- INFPishy
Awwww, Fe is brilliant! //snuggles chaz
Fe does not need to be a sacrifice of self, ever.
I just find Fe annoying that's all. It usually makes me less effective. That's kinda what i meant.

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Awwww, Fe is brilliant! //snuggles chaz
Fe does not need to be a sacrifice of self, ever.
We're talking about bad Fi. Undeveloped or Teriary/Inferior.Why do people dislike Fi?
How does it manifest itself in you?
Fe, because it's my week spot and I've developed a phobia of it from some experiences with emotionally manipulative people.
Why do people dislike Fi?
How does it manifest itself in you?
Fi's are also generally less emotionally expressive than Fe's
really? you'd think it would be the reverse
We're talking about bad Fi. Undeveloped or Tertiary/Inferior.
When its dominant or secondary its quite nice. There's way more of the bad than good ones though, and when its the bad, its real bad.
It's probably why we clash so bad with the ESTJ's, their Fi is Inferior.
You just said what I'd wanted to say. /bows. Personally, I hate my Fi; mainly because it's not developed well enough.I said Fi because the bad form of Fi is horridly stubborn, stupid, and judgemental, backstabbing, and most importantly, passive agressive (good Fi is lovely though, it's just rare).
I've noticed a trend of Fi dislike in some strongly Fe folks; they perceive it as selfish and egocentric, perhaps because it's not likely to submit to social norms and their expectation for the correct standard of behavior. Fi's are also generally less emotionally expressive than Fe's, it may make the Fe user feeling like they give more than they get, thus the perceived selfishness.
I think .....when Fi became more and more depressed, their function flipped and went into a bad form of Fe. So they whine and whine and destroy themselves and others; basically went self destruct just because.Good point. but I was thinking Fi is bad because Fi's keep their feelings themselves (anger, annoyance, PAIN). So in a way, their internalized emotions can get them to become more stressed out/depressed? Also, Fi enables one to vividly re-experience past feelings and if those feelings are negative, Fi's are doomed!
There seems to be a trend of strong dislike for Fi here..
Which brings me to INFJ's and INFP's match? can they relate?..or are there many differences between them..
There seems to be a trend of strong dislike for Fi here..
Which brings me to INFJ's and INFP's match? can they relate?..or are there many differences between them..
Sometimes inferior-Fi leads ETJs to preach and even practice a sort of hyper-selfishness, e.g. Ayn Rand and the Landmark Forum. "I'm doing fine, so why should I give a damn about you?" (Very different from highly developed Fi, which leads you to see all people as connected and the highest joy of life as the experience of that connection.)