black parents have white kid


not quite new anymore, but interesting nonetheless!

THE stunned black dad of a newborn, WHITE, baby girl declared yesterday
aww she's sooooo cute :) :) :) :mhula:

maybe her parents have like recessive white skin/blonde hair traits
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I cannot believe this.
aww she's sooooo cute :) :) :) :mhula:

maybe her parents have like recessive white skin/blonde hair traits

Highly possible, or it could simply just be a gene mutation. It's possible, and has indeed happened.

That said, she's adorable. <3 (:
totally agree with you guys, she's a cutie! but damn, what a shock her birth must've been, haha
That's so strange.

I wonder if the baby is going to grow up to identify more with white or black culture? They should do some ancestry testing on it to see if there's any European blood, or if this is just a spontaneous mutation. If it's just a spontaneous mutation, it pretty much proves that racial differences are smaller than they look.

Fascinating. I just hope the child's siblings don't tease it too much about being white.
For some reason, I suspect he wasn't completely joking.

A DNA test could eaaasily answer that question. It's possible that she is his oright. Nature never ceased to surprise us.

I think she will have an interesting life ahead of her. She is a beauty! =)


Did hse get pregnant with all the other women in her town at the same time after a comet went by? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!:m192:
Reeeally fascinating! Even if her husband weren't the father, the baby still would at least look biracial, unless there were some kind of genetic mutation going on. I found it interesting about the mixed-race couple who had twins, one black and one white. Life really is strange sometimes.

She is a very beautiful baby - she looks like a cherub. :) I'm sure she'll be loved and certainly have a very interesting life!
They have not done a paternity test?

I don't care whether Mom says she was faithful or not. I've seen the Maury show enough to know you can't take people at their word on these sorts of things.
There is a genetic disorder that is very rare where there have been cases of black people essentially becoming white people over night...and i think the same the other way it's possible, could also be a hoax be honest I don't think asking for a dna test to confirm would be completely outta the question...i mean....I swear I've seen a picture of that with the caption under it saying "Owned" lol
I assume they did DNA checks on the kid already, and I will refract from making the obvious jokes.

That baby is quite ugly though, more so than most babies.
This is not an unusual case. In fact, it could happen to anyone - although it's extremely rare.

It simply means that two recessive genes from both sides of the parents merged, and the child was born. Seriously - we're not all "White" or all "Black." We're all mixtures of different cultures. And when those genes get together...yup, this can happen.

Other similar reports: (and )

Eartha Kitt and her only daughter:

And a video (about a fictional book, but the author does explain the occurrence fairly well):

This is not an unusual case. In fact, it could happen to anyone - although it's extremely rare.

It simply means that two recessive genes from both sides of the parents merged, and the child was born. Seriously - we're not all "White" or all "Black." We're all mixtures of different cultures. And when those genes get together...yup, this can happen.

Other similar reports: (and )

And a video (about a fictional book, but the author does explain the occurrence fairly well):


This is indeed very interesting, I am quite curious in reading the book. I am also pretty certain most humans are a mix of genes which have transferred though generations, nobody is racially pure. This makes us more alike and similar then what was previously thought before.

Take that stormfront! xD
I think that couples milkman and/or postman is glad he's gotten away with paying for child support

Hehe, suckers
It would be interesting if they both had a genetic defect that confused their body and took recessive genes and made them dominant and dominant genes recessive. We should let House take a crack at this. :D
This is not an unusual case. In fact, it could happen to anyone - although it's extremely rare.

It simply means that two recessive genes from both sides of the parents merged, and the child was born. Seriously - we're not all "White" or all "Black." We're all mixtures of different cultures. And when those genes get together...yup, this can happen.

Yes, exactly... race is a social construct, not biological. There is less genetic variation between different races than there is between members of one race. I watched a documentary recently where a group of racially diverse high schools students did DNA tests, and beforehand they were asked to predict whose DNA they thought theirs would be most similar to. Of course, the white kids guessed each other, the Asian kids guessed each other, etc. But in reality, it was like a black girl and a white boy who had the most genetic similarity. Really interesting. I wish I could find the documentary or remember what it was called... but I can't, right now. I have it written down at home - if I remember I'll post it later. :D

Of courses just due to heredity it is still rare for 2 black parents to have a white baby, but it really does show us how superficial racial differences are.

Another interesting article:
Natural selection is flawed, because in reality we are not "what you see is what you get". We carry and pass on inhibited genes, sometimes for many generations. Eg:
--> note that there's no physical difference between the first 3 offspring cases; they look identical

I like mixed genes a lot. :) I think mine are quite mixed as well. I used to think that dominant traits are going to replace recessive traits (i.e. there will be no more blue-eyed people some day), but that's very unlikely to happen in practically distant future. Because over large populations, the probabilities for "pure" genes to survive are as high as the probabilities of fully dominant ones. We just don't see as many blue-eyed people around us, but the blue-eye gene is fine nevertheless, and is not going anywhere. The only way to exterminate recessive traits would be to forbid them to reproduce. Otherwise, assuming the reproductive odds are equal, they'd always exist. (i'm so happy)

I think they were telling us in school this racist nonsense that recessive traits are going to disappear, while statistically there's perfect balance between recessive and dominant traits, and if racism is not a reproductive factor, this balance should always remain. That's because "recessive" and "dominant" traits are only about what's shown on the surface, what gets activated, while the survival rate of passing them to offspring is 50/50; i.e. "recessive" are not less likely to survive. (otherwise they probably wouldn't be here anyway)

Think about an example, to see that getting double dominant genes is not a "dead end":
BB meets Bw (both look B) --> child happens to be Bw meets another Bw (both look B again) --> child happens to be ww (looks w, all of a sudden). Note that this started from a double dominant BB person, and he/she could have double recessive ww grandchildren, even if always mating with other B-looking people.
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Alien abduction..... well no.

All the races emerged from one ancestral race... this may be how it happened - suddenly and not gradually.