What is an INFJ's view on an ENTP?

I could think of a few INFJ holes that could be filled with ENTP flesh.


I was just thinking how do you push an ENTP away. Hmmm show interest and be as creepy as they are?
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What is the impression that you get from ENTP's?Do you ever sense mental walls around ENTP's or does it depend on the ENTP? Are ENTP's capable of making these walls?

ENTP's are fun folks to be around. They're very ambitious, competitive and while they're not necessarily needing to be on top all the time, when they do get the upper hand, they don't easily relinquish that opportunity to others. They're very vivacious individuals and they like to talk lots, joke lots, but they rarely say what's truly on their mind. In a group of people, they're usually "on;" it's hard not to pick an ENTP out of a crowd, especially when he or she is talking about something that they're passionate about.

While they don't usually give two shits about others, sometimes they can surprise you with their sympathy... and how they're fiercely protective of those who are close to them or those who have won their trust. They seem to be drawn to compassionate and humble people the most and get a secret thrill out of someone who can read them like a book but poses no real danger to their ego.

Are ENTP's sensitive or again does this depend on the ENTP?

I don't think they're overly sensitive individuals, but the ENTP's I've dated and those who I have been friends with do have a sentimental streak to them. They also seem to have a freakish obsession with all things that are cute and cuddly and furry. It's something else following an ENTP into a pet store, let me tell you!

I think their buttons can be pushed fairly easily-- they're especially sensitive when anything questions their intelligence or a creative project they've been working on--but they don't show it. They act out their frustrations passive-aggressively sometimes and they don't volunteer to tell you what's bothering them.

What are they like relationship wise? Both sexual and in a friendship relationship.

Fun, caring, and actually quite sweet. I had been friends with my ENTP for four years before dating him in college, and I never, ever would have taken him to be one for romance... but he sure surprised me! He was actually very creative with the way he expressed his affection. He never went for flowers or chocolates. It was more practical, heartfelt gifts-- all with a twist of his humor, of course. And maybe it just happened to be my experience with my ENTP's, but ENTP's as partners also seem to have a fondness for coming up with pet names for their lovers.

As friends, they're often the comedians in the group and they opt for more... punny, situational humor, with just a touch of crass to push the boundaries. They love to get a rise out of someone and engage in witty banter. If they're not invested in you romantically or personally, however, they're not really the people you should go to in a pinch. They'll help out if they can, but not if it conflicts with their schedule.

Does anyone here have ENTP childern or siblings, If so what was it/is like living/ growing up with them?


Are there any key differences between ENTP males and ENTP females?

In my experience, ENTP females are a little less "showy" than their male counterparts and a tad more reserved about themselves and their intentions. They also seem to have more guy friends than girl friends. They do NOT like to be the least attractive female in the room, even if they don't show it openly, and engage in passive-aggressive psychological warfare with the offender. Beware making an enemy of an ENTP female. They like to gossip in an underhanded way that makes it difficult to pinpoint them as the culprit behind the slander.

What do INFJ males think of ENTP females?

No idea.
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In my experience, ENTP females are a little less "showy" than their male counterparts and a tad more reserved about themselves and their intentions. They also seem to have more guy friends than girl friends. They do NOT like to be the least attractive female in the room, even if they don't show it openly, and engage in passive-aggressive psychological warfare with the offender. Beware making an enemy of an ENTP female. They like to gossip in an underhanded way that makes it difficult to pinpoint them as the culprit behind the slander.

This wouldn't fly with me. I'm trying to get away from petty crap that seems to come from everywhere.

NO drama.:msith:
I have a good friend who's an ENTP that I've know for almost 20 years (we go back to high school) and we've always clicked well. Very intelligent, funny, insightful and I don't believe he's shallow although sometimes he may "appear" that way but I know he's far from being shallow. I like to think its more of his easy going nature whereas I tend to get ruffled. Someone posted earlier that ENTP's also appear scattered, disorganized and poor at planning; yes, I have to agree that seems to be a weakness but I like to think that as one matures it's something that can be remedied. He's never annoyed me; sure, he has his moments when he's filled with hot air but I find it more amusing than obnoxious. I think he even knows that he's full of it but he loves it when I call him on it! Most importantly, he's a good friend; I enjoy his clever wit and although he's a bit of an enigma I appreciate him for who is. I sometimes find ENFJ's to be a bit tiring; they're funny, warm hearted but they tend to wear me out quicker, especially when they enjoy being life's "back seat driver"!
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Also, for the longest time I thought my friend was an introvert until he took the MBTI. That's what makes him engimatic, he appears in deep thought, quiet and intensely introspective and then it's whoosh! He's out of his shell again while I'd scratch my head going "Huh?"
In my experience, ENTP females are a little less "showy" than their male counterparts and a tad more reserved about themselves and their intentions. They also seem to have more guy friends than girl friends. They do NOT like to be the least attractive female in the room, even if they don't show it openly, and engage in passive-aggressive psychological warfare with the offender.

This wouldn't fly with me. I'm trying to get away from petty crap that seems to come from everywhere.

NO drama.:msith:

Not to fear! :m027:

Not all us are like that.
As much as I like looking good, I'm not open about it nor competitive about it. Although I do like the odd compliment from time to time.

Beware making an enemy of an ENTP female. They like to gossip in an underhanded way that makes it difficult to pinpoint them as the culprit behind the slander.

Yes, that is true.
When I find myself talking to someone about someone I don't like, I try not to spread untrue romours around, often I find myself having to bite down on my tounge.
But I believe an ENTP female will do this in way a of seeking advice and trying to find a solution to the conflict that they are undergoing.
Usually an ENTP would try to avoid the person that they are having conflicts with.
ENTP's are generally not ones to seek enemies but rather rivals that they can debate and compete with, preferably on friendly terms.
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They do NOT like to be the least attractive female in the room, even if they don't show it openly, and engage in passive-aggressive psychological warfare with the offender.

Oh, please.

I'm sorry for being blunt, but I'm seriously struggling to think of anything I could care less about. The amount of brain power I devote to anything of this nature has to be less than 0.01%

There is ALWAYS going to be someone more attractive in some way ... guy or girl, male or female, any age. And anyone who hasn't realized this and accepted it is either extremely shallow, very dumb, or quite young.
Oh, please.

I'm sorry for being blunt, but I'm seriously struggling to think of anything I could care less about. The amount of brain power I devote to anything of this nature has to be less than 0.01%

There is ALWAYS going to be someone more attractive in some way ... guy or girl, male or female, any age. And anyone who hasn't realized this and accepted it is either extremely shallow, very dumb, or quite young.

I share your sentiments. Then again, I am talking about my personal experiences with ENTP females, who I find are quite competitive in whatever strikes their fancy. I suppose some put more emphasis on their appearance and social pecking order, while others place more importance on intellectual pursuits. Individuals and all that.
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I think ENTPs are fascinating, but I have never met any IRL yet, so I can't answer the rest of the questions. I am still discovering what it is that makes you guys so fascinating.
My best friend is an ENTP. She's a great person, and we usually understand each other pretty well. At least, I understand her. She's usually totally perplexed about what I think/Do and I'm occasionally annoyed with her antics. We get along famously though, never any serious dispute.

Her massive E has helped me find some of mine, and I've helped her direct her intuition inwards. I couldn't date her, but I couldn't live without her as my friend.
I'm not sure I've ever had considerable interaction with an ENTP in real life to make a judgment. (Also, I'm INTP instead of INFJ.)

My one real life confirmed INFJ friend has a confirmed ENTP for a father. They seem to get along, but she seemed really surprised when I mentioned that some sources claim that type to be the most compatible with hers. When I said that more respectable sources said the E/I preference does not really matter and that in the long run it may often better for these to be the same instead of different she seemed to think that made more sense. (I suspect that her current boyfriend might be a fellow INTP, although I've never met him and I don't have that much to go on. The guy she was dating back when I was hopelessly in love with her seemed more like an ENTJ.)

From what I've read, ENTPs are the most openly emotional of the thinkers. In general we are comfortable using our tertiary function but it mostly comes out when we are feeling stressed or vulnerable and we tend to be rather immature in its use. Relief role extroverted thinking would make ENTPs have a real need to be liked by everyone around them. They are more likely to act out to get attention, and frequently need to be told how great they are. It is common for them to have unstably high self esteem, which can make them bullies when their self image is threatened. Compensatory Narcissism is their most common psychological disorder.

(By contrast, an INTPs aspirational Fe means we rarely have emotional reactions but when we do they are stronger and purer. We only care about the approval of the special few whom we love or respect. Our self esteem is stabler and lower. We tend to be very fair minded instead of bullies, but are more prone to depression.)

From what I've read ENTPs often mature much more slowly than most types. It is not uncommon for them to still act like teenagers well into their 40s. (INTPs often mature faster than other types. The manifestation of the aspirational function is typically associated with the midlife crisis, but for INTPs it is not uncommon for this to happen in the early to mid 20s. The social nature of the human species may force us to address our weaknesses sooner.)

Although their types are not confirmed, the main examples I think of for ENTPs are President Obama and Michael Scott from The Office. Obama is not too extroverted or immature, but his self accused problems with organization and as well as the many accusations of arrogance fit the type. Many people think he is an NF, but he is too calculating for that. Michael Scott is also often thought to be a feeler, but his F is clearly Fe rather than Fi and he certainly seems to lead with Ne and suck at Si. He seems like the most clear ENTP to me, but it is a comedy so his personality would be exaggerated.

(Apparently my INFJ friend's father is the boss at an office eerily similar to the one on The Office. She claims that it looks just like Dundler-Mifflin, and that the employees all seem to have personalities that match those of the characters with their equivalent jobs on the show. There are of course some differences though. They don't sell paper or printers, just ink and toner.)
I must sound extremely horrible to say this (which i do apologise for any offense to anyone, but please don't assume I think this of every individual. My judgement is just based on my experience) but i find ENTPs very hard to get along with. The ENTPs i have encountered are extremely self centered and are wind up merchants whom seem to have no conscience or sense of morals. I could be wrong, obviously as every individual has a different mix of the types but the three i have met i find extremely infuriating.

I have a strong sense of justice and morality so ENTPs grate me with their relaxed dark humour or play on what irritates me most. I get teased a lot by them since I am a bit strange and i prefer to converse with animals rather than people and I have been nicknamed and abused for it. It's most probably just my bad experience with ENTPs which make me think badly of them, so I'd love to meet an individual to prove me otherwise!