N's! How developed are your senses?

Saru Inc

Schrödinger's Pussy
Hi. It's me, your thread host. I'd like to welcome you to my humble abode. Please do not mind the odor escaping from the carpet, and please, guard your nostrils, for they are the gate to your lungs. And no one likes mesothelioma.

Now now, come! Don't mind that staircase, it doesn't even lead anywhere, only to what you've already seen. Enter in through the doorway, watch your head! Oh lord, I truly must wallpaper this wall soon, just look, it's skin is peeling away, like my good old horny lizard Norman. Oh... oh Norman, how your skin would shine in the light of the morning. Oh... Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, it's a lizard thing. Now, take a seat, choose carefully, I think there may or may not be a rusty nail stuck in one. Oh! haha, I do see our first guest has indeed poked himself, just look at the sight of it. The blood oxidizing and fleeing from it's human prison, wow. That's truly fascinating.

Sorry, I'm rambling again. Dinner time! I want every poster here to lift off their lids of their entrees, and see their dinner! Just look at the scrumptious commas, ovulating pleasure with every breath they take! Or perhaps, the alphabet soup? The creamy red of lost poet's blood fuels this literary powow. Just... watch out for the order you swallow the letters, or they may just spell certain death for the unlucky one. Not a soup or live calamari fan? Perhaps just a little snack of sentence fragments, just dip them into the warm, curry based sauce of culture, and welcome into your body the knowledge my table has to offer.

Well, what are you waiting for? Dig in!

Ok, so that might seem a tad off-topic, but I'm hoping it illicited some sort of reaction to the one I was looking for.

So, intuits, how in tune are you with your five senses? A lot? not at all? Do you wish you were more in tuned? Less in tuned?

And Sensors! How developed are your 5 senses? When you walk out of the house into the rain can you feel every drop on your skin, soaking into your flesh, and borrowing through the epidermis, shriveling up all left skin? When the wind is blowing fiercely, can you feel every single hair on skin being pulled by mother nature, like a piece of gum in your hair?

I guess what I'm aiming for in this topic, just in case it is discombobulated beyond chance of recognition... Is... eh... it's hard to verbalize.


Is this how life seems for you? Does that make sense? I'm not too good at verbalizing my thoughts. For example, maybe my "anecdote" may explain what I'm kind of aiming for as a response.


Many times, I wish I could experience my senses more than I do. Since we live in a very extraverted, and sensate oriented culture, I've learned it's the norm to be very sensate oriented. Obviously. I long to, for example, take a long walk in the beach, and feel the sand inbetween my toes, stand on top a roof top, and feel the rain, walk down a brisk woody trail in the winter, as the air fills my nostrils and makes me live. Taste a ... carrot cake slice (omg they had those at work today....) and essentially bask in it. But alas, I cannot. Food is just food, some tastes better than others, and I can be a picky eater, but I don't get people who pay $50 more for the same thing. EXCEPT: Name brand sodas. Walmart's dr thunder just does not cut it. at all. Anyways, the wind is just the wind, the rain, is the rain. Of course I can imagine what it feels like almost easily, but I can't... like... Actually feel it. And since I kind of really want to, it drives me... bonkers!! :m179::m179::m179::m179::m179:

Do YOU (be it N or S) experience experiences akin to Evey's roof top experience, become alive in your sensations, or are they rather dull? I don't know why it's so hard to describe what I want to say.... lol.

Again, you may now post!
I think I get what you mean here, if not I can try again haha...

It depends on the sensation and the moment for me. But I absolutely can experience something as intensely as that, even if it might be something small to someone else, and I try to as often as I can.

I feel that way when it is a crisp but perfectly sunny and clear fall day and the wind blows a flurry of dried leaves around me as I am walking. I want to throw my arms up and spin around in them and just breathe in the experience.

I don't get that way over food or smells. But I absolutely do with sounds and with sights. Touches...not so much although once I did. But that was the acid more than it was me at the time. :P I'll just say, a sprinkler has never been so much fun. OMG.
Initially, and at the onset, if it's something I haven't seen or felt or experienced in a long, long time I can revel in it for a little while. But once I recognize that it's *there* and it's not going anywhere the magic is gone and I take it for granted. :(

For example, right now I'm living in a pretty land locked concrete jungle with mostly ugly in all four directions (save a few man-made plantings and landscapes). I absolutely long to be near a beach, or a forest, or a mountain range to take in its beauty and freshness. But I have a feeling that once I got "used" to those things I'd forget they were there.

The trick is not to get used to it, I s'pose. That's what vacations are for. :D
As much as I respect my 'S' counterparts, I am more than happy with my 'N'.
I wouldn't change it for a second. My 'N' gives me the confidence to stick my head of the box and get some fresh air. Its my key for unlocking the door to the realm of free thinking.

I can sense and use my censors however the way how I use them is different. For an example if I were walking along the beach, I would feel the texture of the sand between my toes, hear the noise of the ocean crashing amongst the rocks and the nearby seagulls scraping it out in the distance over some poor deceased fish, I would taste the salt from the sea spray, I would see the glimmer of the sea reflecting off the sun and smell the smell of local wildlife (seals smell really bad... :m041:) and sea salt.

I mentally record what I feel, hear, taste, see and taste. So if anyone asked me to picture a beach I would create one using what I recorded down. I use my censors through my intuition.
I would say that I am visually orientated and use my hearing quite a bit. Sometimes the sheer beauty of a tree or a skyline or the rain just takes my breath away. I hear very well and am usually like "whats that noise" and really hear timbre of voices. I think those senses are fine tuned because those senses are used by Ni quite a bit to decipher additional meaning from individuals. Taste, touch and smell aren't quite so focused for me. I really don't get the whole immersed in sensation thing though. I prefer N as well.
My senses are extremely tied to not actual feeling something, but more to the memories and they associate me to people, things, previous times. The real sensation comes to me only from time to time when I'm really relaxed.

I don't really have a good feeling how I occupy the space around me which results in lots of bruises and cuts, but oddly enough I have a very good judgement when it comes to things, that's why I'm able to drive much better than I'm walking around, because I'm not really thinking about myself in the space around me, but rather an object. It's strange and I noticed it the first time as kid when I was driving those small electrical cars, I was great at it.
Visually - Exceptional. It's how I learn. I remember visual stimuli very well. I've done a lot of photography... I see things differently and I'm convinced I see more than most people, perhaps just because that's how I experience the world. Any time I go on a hike with people I just notice things no one else does - a butterfly fresh out of its chrysalis, fascinating fungi, a deer in the distance. Haha, on my most recent hike I was heading up the rear and EVERYONE in front of me stepped over a juvenile copperhead without noticing. It was lying smack dab in the middle of the trail and everyone is fortunate they didn't step on it - we were many miles from any help. The 30/20 vision probably doesn't hurt :)

Audiologically - My hearing itself is excellent. My LISTENING is terrible. I seldom retain information obtained through my ears.

Kinesthetic/Touch - I dunno. It's probably dulled a bit. I did gymnastics for years and it really brought my pain tolerance to a high point, which perhaps dulls my sensitivity (I've been bleeding down my leg before and been unaware of it... someone had to point it out lol). My response to touch can be electrifying though. It's weird... I don't tend to show physical affection much, and I'm not dating anyone right now, but I have always needed physical touch. I remember in college I hadn't touched another human being in so very long... no hugs or anything. As one of my professors was responding to a point I'd made he said something to the effect of "Good point, [insert response]" and put his hand on my shoulder and for that brief moment a warmth shot through my body emanating from my shoulder. It was crazy.

Taste and Smell - These are closely tied, so I'll just lump them together. My nose is HORRIBLE. In my teen years I sensed my sense of smell degrading. I don't know what happened, if some kind of sinus infection ruined my olfactory nerves or what, but I can't smell a bloody thing. People will complain about some stench and it's crazy if I even get a single whiff of it. My mom can smell "outside" on me from like 15 feet away (I'm not talking about stinking. I'm talking about walking outside, walking back in, and her smelling me)

I'm usually living in my head, so I waver between being hyper-focused and completely inattentive. Sometimes I'll hit a door frame with my shoulder or something because I'm pondering and not paying close attention.
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Very naise. We need some Sensates to post, all three of them on my board. XD

Whats with the absence of sensates on internet forums.... Nvm I know why.
I am definitely more auditory than anything.
I have an ok sense of sight (I need glasses sometimes) but I have terrible depth perception.
I have a VERY strong sense of smell, like I smell things 2 minutes before other people.

errr idk about touch and taste...I would say they about average
I'm a sensor, and I just pay attention to the world around me and I'm generally attentive to what's happening (except maybe in a history class). But doesn't mean I never daydream.
Example, when daydreaming on a motorcycle (even if that's VERY rare) and thinking about tortelinis, I still heard, saw, ect. everything. I don't know if that's Se or that's just normal tough lol
Ns! How developed are your senses?

I'm extremely visual. It's how I learn; it's why I make gardens. Auditory, terrible. I can hear but don't listen. I lost my sense of smell in the stroke but even before that, taste didn't do much for me, except for my first taste of cheesecake, which was heavenly. I've acquired a sense of taste, unfortunately, with the use of Depakote and have learned to enjoy food, much to my dismay because I tend to do what I love and now I love to eat.
I'm pretty sure I'm HSP so I experience everything very highly. I almost blacked out when a truck honked it's horn next to me and bright lights make me feel really dizzy and sick. I can also wiggle my ears.
I have a really good sense of smell. My eyesight is average, and I'd guess my sense of taste is average too. I'm a little sensitive to touch, and I have average hearing.
Sight - I wear corrective accessories, so there's that, but my intuition makes up for my lack of visual power very often. I can find a small object in pitch black because I'm used to poking around with my mind first.

Hearing - Like the long-winded guy said, my hearing is excellent, my listening terrible. I had to be tested for deafness when I was 6 because everyone (teachers and parents) though I was unable to hear them, but they quickly learned I lacked the ability to "tune out" the world. This is terrible when I'm just letting it go, because even the person I'm talking to just becomes another series of sounds in the background. But if I focus it, I've learned I can eavesdrop on multiple conversations at once, sometimes even from as far as 30-40 feet away, and not miss a syllable.

Taste/Smell - I, too, have terrible olfactory sense. I used to work regularly with a sterilizing acid that, when exposed to thin air, immediately fills open areas with a gut-wrenching scent that can be smelled in the hundreds of yards away. I've seen coworkers vomit from a slight whiff of it. I...can't smell it. At least not as strong. I can pick up on the presence of the undesirable scent, but it won't overwhelm me. "Good" scents, however, are moderately present, almost like I'm hardwired to tune out the bad. Taste, of course, is similarly bland. I mean, obviously, there's good and bad, but I've never thought to myself "Man, that sensation is better than sex!" Similarly, I can eat things that taste bad to me because it's really not that different from neutral. I did not have this talent as a child, though, so something changed over time to make me more tolerant.

Touch - My touch is awesome. AWESOME. But I think it's also aided by my intuition. I don't really...feel sensations. You can punch me as hard as you can and it'd hurt for only a few seconds. If I tire myself out, I bounce back within two minutes, fresh and energetic. Aching body parts are a mild nuisance. However, my kinesthetic skills are off the charts. When working for a catering company, I'd pull off all kinds of things that left others gaping in mixed horror and wonder, such as dual-wielding carts brimming with glasses and plates, swinging them around haphazardly while moving at breakneck speeds. Four years, never broke a thing. Nobody else moved faster than a crawl and they broke shit ALL the time. Even overweight as I am now, I often get compliments at my speed, balance, agility, and dexterity.
lol xD. If I type at 105WPM maybe I'm short-winded with fast fingers? :P I don't know why I got a kick out of that but I did.
So you're that bubbly "talkingamileaminute" person, but with typing? Oh man, those people are awesome.
I liked your SN, so I had to integrate it somehow.
I think my strongest senses are hearing and touch. I'm super sensitive to touch. As for audio, I can leave the TV on in the background and pick up on what's happening (TV show, news) while doing something else. But I'll turn it off if/when I REALLY need to focus, lol...
Being an intuitive-dominant type, I like to use my intuition all the time, but that doesn't mean I don't take the time to notice things around me, or to experience them. I'm just more interested in what everything I experience means.

For example, I went for a drive through the fall colors of nearby forests and marshes. What I found myself thinking about wasn't the trees themselves, or really the road that I was on, or necessarily which trees were which. I found myself wondering who might have lived on the abandoned road we were on; or how I might enjoy a picnic with my younger sisters next to a gothic looking tree that could have been special to someone at some time. I wondered if I had been on this road before? If my dad or brother would appreciate seeing all of the things I was seeing.

My extroverted sensing friend, however, would hardly have the patience for such slow, daydreamy sightseeing. He'd rather drive down the road and feel the wind in his hair and the rain whipping against his face. If he stopped at the marsh, he'd probably throw stones or stick his hands deep in the mud to gain the full experience. Me? I'm content to dream of doing those things, but I don't need to actually indulge myself in them. When I do indulge myself, it's almost too much, because I'm not used to it. I tend to be very sensitive to sights, sounds, and sensations, and get easily overwhelmed by them compared to most. I'm kind of like a slow sensor.

I like to take things in and analyze them for quite some time, instead of just enjoying sensations in the moment. Usually I ask myself what the sensory experience means to me. I don't think intuitives are numb to sensation, since we all have nerves and equal sensory capacity. They just don't tend to place great importance in the sensation itself, or having as many experiences as possible, and more on the imagination, or what the sensation implies. Cognitive functions are about the brain and how it processes information, not the body.
Visual : pretty good, probably one of the most used one, and definitely cherished at times, albeit I'd learned how to subdue things too. I like looking at..beautiful things. Flowers, clouds, skies, walking people, hot men.... xD In a certain way, I am training myself to be more detailed; what am I seeing, and measuring it. It's a bit related to my chosen path (art). Focusing on it, I can work on the smallest things and analyzing things very quick (but not good to read between the lines; I need to be one state lower, methinks)
Aural : good, second best probably. But definitely the most interpretive of my senses. The hardest to subdue, for I HEAR things and very hard to stop hearing them and/or analyzing them. Thus when I need to focus, THIS has to be stopped. :| I dunno about seduction, tho; never got one to give it. *glances*
Taste : quite good, but not really good. I have a good enough palate to separate tastes and distinguish hints of spices, but not much to gauge how delicious something is/are. So it's "hmm, I see a hint of cinnamon here." but as far as deliciousness goes, "Hmm, this tastes good.". And I am BAD at knowing the freshness of things. I have to rely on my seeing.
Smell : my weakness. In terms of, I am highly sensitive in smell, it seems during these years I'm training myself to subdue it as much as I could. Now, I'm pretty numb with it. I need to be pretty close to something to smell it. Not strong.
Touch : practically the weakest. :| pretty sensitive and thus, small pain made me really aware. Is that bad, or is that a good thing? ^^;;;
Being an intuitive-dominant type, I like to use my intuition all the time, but that doesn't mean I don't take the time to notice things around me, or to experience them. I'm just more interested in what everything I experience means.
This. All things related, I don't have a highly sensitive senses, but I did have a desire to interpret it as much as I could. I'm training on the former, though.
Well, my sight is screwed, but that's nothing new.
my hearing is actually pretty good, but that whole, blind people can hear better thing is just a stupid myth. we can just compensate for what we have less of with what's still working.

Sighted people could do the same if they didn't trust their sight for anything and everything. I often don't understand how sighted people can not use their hearing as much as I do. I know when the train is coming before they do, and get annoyed when they think they're doing me a favour by telling me it's coming, i'm like 'duh I know'...

Hearing and touch can work perfectly in place of sight.