(Survey) INFx - N versus F


Community Member
I would like to see if a theory that Socionics uses is applicable to MBTI, and helps explain some of the intra-type differences for those testing INFx on the MBTI. Namely, that strength of preference for N or F should sort us into two noticeably different groups. This might also explain how some INFJs seem INFP-like and vice-versa, and why we seem to have a hard time deciding between them.

The survey:

- take an MBTI assessment that gives results based on preference strength (I/E, N/S, etc..) and not the 8 Jungian functions strength (Ni/Ne, Fi/Fe, etc..). Here's the one that I have in my signature, for example.

Then answer:

- which personality type you scored
- N score and F score
- which one is stronger

For me:

- N 95, F 58
- N definitely wins

Let's see if we can find a pattern with people's results. :)
For some reason, I always get INTJ from this site. Bummer! But still, my N is very superior from what I can see.

My N and F scores are usually pretty close, N often wins out by a tiny amount. Both are on the low side. However, my J score is very strong (in the 80's/90's), so I don't really fit this scale.
I take this test every so often, and I pretty much end the same way. I think my Introversion varies, but it's still extremely high, depending. It's really accurate, for me.


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Apparently, my N is stronger than my F, since I'm not even an F type on this test.
My T and F are really close on this test, something like 60 for F and 40 for T.

I put that down to being a 5 wing on the enneagram though, and that I developed my Ti quite a lot during my teens for social survival purposes and because of an INTP friend of mine who used to get pissed with me using emotional arguments all the time. :D

My N is around 80 somewhere, or at least it was the last time I took the test.
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N over F, 84 to 74
For some reason, I always get INTJ from this site. Bummer! But still, my N is very superior from what I can see.

maybe it's from the misconception of feeling not being objective enough? i always figured that though...

and to me you seem quite spiritual, which usually stems from a feeling preference...

nor is spirituality to you more of an intellectual thing?

so i want to consult Von Hase of this one:
How accurate is this test? i actually used to get INFP here.
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Introversion: 58
Intuition: 84
Feeling: 58
Judging: 53

Yep, my intuition is stronger than my feeling.

I've taken the test a few times on that site as well; my results are always the same.
When taking this test, I've always gotten INFJ but I usually come up with N as my weakest preference with 55-80% and F with 70-80%.

My N scores vary greatly but F preference is still the second strongest after I. This is what I got today -


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I'm really much more even on J/P and F/T than this seems to think - among my other FP friends I'm usually the planner (mapquesting places, arranging rides, making sure nobody gets lost, etc.).

But my intuition is WAY over my F alllll the time. 100% to 62% in other places; 100% to 78% here (if I remember correctly).

I like the multiple intelligences thing - I'm an art major with literature and psychology minors.

I like this monkey.:m097:
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My intuition is higher than feeling, which is close to thinking as well. No wonder I get confused.



I think my results show exactly what you're talking about. My J and P are usually pretty close (not this close though - usually there's a higher curve towards J). Not this time apparently. Either way, my N is always my highest on any test. So, what do you think it all means IntroSpiritual?

INFP - The "Dreamer" Temperament: NF (Visionary)
Primary Function: Introverted Feeling

Extraverted Introverted
32% / 68%


Sensing Intuition
11% / 89%


Thinking Feeling
26% / 74%


Judging Perceiving 47% / 53%
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My T/F are always very close on these... Usually though F wins out by as much as T wins out this time. Guess I'm being a lot colder than I normally am right now.

I am seeing a pattern of very weak F's from a lot of us(some of us scored T..) as well as very low J scores(some of us scored P)...For me it looks like I have a mix of both low J and F scores which makes me end up scoring as an INTP.

also the N scores are incredibly high.
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I am seeing a pattern of very weak F's from a lot of us(some of us scored T..) as well as very low J scores(some of us scored P)...For me it looks like I have a mix of both low J and F scores which makes me end up scoring as an INTP.

also the N scores are incredibly high.

Some of it may be the way those tests detect F. These ones are more focused on behavior as an indicator and many healthy Fs aren't as emotional in their behavior as the theory behind those tests indicate. This is why the more commonly used tests are based on cognitive functions.

To give you an idea on how behavior based they can be, I took one recently and it said I was an ENTJ. You've all probably realized by now that I am definitely not an E. It just got me while I was in a particularly gregarious mood.
Some of it may be the way those tests detect F. These ones are more focused on behavior as an indicator and many healthy Fs aren't as emotional in their behavior as the theory behind those tests indicate. This is why the more commonly used tests are based on cognitive functions.

To give you an idea on how behavior based they can be, I took one recently and it said I was an ENTJ. You've all probably realized by now that I am definitely not an E. It just got me while I was in a particularly gregarious mood.

Yup even though I do not often score as an E when Im in a unusual energetic, happy mood the range comes much closer for some reason, ideally all functions should be 50/50 for maximum potential growth in my opinion.