Bad at the most practical things?

I do not know if this is an INFJ characteristics but I am bad at the most practical things, I can indeed be very abstract, love challenging courses and theories but when it comes to the most simplest things I find myself completley lost, this includes tasks such as simple math logic, Opening a soda can, building a tent etc, I find myself at times unable to do this simple things, and then I end up going nuts about it!! I am constantly breaking things, dropping items, spraying soda gas all over the table!!lol..I don't know what to think anymore..perhaps it is just me..

But, never give up trying to improve S. We will never become good sensors, but we should try to cover some minimum.

Also, expect improvements with age and maturity. It's just that N "gets it" later than normal. Kinda like being "physically retarded", meaning, slower development in that area. Well, something's gotta give. xD Can't be perfect in everything...
^ Yep.

I'm fine with the daily things, but I'm not sure I'd be fantastic with Se heavy duty tasks. I do, occasionally, bump into doorways and the like.
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My INFJ wife grew up in a family in a part of the country where everyone did everything. She can fix a car, repair a roof, make a dress, strip furniture, install a sink, you name it. Sometimes she puts me, her INTP engineer husband, to shame. So, no, I don't think it's an INFJ thing. The best way to learn how to do something practical is to get a DIY book out of the library and forge ahead. The worst things that can happen are that the pipe might leak or the car won't start.
Generally I am really bad with something until I have gotten enough practice. I don't have any particular problem putting things together or working with technological devices, I am usually the family assistant for all of that kind of stuff. As for DIY home repair or car repair, not so much, but I am trying to learn. A lot of the guys around here are really good at that kind of stuff so I volunteer to help and I learn quite a bit about it.

As for natural clumsiness, I am not particularly prone to it although I lose stuff a lot and overlook things that others may find obvious.
I do not know if this is an INFJ characteristics but I am bad at the most practical things, I can indeed be very abstract, love challenging courses and theories but when it comes to the most simplest things I find myself completley lost, this includes tasks such as simple math logic, Opening a soda can, building a tent etc, I find myself at times unable to do this simple things, and then I end up going nuts about it!! I am constantly breaking things, dropping items, spraying soda gas all over the table!!lol..I don't know what to think anymore..perhaps it is just me..

Hm, so would you say you're kind of like an intelligent klutz? Hell, there's far worse things to be!
Hm, so would you say you're kind of like an intelligent klutz? Hell, there's far worse things to be!

I find I'm the same way. If I'm not paying attention I'm spilling things, bumping into everything, etc. I'm always covered in random bruises!
haha, that was me as a kid, always knocking over glasses and breaking things. i was clumsy! fortunately since then i've learned to dance and do gymnastics, and consciously have trained myself to pay more attention to details since they're my weak spot (i overlook things all the time), so i think i'm a bit better now :) i think introverts in general are a little absent-minded.
I do not know if this is an INFJ characteristics but I am bad at the most practical things, I can indeed be very abstract, love challenging courses and theories but when it comes to the most simplest things I find myself completley lost, this includes tasks such as simple math logic, Opening a soda can, building a tent etc, I find myself at times unable to do this simple things, and then I end up going nuts about it!! I am constantly breaking things, dropping items, spraying soda gas all over the table!!lol..I don't know what to think anymore..perhaps it is just me..

I have the same issue, i'm terrible at simple basic environmental stuff. And I was a carpenter for a few years it was the shittiest job ever for that reason alone. Like jamming a round peg in a square hole.

I am also very aloof most of the time, completely lost in thought.
I have bruises on my knees from hitting my desk, and bruises on my arms from running into EVERYTHING. I don't know if it's an INFJ charactertic but I have iss ues with the small stuff. I spill coffee on my desk and paperwork at least once a month, which I let dry, and redo haha. I'm a space cadet.

Sometimes I drive home and have no recollection of how I got there, how many lgihts I ran etc. It's scary! I absolutely can't talk on the cell and drive at the same time, because my energy and focus is going to one or the other....:m027:
I have bruises on my knees from hitting my desk, and bruises on my arms from running into EVERYTHING. I don't know if it's an INFJ charactertic but I have iss ues with the small stuff. I spill coffee on my desk and paperwork at least once a month, which I let dry, and redo haha. I'm a space cadet.

Sometimes I drive home and have no recollection of how I got there, how many lgihts I ran etc. It's scary! I absolutely can't talk on the cell and drive at the same time, because my energy and focus is going to one or the other....:m027:

That happens to me too, I think aloofness and being headlocked is definitely an infj trait at times.
I've also been known to miss my exit on the highway because I wasn't paying attention. Its always so loud in my head.
Well, I can't get cat food out of a can. I cut my hand pretty horribly last night trying. (And then I went into psychogenic shock. I know this because I told my cat that it was "all [her] fault.")

But more to the point: I am incredibly clumsy. I have a bad habit of staring at the ground when I walk, and I think I probably look pretty morose when I'm strolling along. It's just that if I weren't looking, I'd very likely trip. I mean ... I fell down an escalator once, and you stay pretty stationary on those. And I do the whole, "I don't know how I got here" thing. My brain working on autopilot, etc.

I am alright in math and stuff. I mean, it's definitely not my strong suit, and I've struggled in it the most, but I've maintained good grades in the subject. And my math score on my SAT was pretty high. I mean, I did really well on the SAT, in general. Much better than I thought I would. And that's logic.

I am pretty good with my hands. I did a lot of arts and crafts when I was a kid. I used to sew clothing for my American Girl dolls when I was, like, 8, and I was always making jewelry or whatever. So I don't know.
I do not know if this is an INFJ characteristics but I am bad at the most practical things, I can indeed be very abstract, love challenging courses and theories but when it comes to the most simplest things I find myself completley lost, this includes tasks such as simple math logic, Opening a soda can, building a tent etc, I find myself at times unable to do this simple things, and then I end up going nuts about it!! I am constantly breaking things, dropping items, spraying soda gas all over the table!!lol..I don't know what to think anymore..perhaps it is just me..

When you go to do any task, above you mentioned, tell yourself slowly you can do and let go those meaningless or dis-empowering thoughts. Don't let yourself down. :)

Try this step by step. One day you'll become wonderful manager of your life.
But more to the point: I am incredibly clumsy. I have a bad habit of staring at the ground when I walk, and I think I probably look pretty morose when I'm strolling along.
I also look at the ground when I walk.
Yikes, sorry to hear about your hand! :( And the escalator experience... ouch again!!

I ever so casually bumped my hand into another door frame today, lol.
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When you go to do any task, above you mentioned, tell yourself slowly you can do and let go those meaningless or dis-empowering thoughts. Don't let yourself down. :)

Try this step by step. One day you'll become wonderful manager of your life.

I agree. I think that sometimes people are afraid of trying to do new things. The best thing is to start small, and then, as you succeed, you'll develop the confidence to tackle more difficult tasks.

Also, someone may seem proficient with a certain task but you really don't know how hard it might have been for him or her to become proficient. Try not to be intimidated by someone else's skills. They might have struggled, too.
I do not know if this is an INFJ characteristics but I am bad at the most practical things, I can indeed be very abstract, love challenging courses and theories but when it comes to the most simplest things I find myself completley lost, this includes tasks such as simple math logic, Opening a soda can, building a tent etc, I find myself at times unable to do this simple things, and then I end up going nuts about it!! I am constantly breaking things, dropping items, spraying soda gas all over the table!!lol..I don't know what to think anymore..perhaps it is just me..

Depends mostly on introversion and intuition. INs suck at practical tasks, except for INTJs I guess, they seem to take pleasure in it.
hello :) :)

well heehee yeah I think I'm really stupid

you know, I was thinking about this for like about 2 weeks now... I was even imagining myself during an earthquake.. and of course, the dumb me wouldn't be able to do anything

so yeah I really feel dumb like.... I'm not really a practical person and I'm a really slow learner.. I have to go through everything step by step and I have to understand each step.. or else.. I'll get lost...and sometimes, I feel so dumb when my classmates get the lessons and I don't.....

and recently, I've been telling myself... "okay so what if I'm not practical at least I understand people's feelings and myself and I can feel a lot of things".. but then I contradict myself.. "it's not like anyone cares.. it's not like these things that I can do can save me unlike being practical"
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