For ten million dollars, would you run over a dog with your car?
Depends, is it a wild dog?
If not, probably not.
For ten million dollars, would you cheat on your sweetheart with his / her best friend?
Yes, without a doubt. The girl I like doesn't have Christian morals. Ten Million would be a good amount of money to invest and share.
For ten million dollars, would you allow someone to amputate both your legs?
Get fucked.
For ten million dollars, would you frame someone you already dislike for a heinous crime?
How is it selling out if I already want to?
For ten million dollars, would you give up sex for life?
For ten million dollars, would you spike everyone's drink with LSD at Thanksgiving?
Given that Australia doesn't celebrate thanksgiving, and that if I had ten million I'd be able to find good quality shit, yes.
For ten million dollars, would you eat three big bowls of live spiders?
Ten million to commit suicide? Get fucked.
For ten million dollars, would you say really racist things in public, every day, for the rest of your life?
Given that I want a life of politics, and I'm not Prince Edward Duke of Edinborough, no.
You Would Sell Out for $1,062,105
And not a penny less!
Bullshit, we already established that I'd not sell out for most of those things for even ten million.