Shocking mug shots reveal toll of drug abuse | INFJ Forum

Shocking mug shots reveal toll of drug abuse

The lesson?

If you don’t want to do cellular metabolic damage that makes you age five times as fast, avoid long-term use of insufflated/smoked/injected methamphetamine!
If you don’t want to grind your teeth to powder, avoid long-term use of insufflated/smoked/injected methamphetamine!
If you don’t want to pick holes in your skin from the sensation of crawling bugs, avoid long-term use of insufflated/smoked/injected methamphetamine!
If you don’t want to end up in a state of psychosis, avoid long-term use of insufflated/smoked/injected methamphetamine!
If you don’t want to damage your expectation/reward pleasure cascade in your forebrain, avoid long-term use of insufflated/smoked/injected methamphetamine!

And that’s true for long-term use of insufflated/smoked/injected amphetamine and dextroamphetamine too!

There are legitimate medical uses for methamphetamine (Desoxyn), dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine), and mixed amphetamine and dextroamphetamine (Adderall), but they are almost always orally administered, and (US) Federal law places them on Schedule-II — medical use, but with high abuse potential; possession and prescription are highly regulated.

Be smart — amphetamines can bring you bodily pleasure, but that pleasure won’t last, and regardless of how long it does, it comes with a boatload of consequences that are most unpleasant — physical, emotional, cognitive, spiritual, legal, and so on.

The candle that burns twice as bright necessarily burns half as long. Meth makes you burn hot — so hot that the husk of what you once were, what you could have been, will be all there is left.

I tried meth ONE TIME and it aged me 20 years! Just say no...


...all joking aside those pictures are scary as hell.
Lol #10 actually looks better in the second picture. But, yeah, like don't do meth kids. Cause it's bad for you.
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I believe what you were going for was THIS!!!

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So scary how fast a bad transformation happens to these people though. :m196:
I was most curious about why they all seemed to have developed blemishes and boils. The sugar/acne thing seem plausible. The "tearing up their faces to kill bugs" explanation reeks of "reefer madness" syndrome to me! I know its terrible shit, but I always want the truth of something. Has anyone seen any conclusive evidence that they do tear at their faces because of meth hallucinations?

The Faces of Meth project uses before and after mug shots of arrestees to demonstrate the harmful effects of using meth. The images often depict signs of premature aging, facial scarring from picking scabs (caused by the delusion that there are "bugs" under the skin), and advanced tooth decay, commonly referred to as meth mouth.

As it turned out, these men had been smoking methamphetamines for days on end. They had become very paranoid, and began picking at their skin, as methamphetamine users tend to do. Each person made the other more paranoid until they both were convinced that they were seeing bugs underneath their skin crawling around, which only made them pick and scratch more. They both were covered with many sores all over their skin from all the scratching.
I saw this and I was like.... meth should be illegal!
and then I was like... oh wait... it is.

Honestly, I think marijuana should be completely legal. It's a pretty much entirely harmless drug, but it ends up bringing people into the drug scene, where they start doing progressively stronger and more harmful drugs.
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Am I the only one wondering why they have mug shots before the meth abuse?
Am I the only one wondering why they have mug shots before the meth abuse?

Maybe they were abusing something else before meth. :D

It seems to have an strange effect on their hair, Pantene should be considering adding some meth aside their shampoos, it seem to give better volume to the hair. :D
i feel sad for these people but on the other hand i just can't stand meth users. i hate dealing with them.

I think that dealing with paranoid people is always hard, whatever the cause of their paranoia is.
I think that dealing with paranoid people is always hard, whatever the cause of their paranoia is.

many of the meth users i have met have been decent, but others have been among the most toxic people i've ever encountered, regardless of paranoia, to the point where i just don't want to know anyone who is a user. stay away!!
My ex husband was using this crap at the very tail end of our marriage. I've never touched it and never will. I was naive and didn't really know he was even using, I suspected it but I didn't know for sure until the moron overdosed on it (that was after we separated, he had blown all of the money in my bank account, probably on meth, so we got evicted from our house and I felt that was the perfect chance to get the hell away) He was using while I was at work, and unfortunately had MY children in his care (they're his also but at this point he doesn't get to claim them in any way, as he is total douchebag and by his own choice is not involved with them at all). I should have noticed sooner and suspected something was up when he suddenly became paranoid about everything but by that point I was so fed up with him anyway because he wouldn't work or really do anything at all except mootch. I was working double shifts all the time, trying to make up for what he was spending. He neglected the kids and my youngest wound up with developmental delays as a result. Anyway, last I heard the loser has stopped using but as a result of using he has had to have stents placed, and basically has the heart of a 90 year old man. I don't expect him to live to see 40, and even at the risk of sounding like a cold, bitter bitch, I really can't say that I care.
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scare tactics.
scare tactics.

Perhaps so, and for some, it will be the most effective approach. Certainly not for all.

Meth is awesome. If you want to hide from authorities just start using meth and you'll transform your identity in no time.
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