If you could...


On Holiday
If you were going to educate non INFJ's about INFJ's what would you say to them?

Dear Non-INFJ.

I think that you might want to know a few things about.....

What do you think they need to know about the type?


The monkey's are the cutest!!
Well our good characteristics / to expect us to be:
-sensitive (could be bad as well because some of us are too sensitive),
-will be there as a friend & lover whenever someone needs us
-Our intuitive feeling is very strong (compared to other personality types I think)
-some of us could be understood through our eyes and not by talking too much
-we like to think and listen rather than talk
-we don't make sense at times, but we're very sophisticated and deep when we think about different issues

That's the stuff I thought of right now, will post some more later :)
We don't make sense at times!! Thank-you for saying that because that is so true for me!! You just made me feel loads better!
We don't make sense at times!! Thank-you for saying that because that is so true for me!! You just made me feel loads better!

I'd say INFJ are often truthful and worthy of trust. They are usually really intuitive and can sense things about other people and things of whats to come.

I wouldn't want to explain too much unless they ask.
We don't make sense at times!! Thank-you for saying that because that is so true for me!! You just made me feel loads better!

Of course!! I mean it happens ALL THE TIME and sometimes when it happens I kinda freak out because I'm sure the person in front of me has no clue what I'm talking about at times...you just reminded me of how I was "arguing" with my INFJ friend over who didn't make sense the most...me or him, it was funny! :P
Dear non-INFJs,

Care for me, and I'll care for you more than anyone. Be honest, and I will be honest and true. Don't judge me, and I won't judge you.

I can be emotional, but I can also keep things bottled. I might not be comfortable with things. I might be irrational or over-rational. I might love too much or too little. I might not make a whole lot of sense. I might be hard to take care of or too easy to please.

That's all.
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Dear non-INFJs,

These girls are delicious. Kiss them.

That's all.
Dear non-infjs,

I will do my best not to speak extensively in metaphorical terms. I will try not to seem critical, but I do it because I care.

Please try to think before you do anything that could hurt me, because chances are, I will never forget it. Even if you hurt me, I'll still love you, so try not to take advantage of me!

Love always,

Teh infj.
Dear non-infjs,

Yes, I do give a damn. And not because I want something from you or expect to call on a favor later. I give a damn because it's in my nature to give a damn about.... everything, really.

Dear Non-INFJ's,

Please remember, although many of us are very intelligent, we always deal with things through how they affect our feelings. This may seem odd to ST types, but it works perfectly for us as it goes hand-in-hand with our intuition.

In conversation, just because we don't react does not mean we are not listening --quite the opposite usually. We are hearing and processing, we don't want to waste time with useless gestures and interuptions.

We typically feel isolated too as there are so few of us. If we make a connection, it is usually a strong one.

Thanks for listening,

In conversation, just because we don't react does not mean we are not listening --quite the opposite usually. We are hearing and processing, we don't want to waste time with useless gestures and interuptions.

This is so true
I did not do that right that was from Questingpost. Thank you for saying that.:m125:
In conversation, just because we don't react does not mean we are not listening --quite the opposite usually. We are hearing and processing, we don't want to waste time with useless gestures and interuptions.

This is exactly why I like being a member of this forum, talking to other people who can relate, about things that no one has ever related to me before. I often don't react when people say things to me, especially if they ask if I want to do something. They then think that im disinterested, but really im just thinking. I might be really interested but im reserved. Mind you, I am learning to adapt to different people, and actually react in appropriate circumstances...it feels so weird.
Dear non INFJ,

I understand many things intuitively even though I can't always explain them in words. I feel things deeply so don't hurt me. I won't tell you everything about me but you can see me in my eyes if you look long and hard enough. I'll listen to you and give you advice but remember that I need a shoulder to cry on too sometimes. I may seem like that smart, funny, and beautiful girl you know but that is only my shell. Just because I smile a lot, that doesn't mean I'm always cheerful. I'm deep. I'm emotional. I love. I laugh. I hurt. I cry.

fly away