Music and INFJ's

I'm always listening to music. At work I always have headphones on. People are always amazed that I'm still listening to their conversations while the music is playing. But that is part of the appeal for me. :)

I can't imagine not having music.
I definitely understand what you guys mean, especially about wanting to compose, play instruments, or learn to dance. I havn't learned any of these, and I really want to, and the fact that I havn't even though I have an overabundance of free time really disturbs me.

in some ways, I think you build relationships with songs analogous to people. theres some songs that are "ugly on the outsside", the first time you hear them you don't really like them, but once you get to know them they become a part of you and you begin to love them. the stuff on the radio is usually the opposite, it has no depth but its surface appeal is what reels people in.

lately when I've been listening to music, its like putting myself into a trance. its like the electric signals in my body dance and flow in resonance with the music, it becomes me and I become it. it really has been both my escape and savior from the world lately. I feel like I'm not a complete person until I can respond to the music, until I can communicate back. I desperately want to learn how to dance. I think it would be a catharsis unlike any other, where I can lose myself and my body can become one with the patterns of the song. I imagine it wouldn't be so much like a response to the music actually, it would feel almost like the music is coming from me. like the song would be a recipe that I would follow, a key that could help me unlock and release the deepest feelings of my being and present them to the entire world around me.

sorry to go off on such a rant, but this is something I've been thinking a lot about lately :P
lately when I've been listening to music, its like putting myself into a trance. its like the electric signals in my body dance and flow in resonance with the music, it becomes me and I become it. it really has been both my escape and savior from the world lately. I feel like I'm not a complete person until I can respond to the music, until I can communicate back. I desperately want to learn how to dance. I think it would be a catharsis unlike any other, where I can lose myself and my body can become one with the patterns of the song. I imagine it wouldn't be so much like a response to the music actually, it would feel almost like the music is coming from me. like the song would be a recipe that I would follow, a key that could help me unlock and release the deepest feelings of my being and present them to the entire world around me.

sorry to go off on such a rant, but this is something I've been thinking a lot about lately :P

I dance better when I feel one with the music.. yeah it's not a response.. it's from within me.. my body is expressing the music.. I feel the beats and rhythms in me and my body translates it. I feel my heart beating and I feel the waves coming out from my body when I dance

omg cool!!! I think you should try dancing!!!!! :) :) :) really!!!! GO GO GO :) :) if you feel that then maybe your body won't be dancing.. your soul will and it uses the body to express :) :) go and dance!!!!!!!!! :)
For some odd reason, whenever I listen to a piece of music that I feel the creator is trying to convey something, I see images playing into a story of some sort in my head, especially when I'm driving, which is usually when i'm intensely focused.

I also feel strong emotions, and if I'm particularly observant that day, I can tell my face probably looks really intense too. Ha. I try not to do that, because I think it freaks other people who are driving out - like what in the world just happened to her?

Hi there.
So I am new to this forum, and forums in general i think. I find myself enjoying certain music while visualizing these scenarios...what exactly, ill keep to myself for now. I dont know if anyone here has heard of the band Sigur Ros from Iceland, but they tickle my fancy.
I'm a musician so I live for music. As for lacking skills, you can always learn how to play.. there's really nothing quite like it. And it's pretty easy to get the hang of it. imo..

Then you can pick up a guitar and sing songs with your friends.
mpf22 said:
Hi there.
So I am new to this forum, and forums in general i think. I find myself enjoying certain music while visualizing these scenarios...what exactly, ill keep to myself for now. I dont know if anyone here has heard of the band Sigur Ros from Iceland, but they tickle my fancy.

omg, i thought i was the only one. cool.
I love music. Different songs for different moods. I love listening to the melody and to the lyrics. I love songs who have meaningful lyrics. I love singing while taking a shower, while walking, while in the bus or tram, while studying, while eating, while ... anytime. Music, music ... It is not only music, I love arts - drawing, poems, novels, sculptures.
I'm not an INFJ but I can relate. I listen to music all the time, and when I'm not listening to it I'm hearing it in my mind anyway. Some music is extremely powerful and can bring me to tears, or to the highest echelons of euphoria. It think it has something to do with the fact that the mind likes patterns, and music is basically a carefully constructed symphony of complex patterns. We can predict, to some extent, the next wave of patterns, and that probably satisfies us on some deep, primitive level.

lately when I've been listening to music, its like putting myself into a trance. its like the electric signals in my body dance and flow in resonance with the music, it becomes me and I become it.

Nicely said.
No surprise here. Listening to music can raise levels of certain neurotransmitter and neurohormones so no surprise here. Listening to loud, energetic music initially raises stress levels which causes a reciprocal relaxation response. So rock on.