Gods personality


Si master race.
What do you think is Gods personality? If you dont believe in God pick a God of any religion and define his/hers personality.
An INTP stuck in shadow mode.
The Christian God is simply too neurotic to type. One moment he is a booming voice in the sky that everyone has to hear and the next he is silent for several centuries. One moment he is fire and brimstone and the next he is compassionate and forgiving. One moment he is worried about what people are thinking about him and the next he is worried about who everyone is sleeping with. One moment he is everywhere and the next he is making people come see him at the top of mountains.

The Judaic God is clearly an ENTJ, who created people just so they would serve and praise him.
...and needy, oh so terribly needy.

"worship me, love me, blah blah blah"
Well he should get it over with and strike me down right now.

Thor was ENTJ.

Zeus was an ESTP playboy. :D
I think most of the Egyptian and Greek gods were SPs. They really liked getting it on.

I think the Devil, who is a God to some people, is clearly an ENTP.
The platypus proves that the creator was ENTP.
If the Christian God created us in the image of himself, wouldn't he be a combination of all the types-- kind of a perfect personality, of sorts
The Christian God is simply too neurotic to type. One moment he is a booming voice in the sky that everyone has to hear and the next he is silent for several centuries. One moment he is fire and brimstone and the next he is compassionate and forgiving. One moment he is worried about what people are thinking about him and the next he is worried about who everyone is sleeping with. One moment he is everywhere and the next he is making people come see him at the top of mountains.

The Judaic God is clearly an ENTJ, who created people just so they would serve and praise him.

It seems like you are describing the Christian god with all the OT references (or Jewish references) to him in the first paragraph, and then make a distinction on the Judaic god in the second. Is it safe to say you changed your mind when you got to the second paragraph and typed the Christian god as well as the Judaic god at the end of your train of thought?
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It seems like you are describing the Christian god with all the OT references (or Jewish references) to him in the first paragraph, and then make a distinction on the Judaic god in the second. Is it safe to say you changed your mind when you got to the second paragraph and typed the Christian god as well as the Judaic god at the end of your train of thought?

Nah, I was making references to the contrast between the Judaic god in the OT and the NT references to the Christian God. They are suppose to be the same God, right?

Once you stake away the NT references, you are left with the Judaic god and that is how I would type his fire and brimstone style of thinking. The Christian god is still as neurotic as hell.
Following my view of "god", it doesn't have a personality, it just is. A collective source. The way I look at it something said to be "so powerful" can't possibly exsist as an entitiy.
God was INTP:

1. He doesn't like people, so he sent a flood on them...
2. You have to be skilled with theory and the like to create the world and all the physical laws in it...
3. He really doesn't like people, that's why he doesn't socialize much anymore...
4. When his feelings show, they're really intense and childish. Cursing fig trees, ruining temples, destroying cities...
5. Obviously a strategy game fan! Hebrews vs Egypt (except he cheated), Hebrews vs every culture that ever existed in the area around Jerusalem (cheated there too though...hmm)...
Nah, I was making references to the contrast between the Judaic god in the OT and the NT references to the Christian God. They are suppose to be the same God, right?

Once you stake away the NT references, you are left with the Judaic god and that is how I would type his fire and brimstone style of thinking. The Christian god is still as neurotic as hell.

Okay I am following you now.

Well I might as well add my thoughts on the subject...

I was going to say that God is probably a combo of all the types until I realized that God is probably an ISTJ because I am an ISTJ (or ti might be the other way around). And since I experince the world through ISTJ eyes I would just recon all the things I see/ read about God as being ISTJ in nature.

not sure about god or any god for that matter.
But I remember I read somewhere that Jesus was and INFJ :D
My personal interpretation of God doesn't really have a personality or emotions as such, so I would have to say benign indifference.
God was INTP
Thats right! I am god! bow to me slaves!

Honestly with gods record, I dont want him/her/it in my type ;)

lol and also how the hell should we know what gods personality type is?... i dont even know if he/she/it exists XD.
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What do you think is Gods personality? If you dont believe in God pick a God of any religion and define his/hers personality.

Without understanding the Trinity it would be most difficult for someone to try and type God. The only part of the Triad that has been as a person was Jesus, who has been typed by some that have actually studied Him as like most of us here: INFJ. Jesus became our intercessor as the new High Priest and the daily sacrifice was done away with. I think the word "person...ality" could not be used to describe God The Father or God The Holy Spirit.
It was written "God in Three Persons, Blessed Trinity" in a song. The Three are One.
To me, trying to type God would be like unto trying to type a father, mother, and child as one type; the three being a perfect union (family) in the form of a triad, yet having different aspects in and of themselves.
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