I actually do. I have reason to believe that there is something wrong (although that is a negitive word) with my brain. I have been on a handful of drugs in the past, so I have alot to compare to. When I am listening to music, and I am truly focusing on it, I will have waves, or pauses where I feel a "high" flood through me, and it is extremely anagalous to the physical feelings accompanied by pot (for me at least), and magic mushrooms. These feelings themselves are not fully physical, and not fully emotional. The bridge between the two exactly, and become something else entirely that can not be explicitly explained (unfortonately). It is one of those things you have to feel for yourself to understand.
This all started with me over this summer. Before, these "upheavals" as I call them, were not triggered by music, but now they can be, and in a way I can sometimes will them. I have to be in the right mindset, mood, and location, for it to happen. Music has always had a grip on me. As far back as I can remember, I tried extremely hard to relate, understand, pick apart, and most importantly, feel the music that I like and listen to. I have broken down the elements of music that I align with, and why, but that is a very long discussion in itself. Now, music is able to truly grip me, and hold me down if I allow it to. This is not a bad thing though. I will sometimes want to enter these altered states, if you can call them that, to further understand my mind and current condition in the world. It is overloading though. These waves or pulses caused by music can be powerful enough to force me to move, or make an audible noise. The entire time I feel the presence of this building up in me, I can in effect predict the over all feelings I will get, but not when I will actually get a pulse. There is definitely a mental and cerebral part to this as well that augments all of this musical stuff, and can effect how it works.
I do think it the intensity associated with music is an INFJ thing. Music has such a powerful effect on the mind (some more then others), and as INFJ's intrinsicly want to understand themselves, and explain it. Music allows them to do this. One can feel the music and associate with it, thus using it to explain how they feel, or think. It can also be used as a springboard for insight, or many other things as well. There is so much too this, and I could go on for ever on this subject.
Music is exceedingly important to me, and has one of the most powerful effects over me then anything else I know.