Maybe I'm werid..
I felt so strongly about this post, I created an account just to reply. So, this is both a hello and a eye opener.
Love.. I am very very sure about this topic.. I believe in God, and you'll see this deeply in this post. But as I make my small talk, I'm wondering where the hell to begin. I guess here. Love is only grantable thru God. It is a gift, a purely divine gift, and as such, it shouldn't be abused, ignored, or dismissed. Now don't get me wrong.. yes, there are many types of emotions we perceive as love.. The love of family, the love towards your child, the love of friendship, and the casual "I feel good when your around" love. But then.. there is that true meaning of love.. the one only God can give us.. We tend to call this True Love. This will be a long post - be warned.
Love of Family - we view our families as loved ones, people we care for, remember, grew up with, taught by, etc. We love our parents, our sisters and brothers.. but that love is one that grows with time. We learn to love, respect and honor them. Its a learned devotion.
Love of a Child - or Paternal Love. Most of us, (I'd love to say all of us) would die for our children willingly. They are an extension of ourselfs. And as such, we have a bond that pulls us to protect them, teach them, show them love and caring, We would fight for, live for, and die for our kids. This is also known as the Parental Instinct.
Love of Friendship - This is much like Love of a Family. You care for them, you would go out of your way to help them, you support them, and over all enjoy their company. But are you drawn to them? No. You feel good to have them around - but they are not a required part of us. Yet, we would tell them we love them, if we felt they needed to hear that they weren't alone.
"Feel Good" Love - The most common in relationships. The "I'll settle for this" love, and in truth, the most abundant kind of love. One post here said that There are hundreds of thousands of matches for every person. This is true. We match with many people, we spend time with them, get to know them, a -grow- to love them. This is when you enjoy their company, their cuddles, you feel good when they are around. You miss them when they are not, but they lack the essence of True Love. They touch your heart, but not your soul. You may hurt when you lose this love, but you can still go forward, move on.. hopefully take something positive and learn for the negative. But in the end, you remember them as loved, but the memory grows dimmer, and hurts less and less. Or even, not at all. This is almost more of a habitual love.. where you miss what you did with them, or where you would go with them.. you think of them because your USED TO IT.
Now before I go into True Love.. I want to say, to have it, you must know God. See.. God is Love. Love - Is God. I'm not a bible thumper.. matter of fact, I own one, but haven't really read it much. I don't go to Church, or believe much of the man made hype. I know God, because I can feel him/her in everything I do. Because when I look for God, I feel God in my HEART. It isn't logical, it isn't a thought process.. you don't hear a voice.. instead its like.. your heart screaming at you. Your soul radiates its truth.. See, God isn't someone/something to be feared. God is Love. God doesn't set out to hurt you - he sets out to lead you. That feeling from your heart that says - "help this person" - that's God. Selfless, loving, kind, acts of compassion and humbleness - that's God. That drive to do right by and to another being - is a drive given by God. Now, that being said.. lets talk about True Love.
We all hear stories of "Love at first sight" and the like.. yes, I believe in it. True love is rare.. so rare, less then a fifth of the world even believes in it. So much lower is the percent of the world who is blessed by it. Yes, there are many matches for all of us.. but then.. there is one.. You can feel them, even when they are not around. You just - KNOW - that person is meant for something in your life.. the moment you meet them. The connection can be so strong, that distance means nothing. You could see their picture and be drawn to them. Even before ever saying a word. They make you live. They complete you, and touch every part of you. This isn't something that "grew" on you.. it is there from day one. When your apart - your soul aches for them. They aren't your every thought - they are your reason, your drive, your partner, your soulmate. When you make a choice, no matter how small or large - you want their input, their advice.. And if life gets in the way and your torn apart - it like.. death. You forget how the breath, eat, you merely exist without them. Your soul feels empty, and it is usually here that your able to open your eyes and know - "Holy Shit - they were my everything". "Love is Blind" - when its real, your damn right. You never see it.. till its takes over and either your left fighting to correct the wrongs that you did while running from love, or your blessed with seeing it while everything was whole and right. True Lovers often break up once.. just to find they can't leave the other.. the bond is so great, a few months feels like the bulk of your life. You can't remember them not there, and you can't see your future without them. True Lovers seldom stay apart - they learn quickly what that bonds means, and they are in fact - true.
So what is love? What isn't love. Without love, who are we? Why try or fight for anything? Love really is - everything.
Oh and.. hi.