Why the ISTJ animosity?


Si master race.
I have picked up on the general dislike of the ISTJ type on this forum. I get that this is not a forum for ISTJs but I didnt realize it was an unspoken norm. Here I have compiled a most of the times when ISTJs get bad mouthed on the forum. As I see my type (or maybe just me, Im sure I give us a bad rep) is unwelcome, please permanently ban me. Thanks.

fly away: I also have a thing for T types, but not STJs.

Billy: You dont belong on this forum, you might be happier with the other flesh robots on some istj forum.

Lady Infj: I am so tired of ISTJs and their way of thinking.

NeverAmI: Oh and I get along quite well with the ISTJs as long as they know that I am willing to go the
extra mile when needed but absolutely WILL NOT pick up their slack. (Does this imply ISTJ's are lazy?)

chobo: Another issue is dealing with ISTJ's. These types tend to be in supervisor / boss roles quite often. It seems like they only care about their work / tasks and anything outside of this is seen as a waste of
their time.

...no flexibility at all which (correct me if I'm wrong) is a trait of ISTJ's.

RememberWhenItRained: ask me how i get along with the two ISTJs i know...dont't

Siamese Cat: ISTJs are inflexible like that and stubborn to no end. very complicated people to deal with.

Duty" I somehow doubt an ISTJ will care though. SJ corporate culture: doing it how it has always been done, even when it's stupid.

ENFP can be shy: istj thought police grammar nazi jew burner

IndigoSensor: I knew one ISTJ... we hated each others guts on so many levels...
I have picked up on the general dislike of the ISTJ type on this forum. I get that this is not a forum for ISTJs but I didnt realize it was an unspoken norm. Here I have compiled a most of the times when ISTJs get bad mouthed on the forum. As I see my type (or maybe just me, Im sure I give us a bad rep) is unwelcome, please permanently ban me. Thanks.

No, I didn't imply anything with ISTJ's, I meant that in a general term for people. I am not inclined to pick up the slack for anyone. Especially in the workplace.

The ISTJs I know are some of the best workers I have ever had experience with.
Personally, I LOVE my one ISTJ friend. We have the absolute best times together, laughing and goofing off and generally being terrifyingly creepy.

So, no hatred here. Just love.
No clue.

But I like you, love <3
If you had read my previous posts, you would have found that I have urged the people not to hold a particular bias against any specific type, because that is retarded. Everyone is an individual.
You can add to the list of infractions that I've had a lot of really bad interactions with ISTJs. In fact, the best I've ever had with an ISTJ is tenuously civil interactions. From my perspective, ISTJs refuse to accept me for who I am or have the ability to value what I bring to the table as being valid.

But I think the anti-ISTJ sentiment comes from the inherent friction between the types, and as the very serious minority type, we've had to deal with a lot of unpleasantness at the hands of ISTJs (usually parents) who do not understand us and insist that there must be something wrong with us because we're not like them. It's most likely just an expression of past frustrations.

That said, am certainly I open to the possibility of a better relationship with an ISTJ, and judge people as individuals that are more than their type.
I think it depends on the circumstance and the person, uber. Usually people have run-ins with one or two particularly uncomfortable people, and that creates a stereotype. Is it a good idea? No. But people create stereotypes - for good or for ill. Calling attention to it is a good thing if it can get people to think differently.

I *can* have issues with ISTJ males, but those are the stereotypical, "worst of type" folks that exist in any culture. I've also had run ins with just about every other type but certain run-ins are more vivid. And our extreme run-ins tend to be our stereotyping of a certain type.

I consciously try not to call out someone's type as an excuse for bad behavior...but perhaps it's because I'm a minority and I know how that feels. I may sometimes fall into that trap, but I try to watch myself. I hope others do the same, but not everyone will.

Sometimes it falls on the shoulders of the minority to show the best of their "type" and prove to the doubters and haters that "not all are bad."
I like you, uber. Don't go nowhere. Prease?
It is the non-INFJ members who make this forum interesting.

Uber - just remember that we INFJ's are the rarest of all the types, and are by temperament easily side-lined. You are probably just encountering people blowing off steam because of day-to-day difficulties.
I saw this coming. I wanted to talk with you. Maybe it would help if you do not associate yourself with the type, as much. Yes, people seem to bash the whole type; well, then, consider yourself the best example of a type, if so many people like you, even if they talk thrash about the type as a whole.
hope you don't leave, i enjoy your posts and i have nothing against istjs. if there is a stigma against particular types here it's probably only because there are so few members of that type to represent them. prejudice is usually due to ignorance.
good luck whatever you decide though.
Sorry that you feel this way Uberrogo, I think you are awesome and enjoy reading your posts and the last thing we want is for you to leave.

I believe many of us make such comments because of all the daily stresses in our lives. There's a huge difference in type and as minorities we sometimes feel resentful towards ISTJ's as many try to impose their views according to scoeity's values. Not to say all ISTJ's are like this, but there seem to be a lot of cases of bad experiences with STJ's here and abuses and sometimes this emotions are let out. We do not intend to hurt the type though, I believe given the chance any type can be amazing. We just all need to learn to accept each other more.

With that being said, I think you are a wonderful example of a healthy ISTJ and well I do indeed enjoy seeing you here.
I have picked up on the general dislike of the ISTJ type on this forum. I get that this is not a forum for ISTJs but I didnt realize it was an unspoken norm. Here I have compiled a most of the times when ISTJs get bad mouthed on the forum. As I see my type (or maybe just me, Im sure I give us a bad rep) is unwelcome, please permanently ban me. Thanks.

I don't think you really want a permanent ban and I get where you're coming from. Either way, on a majority of sites where the main user base is a group of (typically immature) intuitives, they tend to place their problems on the larger majority which would happen to be XSTJs in general. Personally, I have loved a few XSTJs in my life time (or...at least, it's a close to love that I have felt) and, generally, high S in rewarded while intuitive can be a bit sidelined which can cause animosity. XSTJs tend to be the type who seem more concerned with how someone should act which is antithetical to an intuitive.

And, ehrm, yeah. With a system like MBTi, people tend to stereotype to the extreme. I've had some downright rude things said to me based on my type on this very forum, it happens, don't let the other person win and continue to perpetuate inaccurate views of what you MBTI type is.
btw this reminds me of an interview i saw between the lead singer of a band & this girl who didn't know who he was. he asked her about what she thought of the band, she replied she didn't like them, that their music was generic and that they had no style. the lead singer then told her who he was, and she was appalled and said "i'm so sorry, i didn't mean YOU" etc., but the lead singer was really offended and basically told her she couldn't take it back now, she'd said it.
if that's kind of how you feel uberrogo, i won't blame you if you leave. but honestly i don't think there's that much of a stigma against istjs here.
I'm very glad that you brought this up, actually. I have noticed this bias as well. But, I really don't think it was aimed at you, specifically. But, I can see how you would be hurt.

I personally DO like ISTJs. I have a few friends who are this type, and the boy I am currently seeing is this type. They are all highly intelligent and rational individuals. But, what I like about them is more about THEM, and not about their type.

So, I really hope you don't go. I think balance on this forum is important.
My ISTJ friend is great. Caring, intelligent, she keeps her word, great cooker. Great person. So don't be sad, uberrogo , ISTJs are fine for me...
That must be an old post of mine. I am very good friends with an ISTJ, and me and her get along really really well.