How often do you get cramps?

Question is self-explanatory.

I get them all the time, almost every single day and they are quite painful. Does anyone else experience them and is this normal?
Where are you cramping?
Do you walk a lot, are you flat-footed, do you wear supportive footwear. and how do you usually stand?
To answer your question, I don't get cramps. I did get (what I assumed were) Charley's horses a few times when I was younger (under 20), but only during sleep.

Are you able to pinpoint specific situations when you get these cramps? Such as sitting or standing in a certain way or for a certain time period, emotional stress, wearing or not wearing shoes or wearing a certain pair of shoes, weekdays vs. weekends (when you might get a break from wearing shoes for a longer stretch of time), being inactive for a while, etc. - or do they seem to come about entirely at random?
My calves cramp up allot, so do my feet. I have pronated feet which affects my overall posture (I has to wear special shoes).
You can also get cramping from strenuous exercise or doing more than your body is used to, (DOMS).

You probably want to get it checked out by your GP, so you will be able to get a referral if required.
Do you walk a lot, are you flat-footed, do you wear supportive footwear. and how do you usually stand?

I will say I walk an average amount of time. I often walk home from school in about 30 minutes. After that I just browse around the house. I am not fat-footed and wear regular shoes.
My feet cramp around once a month. Not fun.
my legs and feet mostly.

Cramping in your extremities usually means decreased circulation. Have you recently increased/decreased exercising?

A quick google search will also tell you that it might have to do with a poor diet/poor intake of essential vitamins or minerals and poor hydration.

I usually start cramping when I've been sitting around for too long and I get cramps in my calves. I also cramp when I've had too much caffeine.
Cramping in your extremities usually means decreased circulation. Have you recently increased/decreased exercising?

A quick google search will also tell you that it might have to do with a poor diet/poor intake of essential vitamins or minerals and poor hydration.

I usually start cramping when I've been sitting around for too long and I get cramps in my calves. I also cramp when I've had too much caffeine. level of activity is still the same. I have a vegetarian diet but I make sure to take in all supplements needed. I drink around 8 cups of water daily.
To answer your question, I don't get cramps. I did get (what I assumed were) Charley's horses a few times when I was younger (under 20), but only during sleep.

Are you able to pinpoint specific situations when you get these cramps? Such as sitting or standing in a certain way or for a certain time period, emotional stress, wearing or not wearing shoes or wearing a certain pair of shoes, weekdays vs. weekends (when you might get a break from wearing shoes for a longer stretch of time), being inactive for a while, etc. - or do they seem to come about entirely at random?

Very random, sometimes in the most inappropriate situations. For example, right before lunch I hold the teacher back because I had trouble moving with the pain..
It could be emotional stress. Sometimes the legs and feet represent foundation, being grounded and feeling secure. The stress could derive from not feeling supported or anchored in some way. Or it could just be that you are experiencing a growth spurt. best to check with a doc.
It also could be growing pains, as you are still young. I stopped getting taller at 16, but I knew a few people in highschool that were till growing when they graduated. I recommend doing some stretches when you wake up and go to bed, that mitigate it a bit.
Occasionally I wake up with a cramp in my leg. I've heard they can be caused by a potassium deficiency, maybe try adding bananas to your diet.
Well, you said you were having emotional tension quite a bit, so I wouldn't be surprised if you just have super tense muscles. I had and still have problems where I get tense and then tense up my feet and calvs as I sit. I won't cramp then, but at some point later, maybe in bed or when I stretch I'll get a MASSIVE cramp of doom.

Noticing what you're doing with your feet when you sit is the first chance to stop this: If you notice you sit on your toes, or curl you toes in and keep like that for hours that'll be it there. Just be sure to change position once in a while, and relax you legs instead of 'holding them up' if you find you are.

Next, stretch your calves and arches of your feet before bed and a few times a day. Especially if you cramp as you wake in the morning as you stretch. I'll find you some stuff to show you what stretches to do after dinner XD. BRB
I get back cramps in the morning sometimes, and foot cramps if I am really stressed about something. Usually, if something in your foot is hurting, another part of your body is too.
that were till growing when they graduated. I recommend doing some stretches when you wake up and go to bed, that mitigate it a bit.

I don't know about others, but stretching in bed after waking up is my NUMBER ONE cause of feet cramps.
My feet and legs cramp up a lot due to the fact that i have high arches. I have been told that wearing arch supports will help, but it's never done me much good. I have also heard potassium can help. *shrugs* best of luck. They suck.
I don't know about others, but stretching in bed after waking up is my NUMBER ONE cause of feet cramps.

Really? hunh. I never get cramps, ever, but I get stiff VERY easy, which is on the other side of the coin I suppose.