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  • Blah, I had the same problem. They tend to make things so simple that those of us who are used to complicated solutions feel lost in such environment. :D

    I'm glad I could help.
    Hello there :) Hope you're still around. Let me know how things are going for you.

    No, actually I haven't heard of her version but I do have a collection of the Original Brother's Grimm Fairy Tales. It sounds interesting so I'll have to take a look!
    Sorry if I run off but it's time for me to leave the office and head home! TGIF! Thanks for the friend request and the book recommendation, I need to find something new to sink my brain into :)
    Have you read Angela Carter's version of Puss-in-Boots? It's my absolute favourite. It's in her anthology of short stories based on fairy tales, 'The Bloody Chamber'.
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