Which Planet are you from?


You are from Neptune!

27% Neptune

Why, no wonder you are a bit unusual! You are from Neptune!
Neptune is 17 times larger than earth. It’s rather odd that it was found by mathematical computations and not direct observations on September 23, 1846. But I’m sure that aliens from this planet were here long before that time.
Neptune is named after the Roman god of the sea. He’s a rather powerful dude, honestly. And another odd fact about his is that he was also considered to be a Roman god of the horses. So, I guess the guy was very versatile in a god-like way.
But what does this mean about you?
Well, Neptunians (which is what I call people from your planet) are perhaps the most intuitive and psychic aliens that have come to earth. They are very in tune with their spiritual side. Who knows, perhaps you even led the hippie movement in the 70’s where you spread the love and harmony word around. You know, the Go with the Flow motto of life? Yeah, anyway. I’m sure you feel very human.
People probably think that you don’t use common sense in the way you do things, that you just kind of feel your way through life and love. You can be a bit confusing at times, but that mystery is what keeps you interesting.
So, welcome to Earth, Neptunian. Hope you enjoy your time here!
(Nuh-uh.)You are From Venus!

27% Venus

You are from Mercury!

20% Mercury

You, my friend, are a Mercurian!
Mercury is the planet that is closest to the sun. It is the smallest planet in our solar system and it does not have rings. Because it is so close to the sun and it’s small size it’s not easy to get a view from the planet from Earth without a telescope. What’s funny is that as close as the planet is to the sun there is still ice on the planet. The craters on the planet never see the light of the sun.
Mercury is named after the Roman god known as the “Messenger.” Evidently he was busy flitting around with wings on his heels going around and talking to everyone. It was said that he could bring abundance and success, so evidently he was a guy worth listening to.
What does this mean about you?
Well, Mercurians are a very independent type. They are set in their ways and very cool. There isn’t much that can change your mind. Some people may think you are a bit egotistical, but you were born charming and are an effective communicator. You know how to react to things calmly and express yourself well. More than likely you have a very good sense for business.
You like sex and you have a very strong stamina. Because you are so cool, though, your partner may think you don’t care about them, but you do. You just don’t like getting all gushy. You can enjoy many loves in your life. You are probably also one that isn’t suited for just staying home and taking care of the hearth. You just aren’t set up for the usual marriage thing. It doesn’t give you enough freedom.
So, be free Mercurian! Not that you’ll do what I say anyway!
Your result for What Planet are You From? Test ...
You are from Neptune!

20% Neptune

Why, no wonder you are a bit unusual! You are from Neptune!
Neptune is 17 times larger than earth. It
You are From Venus!

27% Venus

You are From Venus!

27% Venus

Hmm… You are from Venus? Okay, then.
Venus is the second closest planet to the sun. It is also known as our “morning star” because at sunrise you can see it in the east, and at sunset you can see it in the west, but you can’t see it at midnight. It is covered with a layer of light reflective clouds. It never appears to venture too far from the sun. I guess it likes the warmth.
Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love. She is considered to be very beautiful and is said to be the ancestor of the Roman people. Julius Ceasar went around telling people he was related to her, so if he’s your ancestor you might definitely have some claims to be a true blooded Venusuvian! (Okay, I’m not sure if that’s a real word, but I like it.)
What does this mean to you?
Well, being a child of Venus means that more than likely you are quick to act and you enjoy being free! Once you make a decision you go for it despite what anyone else might say. You probably don’t hold fast to traditions, but tend to be more trendy. You are friendly, cheerful, and social.
In love, you don’t like restrictions. You are one of those people that believe that if it could be love why wait? Sex might actually be okay on a first date if your instincts say the two of you might have a future together. You weren’t born to be a careful thinker, after all, in your world time is short and there just isn’t enough of it!
Move along, my dear Venusuvian friend. Life awaits you!


Your Analysis

You are from Ceres!

27% Ceres

Ah ha! So, you are from Ceres! You know what that means, don’t you? (I mean besides my being right?)
Ceres is the smallest dwarf planet in our solar system. It has eluded astronomers until 1871. We knew your planet was supposed to be there between Mars and Jupiter, but you kept eluding us.
Ceres is the Roman goddess of the harvest. She was very caring and nurturing, which in my book means she may have been one of the very first aliens to land on this planet. She stayed and fed us and taught us how to farm. Perhaps she was being kind, or perhaps she was just teaching us to eat well so her fellow aliens could come back and eat us!
But what does this mean about you? Well, if you are from Ceres it’s most likely that you are very nurturing and as a parent you take very good care of your children. You have what people call a mothering instinct.
You also have a special relationship with food. You probably like to cook and don’t mind eating either. You might even have that Italian trait where you like to feed everyone around you. You enjoy friends and family and just hanging out.
If you have kids you are able to juggle the at home responsibilities with the work and other things you have going on in your busy daily life. People probably look at you and wonder how in the heck you get it all done, but you do. They probably have no idea that you are an alien among them.
But I know your secret!


Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • chart

    You scored 0% on Sun, higher than 24% of your peers.

  • You scored 13% on Moon, higher than 65% of your peers.

  • You scored 20% on Mercury, higher than 87% of your peers.

  • You scored 7% on Venus, higher than 38% of your peers.

  • You scored 7% on Mars, higher than 67% of your peers.
  • chart

    You scored 0% on Jupiter, higher than 15% of your peers.

  • You scored 7% on Saturn, higher than 43% of your peers.

  • You scored 0% on Uranus, higher than 4% of your peers.

  • You scored 0% on Neptune, higher than 13% of your peers.

  • You scored 20% on Pluto, higher than 90% of your peers.
Well there you go... I DO feel like I'm an alien sometimes, and I am Italian...
You are from the Moon!

20% Moon

Okay, yes, I know the moon is not a planet.
The moon, is, however, the Earth’s only natural satellite and the fifth largest natural satellite in our solar system. For this reason alone it could be that it has life on it, right? Yes, there have been many explorations to prove otherwise, but for many years people on Earth believed that the moon was inhabited. It is also the only celestial body that man has stepped upon.
There are a dozen gods and goddesses associated with the moon. The word Lunar, which relates to the moon’s cycle, is from the Latin word Lunar. One of the reasons that people tend to associate a female deity with the moon might be related to the female menstrual cycle. With that said, it’s is definitely time to move along before I get myself in trouble.
What does this say about you?
You desire contact with the world around you. You have a loving and nurturing nature, but you can suffer from mood changes and go through cycles. You aren’t afraid to stand up for what you believe in or to even stand up for the little guy that tends to get beat up on or forgotten. You probably even tend to put other people before yourself.
As a child of the moon you have a cold and warm side. When someone wrongs you it better be something they never do again. You may forgive them once, but you will never forget and a second time can cut them totally out of your life. You can be the life of the party, but only if it suits you. You are just as happy finding a few people that you can talk to and more than likely there are very few people that you can’t talk to.
You probably usually have a smile on your face and make people feel comfortable with you. You are just one of those people that others open up to and then wonder why.
So, moon child, in a way you are just like the tide. You ebb and flow in life and you like it best when you are in control.

  • You scored 7% on Sun, higher than 65% of your peers.
  • You scored 20% on Moon, higher than 85% of your peers.
  • You scored 0% on Mercury, higher than 11% of your peers.
  • You scored 13% on Venus, higher than 64% of your peers.
  • You scored 20% on Mars, higher than 95% of your peers.
  • You scored 0% on Jupiter, higher than 15% of your peers.
  • You scored 7% on Saturn, higher than 43% of your peers.
  • You scored 7% on Uranus, higher than 29% of your peers.
  • You scored 13% on Neptune, higher than 69% of your peers.
  • You scored 13% on Pluto, higher than 78% of your peers.
  • You scored 0% on Ceres, higher than 13% of your peers.
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Oooh, now this one is good.

You are from Neptune!

40% Neptune
Why, no wonder you are a bit unusual! You are from Neptune!
Neptune is 17 times larger than earth. It
Apparently, mostly everyone's from Neptune. Lol.
Well... here goes. :P
You are from the Moon!

27% Moon

Okay, yes, I know the moon is not a planet.
The moon, is, however, the Earth