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INFJ writers

Herman Hesse is such a textbook INFJ, the first who came to mind, and not surprisingly he was written on top of the page.

Perhaps Dostoevsky?

I'm not sure but I'd say that he was perhaps INFJ..... Anyone else think so?
Mhm. I also came to report him.

I think the actual list is too long and unsecure, but for example:
JK Rowling (could be INFP)
Isabel Allende (could be ENFJ)
Astrid Lindgren
Jean-Paul Sartre (could be ENFJ)
Friedrich Nietzsche (I'm sure. He's way too emotional, irrational and artistic for INTJ. In fact, he's a perfect example of male INFJ)
Arthur Schopenhauer (could be Te, maybe even ENTJ)
Woody Allen
Charlie Kaufman (could be INTP)

and all kinds of other crazy people :)

I saw many INTPs mentioned, like Faulkner, Palahniuk, Vonnegut, Orwell. They are not INFJs, for sure. They are odd in some painful Ti-primary way.
I'd vote for Madeleine L'Engle, almost definitely, and possibly Lemony Snicket, right down to the pseudonym.

Anybody else love Madeleine L'Engle?

I'm interested in children's literature (obviously) but I feel like I've just stumbled across a great reading list! Good thing, too... I need to branch out to grown-up books, and stop reading the same beloved books over and over and over again.
Herman Hesse is such a textbook INFJ, the first who came to mind, and not surprisingly he was written on top of the page.

Mhm. I also came to report him.

I think the actual list is too long and unsecure, but for example:
JK Rowling (could be INFP)
Isabel Allende (could be ENFJ)
Astrid Lindgren
Jean-Paul Sartre (could be ENFJ)
Friedrich Nietzsche (I'm sure. He's way too emotional, irrational and artistic for INTJ. In fact, he's a perfect example of male INFJ)
Arthur Schopenhauer (could be Te, maybe even ENTJ)
Woody Allen
Charlie Kaufman (could be INTP)

and all kinds of other crazy people :)

I saw many INTPs mentioned, like Faulkner, Palahniuk, Vonnegut, Orwell. They are not INFJs, for sure. They are odd in some painful Ti-primary way.

Yeah, Herman Hesse is first who come to my mind.

Ah, and Astrida Lindgren is infj. Never thought about that but it seems. She was (is) my favorite from the childhood. :m176:
After reading Jay Rubin's 'Haruki Murakami and the Music of Words' I think that Haruki Murakami has a pretty good chance of being an INFJ ^^ (although he's got a very strong T).
Steven Erikson and Roger Zelazny are undoubtably INFJ.

Yeah, Zelazny had something. I did not strongly identify with Amber characters but there was something between the lines that kept my interest.

Ah, and Astrida Lindgren is infj.

But of course :D She's my favorite childhood author too. And from Lithuanian writers quite possibly Ivanauskaite.
And from Lithuanian writers quite possibly Ivanauskaite.

Really, it seems! (Still I'm not so good at guessing others type.) I need to improve my skills :)
My impression is that Sylvia Plath writes like an INFJ. She might have been an extrovert, but I will be inclined to think ENFJ if that was the case.


Some examples of her poetry

Bitter Strawberries

Mad Girl's Love Song

November Graveyard
I think Edward Scissorhands was definately an INFJ!


Ok, more of a sculptor than a writer I suppose!
Perhaps Dostoevsky?

I'm not sure but I'd say that he was perhaps INFJ..... Anyone else think so?
Dostoevsky is often considered the archtypical INFJ actually.

I also put my vote in for Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - God rest his soul!
Helen Keller and Amy Tan strike me as INFJs.
Laura Ingalls Wilder (Little House on the Prairie) seems very INFP.
two come to mind...

Ayn Rand and Aldous Huxley...
I don't know whether there has been a topic on the subject, but I couldn't find one, so...

We know INFJs are often drawn to writing. Who do you think would be an INFJ among writers you know?

* I'm pretty sure Anais Nin would be one. It's pretty obvious from her diaries. Do you agree? edit : actually, reading the unexpurgated diaries, I'm not sure, she seems more like an INFP now

* Herman Hesse? He seems very sensitive to nature, always wanted to live somewhere calm away from the city. His books are very abstract. He did write Siddhartha... Not certain about the J but I think it's fairly likely.

* Is Paul Coelho famous in America? I've only read the Alchemist, and it was at least five years ago, but I wonder. Not sure at all with him though.

* Khalil Gibran? The Prophet looks like an INFJ book to me. Extremely spiritual, poetic, meaningful etc.

I am sure the list could go on.

Paulo Coelho and Khalil Gibran are definitely INFJs. They're writing is very deep, and their characters are vey humane; they focus on and explore human traits and human philosophy through them.

I feel home when i'm reading their books, I find no difficulty connecting to their chracters or relating to their work.

paulo coelho definetly seems to be an infj (one of my fave authors btw) love his books.


No one mentioned Lois Lowry in this entire thread? Is The Giver not the Bible of INFJs?

The Giver is a must read for evey INFJ, I find. It's beautifully written and it speaks to the heart.
Why does JK Rowling seem like an INFP to you guys? To me she always seemed like a `J type.

Its said that Johann W. von Goethe was an Infj, which seems plausible, Ive always felt a weird connection with him...
i love some of the books on this list! i never would have picked kafka as an infj but after thinking about it i think maybe it makes sense! i never thought of camus either but i identified so strongly with his dr rieux.

but the real reason i had to add to this thread is because nobody mentioned chaucer yet!, the guy who made it his mission to give english speakers a literary voice! i can't say i've read a lot of his work but his wife of bath and pardoner from the canterbury tales struck me very deeply. i was so moved by what i perceived to be his depth of awareness and feeling for oppressed groups and marginalised individuals, and the incredibly intelligent way he sets that sensitivity like a trap in the contempt of his era, the ways he allows his characters to transcend. i kind of can't wait to dive into the rest of his stuff and i'm hanging out to finish my degree so i have time. if i could meet just one dead artist it would have to be him.

although, i realise that there is a lot of criticism elaborating notions of him as misogynistic or intolerant. it's possible i'm wrong on this. i'm unconvinced though!
Steven Erikson and Roger Zelazny are undoubtably INFJ. It's like they have plucked the thoughts right out of my head. These are both fantasy writers. You have to read Zelaznys work by the way. The Amber Chronicles are probably one of the best books I have read. And I read a lot

Jack of Shadows is one of my absolute favourites. Zelazny certainly have the "I'm the only one of my kind in the world" thing going!

Otherwise any Philip K Dick is the best I've ever read, and not counting being schizophrenic he seems like a really odd guy. Maybe he's a candidate?
How about Antoine de Saint-Exupéry? I find the chapter in Little Prince about the little prince, the fox and little prince's rose particularly telling. It's probably a good description of how friendship formation works in the INFJ world. I know it's not the INTJ way.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery is definitely an INFJ.
Thomas Mann is some kind of IN, but more INTJ maybe, that sense of irony...but he could be infj as well, I don't know why...just, he always gets to me...