Shocking mug shots reveal toll of drug abuse | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Shocking mug shots reveal toll of drug abuse

Meth is awesome. If you want to hide from authorities just start using meth and you'll transform your identity in no time.

Yeah, hair and teeth and skin that doesn't look like leather...these things are over rated. We have to think about the important things in meth
When you do meth, it's the only thing in life.

Ah the simplicity.
M - Malevolent
E - Effervescent
T- Tortured
H - Humorous
I prefer Beebe's ideas on the Drug Types over the traditional Jungian mindset.
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My ex husband was using this crap at the very tail end of our marriage. I've never touched it and never will. I was naive and didn't really know he was even using, I suspected it but I didn't know for sure until the moron overdosed on it (that was after we separated, he had blown all of the money in my bank account, probably on meth, so we got evicted from our house and I felt that was the perfect chance to get the hell away) He was using while I was at work, and unfortunately had MY children in his care (they're his also but at this point he doesn't get to claim them in any way, as he is total douchebag and by his own choice is not involved with them at all). I should have noticed sooner and suspected something was up when he suddenly became paranoid about everything but by that point I was so fed up with him anyway because he wouldn't work or really do anything at all except mootch. I was working double shifts all the time, trying to make up for what he was spending. He neglected the kids and my youngest wound up with developmental delays as a result. Anyway, last I heard the loser has stopped using but as a result of using he has had to have stents placed, and basically has the heart of a 90 year old man. I don't expect him to live to see 40, and even at the risk of sounding like a cold, bitter bitch, I really can't say that I care.

So glad you and your kiddos are free of that relationship! (((hugs)))

scare tactics.

I'm ok with that.
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I always felt that way about Mike D - like he partied himself into oblivion.



I found much better pictures of him looking tweaked out but the links didn't work : /
Ha, this one is decent.

The things drugs do to you...A fix that can sometimes not be unfixed. SHOCKER!
The thing about campaigns like this is that they don't work. I've run about two anti-drug campaigns in my state being involved in the designs and all of our kids' designs were too graphic and 'scare tactic' like this. People don't look at these pictures who are using and think, dang, I better stop doing meth, and people who are in the scope of possibly doing meth look at these pictures and think, yeah but that will never be me. It's just like the black lung project. Didn't work.
Getting people to stop doing drugs like meth won't be effective until we tackle the social problems that make a large number of meth users look to meth in the first place.

It won't solve everything because there will still be reasons people go to drugs, and sometimes it's out of curiosity, but I've never met a person who has done meth for fun one weekend and then just quit. I'm sure there are people out there who have, but a lot of it has to do with poverty. I don't know any numbers but I'd be willing to bet that a majority of meth users are poor.
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came here to say some of them got hotter. got beaten by [MENTION=3454]DrShephard[/MENTION]. /leaves amused*

*meth is terrible and i feel badly for those who get involved with it.
A fairly close friend of mine began abusing meth...and it really did age him terribly. He didn't have the sores they talk about, but he did end up in several promiscuous relationships (maybe due to it?), and he's contracted HIV.

Scare tactics *might* have worked on him because he was/is vain about his looks, but it's always a selfish, "me first" thing with addicts when it comes down to it. The casual user will probably stop using meth; the addict will always continue using until s/he decides enough is enough.
Honestly, I think marijuana should be completely legal. It's a pretty much entirely harmless drug, but it ends up bringing people into the drug scene, where they start doing progressively stronger and more harmful drugs.

I would only agree to this slightly as most people who smoke the mary j are either satisfied with it enough to stick with it or say "never again".

If you were to select 100 people randomly and make them smoke pot, i doubt a large amount would like it.
Am I the only one wondering why they have mug shots before the meth abuse?

I'm pretty sure that the "before" mugshots consist primarily of initial meth-related offenses and those people probably kept getting jailed over the course of a few months or years.

Meth is awesome. If you want to hide from authorities just start using meth and you'll transform your identity in no time.

Just the opposite. Start using meth and the cops will have swat teams hiding in trees and air-conditioning vents running surveillance with x-ray infrared cameras and bugging pillows and toasters.
O_O so that was what I was on for two years! (I had been prescribed Dexedrine for ADHD when I was 13)

meth = methamphetamine
brand name Dexedrine, as used in the treatment of ADHD, is dextroamphetamine

while both are amphetamines, the difference in their chemistries, routes of administration, quantities used, frequencies of use, metabolism, and effects make them quite different things.

meth = methamphetamine
brand name Dexedrine, as used in the treatment of ADHD, is dextroamphetamine

while both are amphetamines, the difference in their chemistries, routes of administration, quantities used, frequencies of use, metabolism, and effects make them quite different things.


Desoxyn is the prescribed version of methamphetamine. The differences between the various derivatives is generally how tightly it binds to the receptor most other things you say are either identical or similar.