What's Your Super Power? | Page 3 | INFJ Forum

What's Your Super Power?

Actually, after thinking about this more I'd rather be able to freeze time than to teleport.
i'm The Networker. I know everyone, everyone knows me, I know who has things in common and I often connect them. :)
I sweat oil. It's quite useful to keep me rich and in shape but I can never go jogging on the beach :(
I would have the power to make everyone on this earth happy.
The power of teleportation, power of persuasion and the ability to turn invisible at will.
the annoying power of unflinching logic.

that, and sometimes i'm a psychic broadcaster
The powers of having daisys grow everywhere I walk.
I would like the ability to fly. Gravity is so obnoxious sometimes. It would be nice to travel that way...plus, no traffic! Well except for birds and planes and such.
i would love to teleport because i could save alot of money and ditch all kinds of transportation that takes time and money. also i can save people that are harms way. for example, if there's a house fire, i could teleport and save everyone in the house. also the teleporting power comes with the ability to hear anything, like a heart beat from 50 feet away.
Shape shifting. I could be a majestic eagle in the air one second and a T-Rex the next.
I think it would be really cool to create windstorms at will- especially during summer when it's hot outside.
The power to control and grant immunity to any form or consequence of willed power or influence to whoever or whatever I want.

Would that be freedom or control I wonder? Ha.

Freedom, if it merely comes down to control of one's own life, (with the bounds of what falls into your life's right of possession conveniently veiled, as well as having similar freedoms for others from your influence neglected,) is through method an issue of craving power and controlling relationships. It isn't about equal freedom, and thus not about freedom itself. Thus that argument for freedom as we tend to encounter it usually comes at the cost of truth and truth between people. Power and control in the name of fighting power and control, or self deception and deception of others in the name of enlightened intelligence or furthering freedom to manage ones own life from others ill earned influences.

*Laughs sadly at the horror of if such a person truly was the best humanity has to offer in terms of intelligence, as an agent of freedom or a moral voice*

I suspect true freedom would be something deeper.
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The ability to travel in a fourth spatial dimension. This would grant a form of invisibility, I could effectively teleport enywhere in the universe at will, pass through walls etc.

I could also remove my boxer shorts without first taking my jeans off. Awesome huh?
To instill a sense of love and compassion within people that would help them open their hearts and let go of false illusions, followed by helping them think more expansively without being affected by fear. Their thinking would also be touched by great insight and wisdom, which would allow them to make sense of things using both their heads and their hearts, so to speak. The world would be a better place if we operated with the kindness of compassion (rather than ego), sought to give than to take, and had the ability to think about things without having our own fears and biases cloud our judgments and thought processes. #idealistic thoughtstream
boring people to death.
The ability to be the greatest being in the universe ... and beyond ...