[POLL] Your Most Disliked Function?

Which cognitive function do you dislike most?

  • Si

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • Se

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Ni

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ne

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Fi

    Votes: 9 20.0%
  • Fe

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Ti

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • Te

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Can't Decide/Don't Know/Other

    Votes: 10 22.2%

  • Total voters


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To go along with your most favorite function poll, this poll is similar. Which of the 8 functions to dislike the most? Again this could be for any reason at all (internal or external) to why you dislike it most. Explain and discuss.
Cross between Ti and Fe. *still deciding*
Te, it feels like a weight on my shoulders, something holding me back from being free.

Te is the voice in my head telling me "that's stupid!" or "that'll never work!" or "why don't you make yourself useful for once?!".
I said Fi because the bad form of Fi is horridly stubborn, stupid, and judgemental, backstabbing, and most importantly, passive agressive (good Fi is lovely though, it's just rare).
sounds like you know from experience

heh, what I said probablly came across a little harsh, but yeah experience plays a part. Ne is a very close second for me in this. Nevertheless, how could you choose which you like or dislike the most had you not had experience? ;)
Fe is my second most disliked function, when it is more about making impressions rather than being sincere and true to yourself.

Clothes DO NOT maketh the man.
Yikes. A two way split for me. Sometimes Fi, because it's very intense and makes me say things I regret when standing up for myself, but then Te can be too harsh and judgmental sometimes....
Hmm.....I'll decide later.
heh, what I said probablly came across a little harsh, but yeah experience plays a part. Ne is a very close second for me in this. Nevertheless, how could you choose which you like or dislike the most had you not had experience? ;)

you could know vicariously, through the experiences of others :P i guessed you were speaking from personal experience though, not because what you said was harsh, but because it sounded bitter. as though someone's hurt you in the past using bad Fi... and if so that's pretty understandable, cause a lot of the times people hurt others the most when they're in emotional pain, and Fi dominants seem to be very easily hurt.
Se. Mostly because of the following behaviors of an ESTP I'm having to associate with:

1. Crudeness.
2. Pointless risk-taking (not talking about calculated risks).
3. Throwing your weight around, bullying.
4. Showing off weapons and acting like you're going to use them as a joke.
5. Always wanting the newest stuff with the most features, regardless of whether it's actually any good.
6. Constantly inconveniencing people by changing things up unexpectedly, without reason, with results that are randomly worse or better than the previous situation.

Still, even this person has a lot of redeeming qualities, including generosity, ingenuity, and pragmatism, when their Ti and Fe kick in to balance out that Se.
I can't really decide... as indicated...

This may be a good illustrator of my imaturity but...
I don't see varying degrees of suck well: I just see suck.

And I'm not very good at exact dates, and I'm terribly clumsy, etc... I can't bring myself to really hate on those things I'm not really good at, but I don't really like the fact that I suck at em... I just try to get better... or compensate... you know... post it notes, not wearing high heels, etc...
you could know vicariously, through the experiences of others :P i guessed you were speaking from personal experience though, not because what you said was harsh, but because it sounded bitter. as though someone's hurt you in the past using bad Fi... and if so that's pretty understandable, cause a lot of the times people hurt others the most when they're in emotional pain, and Fi dominants seem to be very easily hurt.

I actually haven't been directly hurt by Fi (at least from what I can guess), but I have seen it so so many times in people around me, and it just drives me batty because there is just no talking to it. Also, the fact that I concider Te my favorite function could play a part now that I think about it, lol.
I do not like Fi when it is Tertiary or Inferior, cause people act like selfish pricks then. I know, I grew up with an INTJ older sister and she was one selfish bitch.

No offence to the Fi's in general of course, developed Fi is super nice, but when Fi is bad, its really bad. Lex luthor bad.
Fe - because exhibiting Fe feels like a personal sacrifice of the self.
I actually haven't been directly hurt by Fi (at least from what I can guess), but I have seen it so so many times in people around me, and it just drives me batty because there is just no talking to it.

my mistake, sorry for misunderstanding you :)

Also, the fact that I concider Te my favorite function could play a part now that I think about it, lol.
I love how systematic and thorough Te is! seems far more useful on a practical level than Ti. ENTJs and INTJs use Te predominantly if I recall correctly, and they really seem driven to get things done in the real world, it's an admirable trait. i'm guessing the overuse of Te would lead to a steamroller kind of mentality though, where you're willing to throw anyone under the bus in order to get the job done
Fe - because exhibiting Fe feels like a personal sacrifice of the self.
Awwww, Fe is brilliant! //snuggles chaz

Fe does not need to be a sacrifice of self, ever. I don't Fe out of line with my values. I also find sucking up repulsive. Fe is also disconnecting with people as much as it is connecting. Fe lets others know how you feel, which helps to make certain people piss off. XD