Cuddling: like or dislike.


In case it wasn't obvious, I'm referring to cuddling in the context of an intimate relationship.

Though I've never had the opportunity to attempt as such, I love the idea of cuddling, and can't wait to do so with somebody I love (this is actually somewhat of a point of dissonance in my current -long distance- relationship, not solely because it isn't currently possible but because the other half doesn't like the idea).

Do you like it, dislike it, or feel completely ambivalent to it?
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Hmm, you said you have to be in a relationship for this to count. Thus I'll go with "I love the idea" as well.
I LOVE to cuddle!! I'm a little cuddle monkey. :smile:
We should have a cuddle party daring :) :m155:
Can I has a cuddle? :D
:) Yes, Yes you can.
Cuddling is lovely...
Cuddling is the best thing in the world. I may even rate it higher than sex. Srsly.

I need me some cuddles, it's been way too long... :(
I love cuddling. Who wouldn't want to be in a soft, warm, safe place? :P
It has been waaay too long since I've gotten a good cuddle.
Kinda need a girlfriend/wife for that though...

Casual cuddling is unacceptable.
It has been waaay too long since I've gotten a good cuddle.
Kinda need a girlfriend/wife for that though...

Casual cuddling is unacceptable.

Lol. This is true. But in lieu of this, a doggie works just as well. My chihuahua seems to think so, anyway. *And I won't even mention how long it's been for me. Relatives and friends don't count.*