What's the coolest invention ever created?


What's the coolest invention ever created? Why?

What inventions do you think we should toss to extinction? Why?
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What's the coolest invention ever created? Why?

Sticky notes! You can use them to "Highlight" and take notes without ruining your books

What inventions do you think we tossed to extinction? Why?

The casette tape+walkman. They're cool, but Ipods/CDs/Mp3 players have made it obsolete
naturally the computer! ;D

radio has probably been the most revolutionary, so far. cars a close second.
just about anything Nikola Telsa made, though most notably AC electricity. We would live in a world of wires if it wasn't for that man's mind.

As for what could use some trashing, the combustion engine is getting pretty old.
the greatest invention? camera. the ability to capture a true image instead of an interpreted one. It was the beginning of blatant truth bearing witness over individual interpretation.

what can we get rid of? hmm... I will go with whoopi cushions. I have no problem with making farting noises on my own.
the greatest invention? camera. the ability to capture a true image instead of an interpreted one. It was the beginning of blatant truth bearing witness over individual interpretation.

what can we get rid of? hmm... I will go with whoopi cushions. I have no problem with making farting noises on my own.

Photoshop has rendered the camera obsolete in terms of truth and interpretation

(maybe not film cameras, however they are falling fast to obsoletion)
I'm going to go with aqueducts.
Definitely the best invention ever in my book.
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the greatest invention? camera. the ability to capture a true image instead of an interpreted one. It was the beginning of blatant truth bearing witness over individual interpretation.

what can we get rid of? hmm... I will go with whoopi cushions. I have no problem with making farting noises on my own.

i agree about cameras, disagree wholeheartedly about the non-usefulness of whoopee cushions! they play a fundamental role in society, damnit!

THE CLAW...it chooses who will go and who will stay

I think we could do without digital watches...
Electricity in general. Seriously, look at anything without it and anything with it, just amazing!

Things that should fuck off: Paper towels, house-deodorant sprays, swiffer, and pretty much anything that encourages just throwing something away for it to go to a landfill than just getting off your lazy wasteful ass and cleaning things like a responsible human being.
is electricity an invention or a discovery?

I hate it when I confuse myself....lol
Well I could narrow it down to the process of harnessing and storing electricity so that you can settle on that instead.
Words are our best invention

Capitalism was our worst invention
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For my tastes, the coolest invention ever is the transistor, and what it has lead to.

guitar was pretty sweet invention, so were drums, any musical instrument for that matter, though some more than others.

i could do without guns though