Star Signs and Personality Tests | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Star Signs and Personality Tests

I've heard the moon sign is your inner, emotional world, and the sun sign is your...way of approaching the world? Something like that.
that's right and the ascendant is how the world sees you.
Here is the Astro Chart you requested:


Hi there, here is the interpretation of the astrological chart that you asked for. Also attached is a .GIF graphic file which depicts your chart wheel. Thank you for visiting the Astrolabe WEB site at This report has been created especially for you. It represents your Unique picture at the time you were born and at the place you were born. If you are unsure of the exact time of day of your birth (or the date or the place), the reading will probably not seem as accurate as it could be in certain places, but other parts will seem to be very appropriate. You will notice at certain places in the reading that contradictory information seems to be given. This is to be expected, because the personality of most people is extremely complex. For example, at times we are quite shy and at other times we are very aggressive, and so forth. You will also notice that, at certain points in the reading, certain patterns may be repeated over and over, especially in a longer more detailed report than this one. This is also to be expected. This simply means that your horoscope has an extremely strong focus on this particular pattern and that you should pay extra close attention to what is said about it. Now, on with your Report!

Name: magister343
February 1 1988
12:05 PM Time Zone is EST
Atlanta, GA

Rising Sign is in 17 Degrees Taurus
Calm and deliberate, you hate to move quickly or act hastily. Very practical, every effort must count or you can't be bothered. Patient, persistent and steady, but very stubborn -- you can't be pushed or pressured into anything. You seem outwardly self-assured because you tend to repress your inner tension and turmoil. You exude an earthy warmth, friendliness and charm. You demand comfortable surroundings and appreciate the good life. Be careful of a tendency to be overly self-indulgent. At times, you are lazy and difficult to motivate. Overcoming inertia is a problem for you and, because you are not by nature a self-starter, it is often necessary for you to receive stimuli from others in order to get moving.

Sun is in 12 Degrees Aquarius.
You get bored with the status quo and are generally open to new things and ideas. An individualist and a free spirit, your friends are quite important to you as long as they do not try to tie you down by making too many emotional demands on you. Your thoughts are offbeat and you're a bit eccentric, but not always very changeable. As a matter of fact, you can be quite stubborn at times. Very fair-minded when dealing with large groups or broad issues, you are not always emotionally sensitive to the needs of individuals. Extremely objective, with good powers of observation, you would be qualified to study technical and complicated subjects, like science, computers or maybe even astrology.

Moon is in 29 Degrees Cancer.
For the most part, you are very strong and secure emotionally. You intuitively know what to do to make others feel comfortable, loved, accepted and needed. You naturally enjoy feeding and taking care of others. Be careful that your mothering does not turn into smothering. At times, you tend to feel that those to whom you are attached can never do anything without your assistance and support. Extremely sensitive by nature, it hurts you deeply whenever anyone criticizes you. You have an almost desperate need to be loved and wanted and needed by everyone with whom you come into contact, and you go out of your way to be accommodating to them.

Mercury is in 28 Degrees Aquarius.
You tend to be very opinionated -- you have strongly felt notions about things and are quite vocal about expressing and defending them. Yet you are also an original thinker -- you enjoy shocking others with your offbeat, original thoughts. You appreciate and need mental and intellectual stimulation. Your judgment is usually fair and impartial -- you can be a good critic because you can remain objective and unemotional about most things.

Venus is in 20 Degrees Pisces.
You have a dreamy, fanciful, romantic nature and a very creative imagination. Indeed, at times, your private fantasies are more appealing than the reality around you and it is difficult for you to leave them. You tend to be unselfish and giving in relationships and are extremely sensitive of the needs of others. Be very sure that those you help are worthy of your devotion and are not merely taking advantage of your innocence and naivete.

Mars is in 16 Degrees Sagittarius.
Your every action is motivated by high moral standards and ideals. You will work very hard to improve the lot of the world at large, but you demand action about it -- you do not like to just sit around and talk about doing it in an abstract manner. You like to be where the real action is. You resist mightily any attempts to limit your freedom and you will assist anyone who feels put down and restricted. You are extremely restless by nature -- physical exercise is very important to you if you would maintain your health.

Jupiter is in 23 Degrees Aries.
The way that you grow and develop is by being an uncompromising individualist. You have a great need to be yourself and to explore your latent talents and abilities. Do not be afraid to let yourself go and develop self-confidence and pride in your accomplishments. But try not to become so self-centered that you ignore the needs of others. Also, you may have to build up your self-discipline in order to focus your energies properly.

Saturn is in 28 Degrees Sagittarius.
Basically quite conservative, you respect traditional authority figures and are very thankful and supportive of the laws and institutions which govern your life. You learn and accept new ideas only after having very thoroughly examined them. Ideals and abstract concepts are important to you only if they can be used in some practical fashion. You are so practical and so orderly that you have natural skills in planning, administrating and organizing.

Uranus is in 29 Degrees Sagittarius.
You, and most of your peers, have the tendency to think that all ideas, customs and traditions from the past are outmoded and irrelevant. You are attracted to radically new ideas, philosophies and religions that will, hopefully, cause sweeping changes throughout the world.

Neptune is in 08 Degrees Capricorn.
You, and your entire generation, will idealize work, practicality and the ability to attain reasonable goals. But, because you will also stress the need to be selfless and giving, you may find it difficult to attain your goals unless you have lowered your expectations on all fronts.

Pluto is in 12 Degrees Scorpio.
For your entire generation, this is a period of intense research and discovery in areas that were heretofore considered mysterious, remote or taboo. The root causes for many complex occurrences will be unearthed due to the intensity and thoroughness of the search.

N. Node is in 23 Degrees Pisces.
You're attracted to others who need your assistance. You seem to go out of your way to form relationships with those who are weak, sick, injured, addicted or troubled in some way or other. At your best you can indeed provide the relief that others need. But at times you can be victimized by those who would prey on your good nature and take advantage of you. This can lead to all sorts of negative situations -- make sure that those you assist are truly worthy of your time, energy and commitment. A little enlightened self-protectiveness on your part can make your life work much, much smoother!
This is more accurate than I expected, but the moon sign description is way off and I still don't buy the premise of astrology.

I can accept that the time of year one is born can influence personality, but this would be based not on the stars but the more immediate environment. Seasonal changes of changes and available diets could effect early (especially prenatal) development. (I wonder if there is any evidence of traits being off by 6 months in those who grew up in the southern hemisphere.) How old one is relative peers especially in grade school can influence how one's confidence and maturity. Societal expectations of how astrology effects personality may well effect personality more though.
Please... Astrology? Are you kidding me? I can't believe that intuitive people buy into this thing... Common... Be rational....
There is nothing useful at all in astrology. Whatever link you see between your sign and your personality is just a fabrication of your mind or just pure randomness.
Good luck trying to find a statistical correlation between birth sign and personality... You'll never be able to.
Please... Astrology? Are you kidding me? I can't believe that intuitive people buy into this thing... Common... Be rational....
There is nothing useful at all in astrology. Whatever link you see between your sign and your personality is just a fabrication of your mind or just pure randomness.
Good luck trying to find a statistical correlation between birth sign and personality... You'll never be able to.

Irregardless of this, I have personally found a great use in astrology through out my entire life. It is by no means a core piece of my life, but it is very very useful to me, and has proven to be so time and time again. I agree you would never see a satistical corralation between personality and generalities within astrology, however I have seen a pattern myself. It's simply not quantifiable though.

Name: Matariki
August 15 1990
12:00 PM Time Zone is NZT
Lower Hutt, NZ

Rising Sign is in 10 Degrees Sagittarius
You are known for being open, frank, outgoing and honest. At times, though, you are also blunt and quite indiscreet. Others have to learn not to take everything you say personally, because you usually do not mean any harm. You appreciate living your life in a straightforward and simple manner -- you dislike social niceties and consider them to be hindrances to real communication. You have lots and lots of energy and tend to become quite restless if you feel confined. You demand the freedom to do as you choose -- you must be self- directed or you feel trapped and anxious. With your abundant energy, you enjoy being outdoors, and you should be attracted to physical exercise or to those forms of sport which can help you burn off some of that excess energy. Very gregarious, you love to socialize -- your innate enthusiasm livens up any gathering.

Sun is in 21 Degrees Leo.
More than a bit of a showoff, you love to be the center of attention! But others do not usually mind because they tend to enjoy your genuine warmth and affection. Very spirited and willful, proud and self-important at times, you demand your own way. You are quite honest, however, and the respect of others is very important to you. You never compromise yourself and you pursue your goals with persistence and dedication. Your regal presence and demeanor draws you to positions of leadership and authority. But beware of being overly hardheaded, domineering, ostentatious or patronizing or you will lose the goodwill and admiration that you enjoy. Very theatrical, you live life on a grand scale wherever and whenever possible. Your strength and energy vitalizes those who come in contact with you.

Moon is in 09 Degrees Gemini.
Restless in the extreme, you are easily bored because of your short attention span. Your emotions change rapidly and you love to talk about your feelings. Generally, you have good judgment -- your intellect controls your emotions and you do not overreact emotionally to things. A good jack-of-all-trades, you have many- sided interests and enjoy reasoning things through. With your mental agility and need for physical mobility, you are attracted to traveling and learning about other peoples and cultures. You have vivid powers of emotional self-expression - - you can be a nonstop talker. You love to share your ideas with anyone who will listen.

Mercury is in 19 Degrees Virgo.
Very thorough and efficient, you pay attention to the minor but important details of any project. You are a careful thinker who can learn complicated, intricate techniques. You are attracted to practical, useful skills and are probably good at working with your hands. You are very critical of yourself and others, sometimes too much so, and you get the reputation of being a nag or of being nit-picky. Your first reaction to any situation is to try to organize, classify and analyze everything!

Venus is in 01 Degrees Leo.
You have a striking, regal appearance and demeanor that attracts others to you. Your friendship is highly sought and you tend to take friendships quite seriously -- you remain loyal and true to those to whom you are attached. For you, love is mixed with pride and respect. Relationships are over when you lose respect for your partner. Be careful of a tendency to relate only to those who make you look good -- the powerful, important and influential. This can lead to arrogance and selfishness, and neither of these qualities becomes you.

Mars is in 21 Degrees Taurus.

Careful, slow and thorough about all that you do, at times you are also willful and stubborn when others try to alter your course. You are definitely not a quitter -- you will work long and hard to get what you want. Your possessions are very important to you. One of your continuing problems is that you tend to regard the significant people in your life much the same way as you do your possessions -- you become overly attached and much too jealous. You repress your anger when you get upset and that is not healthy. Try to learn to show your anger immediately in order to avoid painful explosions later.

Jupiter is in 29 Degrees Cancer.
You must be emotionally secure in order to grow and develop. You are happiest when your family and community support and nourish you and boost your morale. Whether your childhood experiences of love and emotional dependability were positive or negative will set the tone for your emotional growth and stability as an adult. When you feel at ease with yourself, you are able to offer assistance to those who need a helping hand.

Saturn is in 19 Degrees Capricorn.
Very serious-minded and mature, you have the ability to take on responsibilities and to carry out important duties. You can also be trusted to be extremely practical and thrifty. A good organizer, you are the ideal one to be counted on to take a clearly defined project through to its logical conclusion. An achiever, you pride yourself on your ability to focus your attention totally on some worthy goal and then attain it.

Uranus is in 05 Degrees Capricorn.
You, and your peer group as well, seek out practical solutions to a changing society's attitudes to customs, traditions and authority structures. Your logical and orderly manner of dealing with these matters will result in permanent and carefully planned, but sweeping, reforms.

Neptune is in 12 Degrees Capricorn.
You, and your entire generation, will idealize work, practicality and the ability to attain reasonable goals. But, because you will also stress the need to be selfless and giving, you may find it difficult to attain your goals unless you have lowered your expectations on all fronts.

Pluto is in 15 Degrees Scorpio.
For your entire generation, this is a period of intense research and discovery in areas that were heretofore considered mysterious, remote or taboo. The root causes for many complex occurrences will be unearthed due to the intensity and thoroughness of the search.

N. Node is in 07 Degrees Aquarius.
As long as someone else (or a group or organization) appeals to your intellectual sensibilities, you'll try to ally yourself with them in some way. You may find that you always seem to get involved with many wide-ranging groups -- so much so that you find it difficult to fit them all into your busy schedule. Your many friends and acquaintances provide you with needed stimulation. You're loyal and fair-minded -- you try to spend time equally with all your friends, never concentrating on just one or two for any length of time. Although probably quite conservative yourself, you're attracted to those who are a bit offbeat or eccentric -- you enjoy watching their minds work.
I don't really believe it, because Tine and I are twins, born at almost the same time, so we have the same signs. However, we are incredibly different people (her ENTP and me INFJ), so there doesn't seem to be any kind of correlation there. Plus, I don't fit the description of Aries (sun) or Scorpio (moon).
It's common that twins have very different personalities, too.
Although the rational side of me has some qualms, I relate to astrology. Of course, I am also a Pisces which says something about why.

Sun: Pisces
Moon: Cancer
Rising: Scorpio

All three are water signs. I always wanted to meet someone who was well versed in astrology to give me more insight about that.
Hahaa.. Goodness.. I am a student Psychologist, and I find it rather amusing that someone has started a thread about star signs in the Psychology section... <rolls eyes>
Sun: Aries <--- pretty inaccurate
Moon: Aquarius <--- pretty accurate
Ascendant: Cancer <--- so-so

Aquarius moon sign looks a whole lot like INTP, and ascendant Cancer has a strange resemblance to type 6 of the Enneagram, though it's mostly the part of it I don't relate to.

Either way, the structure of it is maddening. I may come back to it later, but right now I'm not open to theories like astrology whose basis seems completely arbitrary.
Irregardless of this, I have personally found a great use in astrology through out my entire life. It is by no means a core piece of my life, but it is very very useful to me, and has proven to be so time and time again. I agree you would never see a satistical corralation between personality and generalities within astrology, however I have seen a pattern myself. It's simply not quantifiable though.

That's the thing! If there's no statistical correlation, it's complety irrevelent! Trying to fit your personnality to some obviously random (because it's uncorellated) sign is complety meaningless! It's just a complete loss of time. It's trying to see pattern where there isn't any. Some people could invest time in thinking about personnality theory but no, most people waste time on some imaginary theory like astrology and magic. A critical spirit is important...

Think about it, no statistical correlation means that could invent any stupid theory and it WOULD BE AS MUCH SCIENTIFICALLY CORRECT. You couldn't make any distinction between that stupid theory and astrology. Just think about it. You can see a pattern everywhere, but until you test it on multiple RANDOM people, you can't say that it's right.

Note : Future statistician talking
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I say only...
"There is more to Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than in your philosophy." ;)
Oh...astrology :)
You right about the moon sign, this is what you need to look for.
I have moon in Scorpio(my brother is also an INFJ and has moon in Scorpio) and my sun sign is Pisces.
Oh...astrology :)
You right about the moon sign, this is what you need to look for.
I have moon in Scorpio(my brother is also an INFJ and has moon in Scorpio) and my sun sign is Pisces.

So true!!!! The moon sign OBVIOUSLY explain everything. It's so obvious that the moon influenced my brain when I was in my mother womb! I also guess if there was no moon, everybody would have no personality and our brain would not develop properly! I UNDERSTAND NOW, IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!
So true!!!! The moon sign OBVIOUSLY explain everything. It's so obvious that the moon influenced my brain when I was in my mother womb! I also guess if there was no moon, everybody would have no personality and our brain would not develop properly! I UNDERSTAND NOW, IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!

Uh, we get it, you think astrology is garbage and has no scientific basis what so ever and we're all idiots for believing in it. You can stop now. It's getting tiresome. Perhaps if you hadn't abandoned your rational arguments for rampant sarcasm I would give your posts more merit, but unfortunately that's not the case.
Uh, we get it, you think astrology is garbage and has no scientific basis what so ever and we're all idiots for believing in it. You can stop now. It's getting tiresome. Perhaps if you hadn't abandoned your rational arguments for rampant sarcasm I would give your posts more merit, but unfortunately that's not the case.
I was wondering if I should write that last post or not but I decided to write it because there's nothing I could blame myself on from this post knowing that it's undeniable that astrology is not real.

Someone could argue about religion, philosophy and other stuff because theses stuff are subjective and a matter of opinion. On the other side, things like astrology and homeopathy are undeniably wrong. That's why I thought that being arrogant and sarcastic would not be a morally wrong to do because it is the truth.

But note that I started taking a stimulant medication 2-3days ago and it makes me a little more arrogant and less caring abut other feeling (which is something I'm normally extremely sensitive to). But I still think that what I did is right.
who knows?

think about the moon...
it does have a massive effect on this planet

could it also subtly influence our fragile forming fetus brains?

i've never delved into astrology
but now i'm curious about my moon sign
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I was wondering if I should write that last post or not but I decided to write it because there's nothing I could blame myself on from this post knowing that it's undeniable that astrology is not real.

Someone could argue about religion, philosophy and other stuff because theses stuff are subjective and a matter of opinion. On the other side, things like astrology and homeopathy are undeniably wrong. That's why I thought that being arrogant and sarcastic would not be a morally wrong to do because it is the truth.

But note that I started taking a stimulant medication 2-3days ago and it makes me a little more arrogant and less caring abut other feeling (which is something I'm normally extremely sensitive to). But I still think that what I did is right.

Sweet of you to try to justify your sarcastic commentary with the argument that "astrology and homeopathy are undeniably wrong." Something that IS undeniable is the moon's influence on our planet and you cannot say for absolute certainty that it is impossibly for it to have any influence on a developing baby. Saying something is wrong without backing up why it's wrong is not going to change anyone's opinions on it, and trolling this thread isn't going to make anyone think twice about whether or not they believe in astrology or not.

I will say that western astronomy since becoming popular in the last 100 years in America probably isn't what it used to be but that doesn't mean people can't get something of value from their horoscopes. Whether they look to astrology for its supposed accuracy or for their own entertainment is up to them, but you cannot discount thousands of years of use and the major influence it has had in the past.

I could personally do without your arrogance, sarcasm and lack of care for other people's feelings, whether those things are intensified by your medication or not. It's hardly an excuse.
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Sweet of you to try to justify your sarcastic commentary with the argument that "astrology and homeopathy are undeniably wrong." Something that IS undeniable is the moon's influence on our planet and you cannot say for absolute certainty that it is impossibly for it to have any influence on a developing baby. Saying something is wrong without backing up why it's wrong is not going to change anyone's opinions on it, and trolling this thread isn't going to make anyone think twice about whether or not they believe in astrology or not.

I will say that western astronomy since becoming popular in the last 100 years in America probably isn't what it used to be but that doesn't mean people can't get something of value from their horoscopes. Whether they look to astrology for its supposed accuracy or for their own entertainment is up to them, but you cannot discount thousands of years of use and the major influence it has had in the past.

I could personally do without your arrogance, sarcasm and lack of care for other people's feelings, whether those things are intensified by your medication or not. It's hardly an excuse.

Hahaa.. Goodness.. I am a student Psychologist, and I find it rather amusing that someone has started a thread about star signs in the Psychology section... <rolls eyes>

Seeing as how the thread was created to discuss the correlation between astrology and MBTI theory, I think its placement is entirely reasonable. But perhaps to each their own.
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Interesting, I wonder how many INFJ's have their moon in Scorpio.

Rising: Sagitarius
Sun: Aquarius
Moon: Scorpio