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  • Heh, Lewis? Oh, I might be a little familiar with him, I've only read half his books, two biographies and wiki-stalked him. There's also the little matter of him being from my city, practically the same street, and me being quite a keen writer. I do look up to him, not regarding the dogmatic preaching he spouted.

    Oh, and sorry to burst your bubble, but there is very very little chance of old Jack Lewis being an INTJ, or even an NT. I don't know where you got that information from or what gave you that impression, but you really should disregard it.:P

    Well I'm glad to hear you enjoy it here.
    See now, an INTJ would have been defensive and dismissive over such claims, you were very polite about it.:P
    Faith hrm? Yet another oddity for an INTJ...

    Really though, you're much sweeter and more people focused than any INTJ I've ever known.
    So come now, who told you you were an INTJ?

    I honestly don't get the usual, superiority complex, will to dominate, deep thinking vibe from you.

    You seem a lot like an ENFP/ENTP... Overuse of smilies, cute monkey signature, little in the way of backing up sweeping statements, somewhat hyper and cheerful, very open.

    Oh, and I've never met a Thinker who would say 'Thinking is sexy!', or used their type in the same way some people use club badges.

    So just curious, you seem like a wonderful person, but so very unlike your 'type'...
    All that God nonsense. Not that I'm saying it's nonsense to you because I find it fascinating that you have such faith, rather it's nonsense to me. Did you know that INTJs as a whole are more likely to not believe in a higher power in comparison to the other MBTI types but we rank third in the use of spiritual/philosophical outlets as a coping mechanism/resource?
    i handle personal criticism just fine. it has to do with self-esteem, not type. INTJs are romantics just as INFJs are "cold." Despite myself and everyone else, I hope you reach the result that is best for you.
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