When does one become strong?


find wisdom, build hope.
I'm sure everyone has a different idea of being 'strong'. Then the question comes; when does one become strong?
Strangely enough I become strong during times of crisis or upheaval. It's nothing I plan on, it just happens. It's never been a permanent thing though lol
I believe everyone is born with strength, though most may not realize it until they go through something that requires that strength to come through for them.
Physically, it is when you go to the gym. Mentally, it is when you discipline yourself to excel at some area. Spiritually, it is when you handle the misfortunes that life throws at you with grace and a balanced psyche.
When you realize that life will always have burdens for you to carry. And you will always be able to deal with those and come out sane on the other side. Happiness is optional but you should pick it up...
You become strong when choose the right path instead of the easy one.
I found my strength through hardship. In a very difficult time in my life I finally realized that only I had the strength to help myself and change the situation. I suppose the strength had been lurking all along, I just needed to be pushed to the breaking point in order to find it.
I use strength when i needed to use it. I don't like to waste this thing. Seriously, such things are hard to develop, sometimes takes many years and generates like small bottle. But when it is in charge, you show your strength. :)
When your self esteem comes from youself and you're not offended by jokes that target your gender, race, sexuality, religion, or lifestyle.

The ability to laugh at yourself and maintain your self esteem.
* When you effectively help people who aren't in a position to help themselves.

* When you effectively overcome something/someone you are opposed to.
When you realize that life will always have burdens for you to carry. And you will always be able to deal with those and come out sane on the other side. Happiness is optional but you should pick it up...

When you acknowledge your weakness.

I use strength when i needed to use it. I don't like to waste this thing. Seriously, such things are hard to develop, sometimes takes many years and generates like small bottle. But when it is in charge, you show your strength. :)

The ability to laugh at yourself and maintain your self esteem.

* When you effectively help people who aren't in a position to help themselves.

* When you effectively overcome something/someone you are opposed to.

Physically, it is when you go to the gym. Mentally, it is when you discipline yourself to excel at some area. Spiritually, it is when you handle the misfortunes that life throws at you with grace and a balanced psyche.

When a person can squat 600 pounds. Then they are strong.
I believe everyone is born with strength, though most may not realize it until they go through something that requires that strength to come through for them.

I agree. You don't know it until you're tested.

Unfortunately for our society, few people willingly test themselves. Instead, they wait for something bad to happen and only discover their strength through unwanted, unchosen adversity. We are too risk averse and comfort obsessed, which is strange because this seems to go against the reality of our evolutionary history.
I think you become strong with experience and along the path of self-discovery. I also think you develop strength as you eliminate personal weaknesses. Strength comes as patience develops, and so does poise. I liken it to being centered. How can you maintain personal strength if you lose your center? You can't!
When they act in accordance with their dreams rather than their fears.

I am not strong, but envy those who are.
Being offended by racist or sexist or whathaveyou jokes or remarks doesn't make one weak or indicate a lower self esteem.

Why should anyone have to suffer someone else's inability to be respectful?
The offense has little to do with self-esteem.

In fact, if I respect myself, I won't put up with listening to that garbage.

It's how one deals with the offense that indicates the strength of their character.
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