i think thought only exists in a select few ...
+1I disagree. Thought in exists in even the simplest of things, your judgement does not change the fact that something else thought.
What makes you say this, Chris?
What is truly scary is what politicians and society will demand to do with the technologies and knowledge cognitive science is producing. There is a thread floating around that they injected flies with a pattern that made it "learn" to avoid a certain smell.
We already have simple neuron to computer interfaces. The death of thought is when "thought restricters" can be implanted "for a more secure society."
Science in the hands of a fanatical public that misunderstands it is truly scary.
I feel you on this onei couldn't find the philosophy section in my local books-a-million
I feel you on this oneIt's sad living in an age where Philosophy is viewed by most as a useless waste of time.
How horribly depressing but your metaphor usage is greatI had also noticed this. Even with myself. When I was an adolescent I constantly was thinking and reading about live, philosophy, relgion. How is the world put together etc. But since I'm working, it is not incouraged any more to think deeper than what lies in front of us. No one around me seems to think about live.
It feels like I'm falling asleep more and more each day...
If you remember, during the Generation x's reign on this earth it was once thought that life as we knew it was doomed, for the world would be full of grunge rock, bad hair, and curt cobain...You can see we have progressed through that, and have bred another generation...The Now Generation, The entitlement generation...
They want everything now, they cant wait, they are entitled to it just for being born...its up to all of us, as adults, role models, parents, teachers, and the like...to stear this generation back to a realistic line. They must work for their answers, their food, and their cars...so stop buying your Now Generation kids cars, toys, phones, ect...stop doing their work for them... and relearn tough love...You want a car...fine. theres a wendys down the street you can walk to and earn enough money for a car.