Which would you choose?

The thick or thin girl?

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In that pic I would choose the thick. The thin girl is absolutely disturbing.
I want to look like the furry animal in the middle.

As for the girls, one of them looks really unhealthy. I like healthy.
I would advise the skinny bones to go live some years in the countryside. Get some natural fitness-cycle, by working the earth each day, until you are so tired, that you eat well, and sleep like a baby. ^^ We'll see if she maintains her 1-handed self-mutilated "high fashion", afterwards, or even cares anymore about that mindless bollocks.

The other girl seems quite alright to me. Perfectly average, I would never call her thick. Come on, she has excellent tummy, which I'm sure very few people in this forum have. She can be one healthy mother, with that body shape.

NOTE: This ad outrages me, a little, because they photo-shot real skinny girl there, who is indeed very unhealthy. Hope they didn't make her starve for playing the role. It just feels sick to photo-shoot someone in such condition. Bastards!
Wait...the girl in the mirror is thick?

Damnit, I must be obese or something
NOTE: This ad outrages me, a little, because they photo-shot real skinny girl there, who is indeed very unhealthy. Hope they didn't make her starve for playing the role. It just feels sick to photo-shoot someone in such condition. Bastards!

I really doubt that they'd make someone starve if they want to send the message that you need to help people who are starving themselves.
It might feel sick, but this works probably better than sending people to schools to give lectures.
Now there's some sort of social control created because of the commercial.
sI would advice the skinny bones to go live some years in the countryside.

^ Hahah I second that!!!

NOTE: This ad outrages me, a little, because they photo-shot real skinny girl there, who is indeed very unhealthy. Hope they didn't make her starve for playing the role. It just feels sick to photo-shoot someone in such condition. Bastards!

I would presume that they rather retouched the healthy girl to look that skinny... By watcing her bones she would be in a hospital bed barely being able to stand...

The other girl seems quite alright to me. Perfectly average, I would never call her thick. Come on, she has excellent tummy, which I'm sure very few people in this forum have. She can be one healthy mother, with that body shape.

Wait...the girl in the mirror is thick?

Damnit, I must be obese or something

Ohh noe, I knew this would happen. It was for a lack of better word. Initially I was going to write the thicker girl and the thinner girl.. but that sounded even more strange. Sorry for the bad choice of word guys..
I thin girls but not too thin but i really go for thick girls but not too much but ill still say the thick girl

Ohh noe, I knew this would happen. It was for a lack of better word. Initially I was going to write the thicker girl and the thinner girl.. but that sounded even more strange. Sorry for the bad choice of word guys..
No, I was just making light of the situation. It's all good.
I really don't think this is fair. I would say that the thicker girl is more attractive, but also a very common body type. Her flat tummy seems improbable, though. The thin girl is not attractive at all, and by making her so thin, anyone who says they would prefer the "thin" girl is going to receive some sort of backlash. Also, this is not a common body type. If they had made the thin girl a bit thicker, she would be closer to average, and would probably be chosen over the thick girl a majority of the time.

Not everyone with an eating disorder looks like a skeleton, is all.
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crap, I voted before realizing there was a picture...
I see those two bodies as extremely thin and average (a bit plump). :m083:
What she said. That skeleton trying to pass off as a body is just disturbing.

I know a girl who has an eating disorder though, but she's not that thin, though my brother says he doesn't want to touch her since he's afraid she might break. Regardless, she could use some meat on her bones but she doesn't look that disturbing.
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This is a false choice.
I find average people always look the best. It's because they're the healthiest, which kind of reflects itself in their appearance.
In this case, the girl in the mirror is the most average, thus the more attractive.
It would have been more fair to put an image of an obese woman in the mirror though, to illustrate the two extremes.

However, that being said, this does work well as an illustration of an eating disorder for an advert. I'm sure that if the girl really was that thin that they provided her with counseling after the advert was shot, or they'd get so much human rights grief (as they would deserve to).
Its so bizzare that, in general Anorexics (the thinner) are not allowed to leave their recovery program until they're at least a 'healthy' 120 lbs.

YET the "Biggest Loser" was awarded $250,000 for being 117 lbs.

What the FCUK is wrong with that picture????
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I find average people always look the best. It's because they're the healthiest, which kind of reflects itself in their appearance.
In this case, the girl in the mirror is the most average, thus the more attractive.
It would have been more fair to put an image of an obese woman in the mirror though, to illustrate the two extremes.

Well, the real problem is not the actual weight. I think weight is a silly standard. If someone of my height and bone structure weighed even 130 lbs, you would see their bones sticking out. At 120, they would look emaciated. But someone my sister's height and bone structure looks a little on the pudgy side at 115. So weight really isn't a good basis for comparison. I know that BMI (body mass index) is no longer considered to be a valid or accurate form of measurement, but it better reflects overall body health a little more accurately.
Well, the real problem is not the actual weight. I think weight is a silly standard. If someone of my height and bone structure weighed even 130 lbs, you would see their bones sticking out. At 120, they would look emaciated. But someone my sister's height and bone structure looks a little on the pudgy side at 115. So weight really isn't a good basis for comparison. I know that BMI (body mass index) is no longer considered to be a valid or accurate form of measurement, but it better reflects overall body health a little more accurately.

BMI assumes everyone has the same frame and distributes fat the same way.

WHR all the way.