What is your interaction type?


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9w8 sp/sx
Welcome to the Interaction Type and Personality Test! Using a new psychological analysis technique I will after this quick test I will give you your Interaction Type (based on how you interact with other people and objects, from the archetypes of Fox, Dragon, Lion, Wild Dog, Beaver, Rabbit, Rat, Elephant) and a brief summary of the interaction type.
Awww I'm a little Rabby..
The Rabbit

You are sensitive, impressionable, warm and loving. Possessing a powerful imagination you see the poetry of life, and no matter where located you infuse a sense of the beautiful into your surroundings. An optimist and dreamer, you strive all the while for Utopia, seeking a quite life with as little trouble as possible. One great gift is your ability for interpreting ideas. You have the capability of taking an idea and transforming it into something everyone can appreciate and understand. A strong sense of service and compassion is also part of your nature. On occasion you find yourself put on by others, and torn by emotions and desperate to do the right thing, you become easily confused, giving way for the sake of peace and harmony.
You have much ingenuity, versatility and general resourcefulness. This provides an ever-present power of invention which must find an outlet of some kind. Intellectual and clever, and with a keen interest in life and what goes on around you, you learn rapidly. An unconventional, or original quality in your personality may manifest itself on occasions; others may see you as a little eccentric, or even dual-natured
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The Beaver

You are often dominated by powerful emotions, although generally a sound sense of purpose guides your actions and relationships with others. In most undertakings, thoroughness, determination, persistence and concentration bring successful results. Great courage is shown when in physical distress or mental strain. An ability to fight off all opposition is the result of your determination and tremendous staying power. Self-control is one of your main characteristics; actions and feelings are restrained by a cautious, secretive nature.
I'm a rabbit :D
The Elephant

"You are even-tempered, artistic, sociable, peaceful in your general attitude to life, humanitarian, warm and loving. Outwardly you present a composed, confident and unruffled attitude in all circumstances. Yet, often beneath that calm exterior lurks a seething mass of worry, indecision and anxiety which on occasions leads to eccentric behaviour. An investigative nature gives you an interest in science, spiritual subjects, New Age thought or fringe subjects such as occultism. You are attracted by anything new, strange or innovative. Your home may be full of electrical gadgets and strange bric-a-brac. With a clear vision of what is best, you care little for the opinions of others. Freedom of self-expression, thought and action are your driving ambitions. Conventional ideas and traditional values are not for you - new, fresh, exciting horizons are what motivate your adventurous spirit. A desire to improve self or society makes you a natural rebel with the energy, initiative, and zeal to change the old order for the new."
Another Bunny. :)
Silverback Gorilla
Bad "Harry" That could be concidered trolling!

Just kidding! (Don't hurt me!)


You were saying?

Yeah I was actually an Elephant anyways.
Aggressive and confident INFJ = Superhero.