Do you hug much?

Family - yes, always.

When it comes to people outside of my family, I'll only hug them if they initiate. My natural state is to keep my arms crossed to ward off the free-huggers.

Friends - sure but it depends who they are. Some friends I always hug. I've got a few really close friends, though, that I NEVER hug.

People I just met - Umm, no.

Girls I like - hell no! They might figure out that I like them!:m144:
opposite sex no.. unless relative/very very close friend

same sex .. anytime!!

it's so cuddly and warm:m096: and gives happiness
I'm not a hugger at all :-\ Then again, I have trouble with a lot of physical touchy-touchy stuff. I do return a hug if someone hugs me, but only like ... I think one person in my life actually hugs me ^_^; so yeah, I don't do it often.
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I don't give hugs but I don't mind receiving them. If they are sincere I love the feeling I get when I receive one.
I hug my loved ones like three times or more a day. No hugs for anyone else, though, well, except maybe a friend, or two.
Take a guess......


If you guessed hugger then you're right! I love hugging, and I've been told I give the best hugs. But I don't invade peoples space. I can usually tell if someone wants me to be close to them or not. But hugging is just one of my ways to bring peace and a genuine sense of calm to another individual. *hugs, hugs, hugs* and Slant...

From where you are there, not liking hugs, to where I am here... wanting to give you a hug if you ever do want one. I do give good hugs. :D


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I give bear hugs until I can hear their bones start to crackle.
I love hugging. Partly because it is such a social gray area - occasionally I like testing peoples boundaries, and hugging is such a sneaky, subversive way of doing it. 'Cause who's really gonna get mad at you for hugging them? It's a HUG, for cryin' out loud! :D

But yeah, hugs are good. Family and friends for sure, strangers, well, I'll feel them out and see what I think they can reasonably take. Then I'll probably go just a smidgen over the limit. Sometimes that means holding on a split second longer, or squeezing just a tiny bit tighter, but sometimes that just means a brief, cordial hug, which I have to initiate. Like I said, I feel them out, and I don't want to put them off, I just want to stretch them a little bit.

Looks like I missed the hug-fest here though... :(
[surprise hug tactics]

Looks like I missed the hug-fest here though... :(

I'm soo dubbing you ENFP :D

The more I think about it, the less INFJ fits.
No offense to anyone but, I hug like a girl, LOL.
I love hugging. Partly because it is such a social gray area - occasionally I like testing peoples boundaries, and hugging is such a sneaky, subversive way of doing it. 'Cause who's really gonna get mad at you for hugging them? It's a HUG, for cryin' out loud! :D

Oh you tricky hug devil you! :tongue:

no reason
Looks like I missed the hug-fest here though... :(

Here you go Dylan!!! . :hug: :grouphug: Second hug fest starts now. :D
This is for you Thursday! :hug:

*smiles sweetly and shuffles from foot to foot* um... any spares?
Lurker of course you get one!!! :hug: