri. hands down the best book i've bought in terms of self help and im pretty sure you can get it off of amazon for like 2 bucks used.
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    Just wanted to say thanks for starting the thread 'INFJ...finding your place in the world' - I am glad to see what others have to say and what their experiences are... helpful :thumb:
    We seem to be going through the same problems vancouver123. I guess we're just on that period of our life where things are all chaotic. Hopefully things can workout for the better soon.
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