If you could...

*Is prepared to test this theory*

So true. Been told many times. Restraint you are INFJ, and you can be a good kisser too. "Let go, and feel the force"!

Dear non-infj's I AM NOT SCARY!! Im not mean, im not cruel...I just look that way to keep the baddies away...but youll never know will you! :m047:

And yes...We are AMAZING kissers...
So true. Been told many times. Restraint you are INFJ, and you can be a good kisser too. "Let go, and feel the force"!


LOL . . .
By the way, this thread just got highjacked. Someone needs to start an "Are INFJ's good kissers?" thread pronto!! LOL
*Has been waiting at the booth for like 3 days!*
Good luck getting any of us to show our faces lol:m125:

:m185: Maybe you're right. It can be done in the dark:meye:

Fine...I don't want to hijack sookie's great post.
Oh gosh, I could likely make this into a week long lecture, as there would be so much to say, and so much background to give. Here is stuff I would cover in bullet points:

+ What is an INFJ, and what does it mean?
+ Basic personality terms and commonalities.
+ What are cognitive functions, and what is the set for an INFJ?
+ What is Ni?
+ How is Ni used, and how does one understand it?
+ Ni filtered through Fe.
+ Ti and Se useage.
+ How do all four of these work together?
+ What are the shadow functions?
+ How the placement of shadow functions has a major impact on an INFJ.
+ How does one begin to understand how an INFJ works.
+ The do's and dont's.
+ The importance and signifigence of emotions.
+ Devations from a typical INFJ.
+ Different "types" of INFJ.
+ How all of this comes together.
. . .
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It is hard business educating non infj's about infj's. It not a problem of their type...its a problem of prevalent ignorance that is everywhere. if you can't convince people of certain truths like the earth is round and gravity exists and hurting others is bad...how on earth will they understand INFJs?:m125:
I love this thread :) although it's kind of disturbing infj's could know more about me than I do. I hope you use your gift for good, and not evil ! :meye:
Dear non-infjs,

Everything you do or say affects us, even though it may not seem like it.

Approach with caution.

Dear non-INFJs,

Care for me, and I'll care for you more than anyone. Be honest, and I will be honest and true. Don't judge me, and I won't judge you.

I can be emotional, but I can also keep things bottled. I might not be comfortable with things. I might be irrational or over-rational. I might love too much or two little. I might not make a whole lot of sense. I might be hard to take care of or too easy to please.

That's all.

^^^ great. And the other posts too.

I am still actually trying to absorb the fact that there are others like me (well, similar enough) out there. It's so odd, and frankly a bit unnerving, to read these posts as if people plucked them out of my head. I feel so... naked! People don't generally READ MY FREAKING MIND like this.

Being alone is an llusion...A sad illusion that creates so much suffering. We are all not alone in this world... It is comforting and a a relief for me to find people that I identify so much with.
^^^ great. And the other posts too.

I am still actually trying to absorb the fact that there are others like me (well, similar enough) out there. It's so odd, and frankly a bit unnerving, to read these posts as if people plucked them out of my head. I feel so... naked! People don't generally READ MY FREAKING MIND like this.


Yes, it is a strange thing Janet. It is also a very wonderful thing. You will only rarely meet a fellow INFJ as our type is so rare (the male INFJ even moreso). I hear and see many of my own thought echoed in the posts on this forum, and it gives me comfort. There is nothing wrong with any of us, we are what we are.

The MBTI has given me some direction and insight into understanding me. Understanding the how and why's of my dealings with others. That is never a bad thing. I generally don't mind having my mind read either, as I have done it to others for so long.