INFJs and drug experimentation?


Regular Poster
Are INFJs prone to experimentation with drugs (not necessarily addiction)?

Have you used drugs, if so, which?
I am definetly not comfortable sharing it because it was so un-pristine of me and I think I developed anxiety because of it. Keep in mind that I TRIED not used.

Also I presume that I owe part of my strong Feeling function to it. It was Ecstasy... The crash was so bad. Although when on it, it was the best feeling in the world.
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I detest any drugs and can't stand it when people use them. I've never tried them, not even cigarettes.
I don't use drugs but have been curious at times, wondering if there's a hidden part of myself to discover.

I figured you INFJs would be all about drug use for introspective purposes, guess not.
I have tried pot many times. It always gives me the same effect; I start twitching and in general get put on edge over nothing. It isn't plesent for me.

I have tried shrooms once. I think it had a lasting effect, opening myself up to my feelings more and letting me express them to myself easier. Could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you look at it.

The thing for me is though. I tried drugs for the soul purpose of seeing how it felt. I wanted to know what it physically felt like to be high. The ideas, thoughs, visions, were a factor for me to try them, but not the driving factor.

I have no problem with drugs whatsoever, and don't care of one does them. I just have a problem when it becomes an addiction, but that is like anything else you could get addicted to. Drugs or not.
Meditation is much more effective for seeking introspective knowledge.

Never done drugs technically, but I've been high as shit on morphine and nitrous oxide. I've been best friends with some hardcore druggies though and have gained a lot of insight through them.
I've done almost everything short of heroin, crack, or meth. Surpisingly I haven't done mushrooms either...

I honestly can say that I have done them for the expierence and as an alternative to Anti-depressants. I was prescribed 7 different A-D's last year alone, all of which had done nothing but make me sick, constantly sleep, or feel like a zombie.

I still smoke pot from time to time but as a whole have stopped everything else. I even stopped alcohol, feeling that it is way more dangerous than certain other drugs. Ecstasy was amazing, LSD was fucking crazy (but fun).

I can see why people would want to do drugs. It's the same reason people want to drink alcohol. People will always be enamored by the beauty of expierence, and there is no expierence more alarming or strange than that of the drug world.

I've been doing meditation lately, though it hasn't been too long.
I've used a lot of unorthodox drugs, but that was as an INTP, so take this post with a grain of salt...

weed - not particularly interesting, to be honest. not worth the legal risk in NJ.

Nutmeg - yes, the spice you put on pumpkin pie. Tastes like shit. Feels like caffeine and weed at the same time.

Benadryl - not fun at all. Anticholinergics make you numb, paranoid, and zombified.

Ephedrine/Sudafed - Powerful, cheap, and possibly deadly. After taking 10 pills at night, I woke up the next morning with my room feeling like a sauna. In december.

DXM - cough medicine is serious stuff, especially at higher levels. I felt like I was in another world.

Caffeine - i can't stand caffeine. I don't drink iced tea or caffeinated soda, ever.
I've tried most "mainstream" drugs and many that most people have never heard of. I never really gave it a second thought.
To be honest I think that the youth of today need more options than being introduced to alcohol, drugs, tobacco etc. They need to be encouraged to seek out better things :) Because in far to many cases, such as experimenting, it ends up being used malignantly.
I tried lots of the mainstream drugs too, shrooms, weed, alcohol, ecstacy -- used weed a lot before. They're fun, once in awhile. I don't think i'd like to revisit weed though, it was fun in some cases but I had too many unpleaseant highs.
I could see myself getting addicted to things if I were to try them.
I have not and will never. I pretty much lost all my friends in high school to pot. They didn't wanna hang out with someone who didn't use it, and they used it before and after school...
So I can see what it has the potential to do to me as I am often feeling in need of a pick-me-up. I'll eat chocolate instead or something x3
Haha chocolate actually contains a substance that is highly addictive, similar to that of cocaine, which is why people crave it so bad at times.

Anyways if you have an addictive personality, meaning that you have a hard time letting things go, then drugs are definetly a nono. I think it was strong of you to not join in :)
The only drug I've ever actually enjoyed was tobacco from a hookah. Alcohol just made me dumb and weed just made me really hungry. But something about sharing a hookah with your firends and the incredible calming effect of the nicotine is just completely awesome. Of course, I don't recommend it because it's highly addictive.
I could see myself getting addicted to things if I were to try them. I have not and will never. So I can see what it has the potential to do to me as I am often feeling in need of a pick-me-up. I'll eat chocolate instead or something x3

Same for me, this exactly. Except I've had to let go of chocolate and find other ways of coping.
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I'm not against trying anything.. but I've been told that I'm the type of person that would get really scared and screwed up off of things like that. I'm not too big on alcohol anymore, either.. I get mad too easily.
i haven't experimented with any drugs at all yet.
truth is, i'm afraid to experiment because i know i would get addicted so easily.
ah yeah i've tried most of the mainstream drugs, went off the rails there for a while.... the only ones i feel had any individual merit were the shooms. having an experience like that really shows you how subjective reality is, having said that it's not something that you have to experience to understand the concept so i wouldn't go around recommending them. i wouldn't change the way my life went either because it was totally necessary for me to go far enough to be snapped back into facing up to my life. i do always feel that there is an element of escapism and/or self destructive behaviour in any drug use, experimental or otherwise
I'm not INFJ but I'm willing to share my experiences here. Anybody who knows me knows that I respect and love drugs. No, I'm not a druggy. I just see them as a means of expanding one's consciousness via interpreting reality from a "Shifted" point of view. Though I think drugs should be used for spiritual purposes, I have no problem with recreational use(So long as one remains responsible. Yes, there is such a thing as responsible drug use.)

The one substance that caught me off-guard was weed. Daily use. Used to smoke about an ounce and a half a week. Cigarettes also REALLY caught me off-guard. That's my biggest one. I really think smoking cigarettes is probably the thing I least like about myself.

I detest any drugs and can't stand it when people use them. I've never tried them, not even cigarettes.
Honestly, that's probably one of the most condescending things I can ever hear from someone. One of the few phrases that actually put me into an "Offensive mode." You detest something that you've never done. Who are you to place that much of a defensive stand or such malice towards something you've never experienced? I have no problem with people not doing drugs but there's no point in the whole "I hate them" spiel. Drugs don't destroy lives. People destroy their lives. Let's not get that confused.

Meditation is much more effective for seeking introspective knowledge.

Never done drugs technically, but I've been high as shit on morphine and nitrous oxide. I've been best friends with some hardcore druggies though and have gained a lot of insight through them.
Because Morphine and Nitrous Oxide totally offer an enlightening experience.

Truth is, a large portion of drugs aren't really that addicting. No, most people will not be addicted to Oxycontin or even heroin on their first use.

I've done plenty of different substances, some for spiritual reasons, some for pure recreation: Alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, salvia divinorum, LSD-25, mushrooms, ecstasy, Oxycontin, DXM, Percocet, a couple of different muscle relaxers, Xanax and Nitrous Oxide. The last time I did E, I'm pretty sure at least one was a methbomb. I always dose in safe amounts and give myself time away from a specific substance to ensure not becoming addicted or have any bad side-effects. Heavy use of anything, including marijuana, is not good.

I've seen and felt all sorts of things and, by far, the only ones that I do on a pseudo-regular basis are psychedelics. Daily use of marijuana(I'm cutting back, hardcore), six months in between acid trips and about 2 months between each mushroom trip. Ecstasy is up there too but I don't like to do that one more often than once a month. I've taken a good six-month break from it since the last time I rolled... Did it three times in a week and saw which direction I was heading and cut that shit out. Haven't done it since then.

Researching every substance one ingests is extremely important. From what I see, most of the users here don't even have any interest in trying but, for those with curious minds, please do your fucking research! You'll feel so much better doing it after doing 2+ months of reading on a specific substance. LSD was the first drug I tried, not including weed, alcohol and cigarettes. I read up on it for several months because I wanted to be sure what I was hopping into. I was confident going in, sure that I knew what I was doing and it went exceptionally well. One thing that pisses me off about a large portion of drug users is that, for lack of better words, they are fuckwits. Someone hands them a pill and says "Eat it" and they do! I can't freakin' stand that! Most are also bullshitters with no clue about what they're really talking about- As if having done a drug means they know everything about drugs.

Sorry for the long post. But I feel the need to inform people about them. Drugs are perhaps one of the single most misunderstood things these days, by users and non-users alike.
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