my boss is an ISFJ. We actually get along fairly well. The J is apparently the big key to my working relationships. J means you know how to get stuff done, and you know how to make decisions. No wishy-washy nonsense that drives me nuts.
She's great, and I guess more effective than my last INFP boss...
that said. I 'get' her less. It's not like she's speaking to my soul, which is what N's tend to do to me. she also tends to remind me to stay in the present. I kind of demand to know future schedules and what is happening. she reminds me that it's only the here and now that is important.
That's a big S versus N difference. Future-oriented Ns, versus present-oriented Ss. Plus, as much as I like her... there's no depth. Not the depth that Ns have anyways. Nothing she can add to my existence.
We get along, ISFJs, and INFJs. There doesnt appear to be any friction. However, I don't think these people are going to stretch your boundaries at all. Nor are they going to ever see to your depths of being, as a fellow INFJ or INFP would do.