My Brains Are Made Of Space


Community Member
And I Don't Like It!

Am I the only person who forgets their words in the middle of sentences? Who misplaces things? Who forgets assignments? Who wanders around with a bemused look on their face?

And what is it about the INFJ(p?)ness of me that DOES this?

....and what personality type should I marry so that I don't accidentally misplace my CHILDREN??
I can be 10 times more aware of things then most, or 10 times less aware of things then most. Depends on my mood. People tend to think I am really spacy, and often see it in my body language. Really what they are doing is just seeing me think about things, and when I do I shut out the world. I think being spacy is a product of Ni. I actually very rarely lose things. However, I will put something down and not remember that I did, and will have to look for it for several minutes.
I can be 10 times more aware of things then most, or 10 times less aware of things then most.
N/S. (perceiving functions, reflecting the world)

Me too. It's not the same with T/F (judging functions, reflecting people)

Unlike us, the T/F people are less fluctuating in their N/S tendencies (middle functions for them), and more extreme in the T-F poles. At least that's my theory.
....and what personality type should I marry so that I don't accidentally misplace my CHILDREN??
I'm also very eager to know what personality type should I marry, and for now it seems there isn't such good matching theory, that is confirmed by reality.

My most recent thoughts on the issue are that, after all, there isn't much good evidence that any of us is naturally designed to match perfectly anyone else. Maybe, ideally, we shouldn't marry anyone, we'll see what future research will tell us about that. And by that, I just mean maybe all matches are inevitably flawed, coming close to perfection is impossible, unless within partial misunderstanding, and we are bound to follow this imperfection in order to create new variety of life. (:
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And I Don't Like It!

Am I the only person who forgets their words in the middle of sentences? Who misplaces things? Who forgets assignments? Who wanders around with a bemused look on their face?

And what is it about the INFJ(p?)ness of me that DOES this?

....and what personality type should I marry so that I don't accidentally misplace my CHILDREN??
LOL. Your kids. -- I'm sure you can somehow train them to find you. Else you can carry a megaphone around. Like so.


Welcome fellow absent mindee.
The superior/inferior functions are not things I understand. Except that my results are not quite normal.

FiNi Ne Ti Fe Si SeTe (the ones without spaces are the same....on this particular list.)

I am also thinking that I will probably not get married - I have dreams too large to give up! Oscar Wilde's problems started when he started giving up his art for Lord Alfred Douglas.
....and what personality type should I marry so that I don't accidentally misplace my CHILDREN??



Or not. :m190:
There are two ways that we do anything. One is a task is cognitive. When we are doing a cognitive task our brains can only do one thing at a time. This happens when some people are speaking. Speaking in and of it self can be a cognitive task. This happens to me. When I am talking I have trouble getting the write words because the act of talking can be cognitive for me. So I am finding, that I need to write notes of key words in order to remember and help me access what I want to say.

Some tasks are associative, this means that people can do many things at once: driving, talking.... I can drive and talk (thank heavens) if I am comfortable with the person talking about something that I am familiar with.

If I am talking about something that I am still learning. The simple act of speaking about it becomes a cognitive function. I write things down..

I learned this at school and it is very useful information for me.
I forget things and misplace them and forget what I was saying in the middle of sentences. It's often because I get stuck at the start of a conversation for example, and then let the other person speak on while I'm still thinking of what started the conversation. Of course I can focus and 'be there' but I like to test it. I think I can hold at least 3 conversations/thought lines in my head at once. For example: watching a movie, talking about the movie with a friend and thinking out ways the movie will end. I mean it's all there in your head all the time; you just gotta find ways to access it.

Or not. :m190:

They sound TERRIFYING. PLEASE don't make me! aaaaaaaah!! (the relationship description involves words like "enthusiastic" and "diligent" and "robust" and "aggressive"....I am words like "chill" and "meh" and "can we please just sit here and companionably be silent?" and "considerate" and "warm"....) ALSO, interesting me note that probably isn't really interesting to anyone else: I sound a LOT like an INFP most of the time. However, I make lists of things to do, write lots of outlines and plan things ahead of time, and feel pretty independant about my relationships (current stance on boys: "dear heavens. another thing to take up my time? PLEASE. go AWAY").

I like the cognitive/associative thing I've noticed is that when I'm more awake more things are associative. I've been pulling all-nighters recently (bleh. six in the past two weeks. tonight is another.) and they turn EVERYTHING into a cognitive process. Especially when I'm doing something complex like darkroom photography...and especially especially after I've been sleeping every other night for a really long time.

Maybe if I slept more I would be less spacey?
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Your post made me laugh. I like that. Yep, that's me too. I often wonder what I would be like as a parent... very nurturing for sure, but also forgetful and chaotic.

"You will eat your oatmeal."
"But I don't like oatmeal."
"But you liked it two weeks ago, and I bought a month's worth when I remembered."
"But I've eaten it to much and don't like it anymore."
"Well, I'm sorry sweetie - it's either oatmeal or the month's worth of hotdogs I bought for your lunch, take your pick." LOL.
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I can be 10 times more aware of things then most, or 10 times less aware of things then most. Depends on my mood. People tend to think I am really spacy, and often see it in my body language. Really what they are doing is just seeing me think about things, and when I do I shut out the world. I think being spacy is a product of Ni. I actually very rarely lose things. However, I will put something down and not remember that I did, and will have to look for it for several minutes.

I do this constantly, I am lost in my head so much.
Yeah, I've got that thing where I notice the things that don't need to be noticed and space on the things that do .__.

But, Si is the last function in the entire INFJ order, so I just blame it on that :D



Or not. :m190:

FALSE. My ENTJ sister can be just as bad as I am, if not worse in some areas (like remembering to run errands).
I swear every INTJ I've ever known does not have this problem. They all seem to be lying anytime they forget something.
I swear every INTJ I've ever known does not have this problem. They all seem to be lying anytime they forget something.
I believe them!!
I swear every INTJ I've ever known does not have this problem. They all seem to be lying anytime they forget something.

eheheh I have tested as INTJ in the F is usually really low (22%-ish). My VERY INTJ boss does occasionally space on things, though. "Oh, you spaced on that assignment? Well I spaced on telling you not to do it, so it works out."

I am trying so hard to write this paper! I just can't focus. CAN. NOT. FOCUS. I can't wait until the art building opens and I am away from all the freaking extroverts right here. Seriously? Four within 20 feet. bleh.
The superior/inferior functions are not things I understand. Except that my results are not quite normal.

FiNi Ne Ti Fe Si SeTe (the ones without spaces are the same....on this particular list.)

I am also thinking that I will probably not get married - I have dreams too large to give up! Oscar Wilde's problems started when he started giving up his art for Lord Alfred Douglas.

Hey, those are almost my test results :becky:

I'm very spacy too somethimes. In the middle of a sentence I forget what I was talking about

I think I do it mostly when I'm talking about feelings or something I felt. Than I need to keep the connection inside with the feeling itselve to be able to talk about it. And that connection is hard to make when I'm speaking, I have to tune in and out at the same time. So I think it has something to do with Fi, but I can be wrong. At work I make a swith in my head and than I can talk and think very fast at the same time, but than the subject is always facts and theories. I can't think facts when I'm in the Fi zone so to speak. Just a minute ago, I was discussing this weeks experiments while i'm in Fi zone. The whole conversation has big holes that I don't remember, I don't know what was said two sentences ago. Really ennoying for the other person. I also tend to say something else than I was planning to say. Like I want to say "what cell concentration do I need" and I say "what virus concentration do I need". And everyone stare at me like "what?" and I don't even noticed that I said something totaly wrong
Could it be because everything external is at the end except for Ne, which is kind of a spacey thing anyways? Because I am spacey about EVERYTHING. Not just feelings. Although when I get tired enough (like...eight hours of sleep over three days kind of tired...) something comes out and takes over (Ti? Te? what would that be?) and as long as I keep moving I can stay intensely focussed.

I should get my similarly spacey INFJ friend to take one of those, and see what happens.
Could it be because everything external is at the end except for Ne, which is kind of a spacey thing anyways? Because I am spacey about EVERYTHING. Not just feelings. Although when I get tired enough (like...eight hours of sleep over three days kind of tired...) something comes out and takes over (Ti? Te? what would that be?) and as long as I keep moving I can stay intensely focussed.

I should get my similarly spacey INFJ friend to take one of those, and see what happens.

I have that too. I always switch between those two: I'm spacey and not focussed, or I'm superfocussed and get the job done in 10 times less time as usual. I also thing that would be T, Te maybe? It is turned outwards?

about the reason for the spaceyness, I don't know. Maybe the combination of NiFi?
I think I go through little phases of this, too....usually they are more like blips. I tend to be ever-wrapped-up in the big picture of things...sometimes the details just drop off a bit.

Generally it's cause for a good spite of all my cosmic musings and connection to the great questions of our age.....I am still an complete idiot!!! Seems somehow appropriate.
I think right now I am mostly just brain-dead, it being finals week and all. I have zero concentration at all.

I am not quite sure how all the TeTiNeNi things interact just yet...but I do know that my Te is usually really really low, and my Ti comes right after FiNiNe...
I was in the darkroom one day when I had to print three liquid light emulsions in one hour. The process is really involved - heat the liquid light, test it, coat three papers, wait for them to dry, expose, develop, fix, dry, admire - and it takes a lot of precision to do everything right. I did them all three in under an hour, on 8 hours of sleep over the three previous days...I usually call this "optimization" which makes me think it's a Ti kind of thing, because I do it a lot.