Do INFJs like cats?

Which do you prefer?

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I noticed the little cat icon for the forum and it reminded me how often I encounter INFJs online that own and/or love cats.

Or do you all prefer dogs?
I have a dog, but I used to have cats. I'm seriously am allergic to cats, actually. Kinda sucks.

But cats are my first choice, ey-up.
DJ did that, our ENTP admin techie.

I find INFPs are the firm cat lovers.
I like dogs, but I have a cat. Go figure.
I LOVE cats! They're one of my most favorite animals. This is a picture of my kitty Princess (she is 10) I love her so much, and miss her too. She is back home in New Jersey:

Cats are nice - when they're friendly and affectionate. But I like dogs better. :)
I like dogs more
I absolutely love cats.
I'm allergic too, and the cats that my family used to have hated everything.

Yes, I do like cats. I'll probably never have one through.
We love cats, although it's questionable whether they love us back =(

Cats are brain-ninjas.
Slinky Malinky was blacker than black,
a stalking and lurking
adventurous cat.
He had bright yellow eyes,
a warbling wail
and a kink at the end of his very long tail.
He was cheeky and cheerful,
friendly and fun,
he'd chase after leaves and he'd roll in the sun.
But at night he was wicked
and fiendish and sly.
Through moonlight and shadow
he'd prowl and he'd pry.